Matthew McConaughey is making a new movie about how slavery was bad

Matthew McConaughey is making a new movie about how slavery was bad.

What an innovative and ground-breaking, refreshing new premise! Have you ever seen anything like it before? Some studio must be really brave making a feature like this.

Starring the entire black acting community. It'll be The Butler all over again.

Matthew McConaughey is making a movie with humans in it. We get it, humans are things you put in front of the camera, we don't have to see it again. Hack.

I know that he will get an Oscar for this, right? You should think twice before talking shit about that great movie.


>mfw they cast no white actors as slaves

c'mon Hollywood, stop being colorblind

The weird thing is, it wasn't even bad. It was good economically and it kept down the crime rate.

List of bad things that ever happened to anyone in the entire history of the world:

1: The Holocaust
2: Slavery. Slavery of black people in the Confederacy, that is, because that's the only place anyone was ever enslaved.

>he did it for poossay

Well, that's good enough reason for me. Also, a poorfag fighting for richfags trying to keep their black poorfags subservient is really stupid. Blacks and poor whites had more in common in the South than /southshallriseagain/ would care to admit.

>it was good economically

>literally used as a crutch to justify not industrializing
>literally thinking you can grow an economy through N and not K + Y
