Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that

Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that

Season 2 > Season 1 ?

Absolutely not.

S1 > S2

S2 was rushed after the unexpected success of S1. Plus S1 is great due to the cast, nothing more.

Top tier trolling ;-)

Honestly, the only real flaw with S2 was the writing, which was pretty horrendous.

The acting was top-notch, the direction was stylish, the music was good (I actually just bought the soundtrack), and the finale was probably the best single episode of either season. If the Pizzaman had been given more time to put together a coherent plot, it easily could have excelled past the first season.

Also, pretty great memes.

Literally nobody thinks this

RIP in peace true deteteive

I hate this fucking place.

It was so confuseing haha I just like to kick back with a gay ass Rust beer and like listen to his philosophy and feel some lovecraftian cosmic horror, man

>Now that the dusty mesa has settled