I am a huge fan of this show but I still dont know what the fucking point of it is and/or what Louie's goals are. Maybe ambiguity IS the point and his creative license and lack of need for continuity just enhances that to frustrating levels. I do like the dick jokes tho.
What are Louie's end goals? Why should I continue watching this bumbling, pompous douche?
Other urls found in this thread:
He said the show is autobiographical
No end goal
>what Louie's goals are
To have his daughters bred by big black cocks
I've only seen three episodes, isn't raising his children what his goal is? Are you sure you're a huge fan and not a huge fag?
interesting. Is 'Louie' just a metaphor for life in Sweden?
Hahaha! Nice job! You did the meme!
The show obviously treats itself like a set of short movies, not like a serial drama. Each part has its own goal and theme. You can argue the show sucks, but take the episodes one at a time.
This show used to be so good.
It was a witty, hilarious, sometimes surreal, but most importantly an offbeat look at life. Louie bumbled through social situations all the while raising his daughters and all the humor that came with it while also occasionally delving into some pretty real scenarios (his sister thinking her baby was dying and Louie having to talk to his neighbors, his mom coming out as a lesbian etc.).
But now, especially with the new Pamela shit Louie has devolved into just a boring pretentious shit fest. Every fucking time Pamela and Louie are on screen together it goes like this: The two joke around a bit, Louie says something somewhat heartfelt about Pamela, she reacts in an obnoxiously childish high school girl type way, Louie puts on the same fucking pouty face and acts like she just took a shit on his soul, she tells him to lighten up and then rinse repeat at least three more times.
The show used to be a fat boring fuckwit going through life encountering situations that the show always found a way to insert its awkward and offbeat humor into. Now its just a fat boring fuckwit whining for 23 minutes while his caricature of a love interest shrieks next to him.
And before the white knights jump all over me, i am NOT saying Pamela is what made the show shit.
The whole first arc with Pamela was absolute gold, and the airport scene with the "wave to me!"
"Wait for you?"
That was hilarious. Back then Pamela's aversion to feelings for Louie made sense because of the situation with her kid, but now its literally for no other reason then for her to just chastise Louie every single time he expresses any kind of feeling.
I consider the show to be a meta discussion where a man poses to be a cucked feminist that will only defer to a woman when confronted by her. The show is intended to be a slice of life comedy but in reality is a commentary on the misery caused by feminism. He constantly laments how women don't respect him and how he's not satisfied with his life and could instantly change all of it by simply being a man.