BvS is mature capeshit for grownups!
BvS is mature capeshit for grownups!
inb4 samefag >
BvS should deny what it is and just accept the cold hard truth.
Wonder how the Civil War cereal tasted
Yeah, the movie is.
Those are cereal boxes. Cereal is for everyone.
Wow even DC's cereal is more aesthetically pleasant?
Mel Gibson is a gifted actor who should be given a second chance!
I'm about to eat a bowl of both
what should I expect?
Tasty milk when you're done.
I prefer Superman's but theyre both pretty good. The strawberry taste in Batman's is a little sharp. Superman's has a graham cracker vibe which is nice.
its over
Cereal is for kids and Americans. Grownups who are conscious of what they put into their body eat muesli or oats.
>eating cereal
is it me or does the way the milk is placed on those boxes make it look like Batman and Superman are cumming into the cereal?
no one buys that shit, it's just another failure associated with this series
lol omg!
diarrhea and indigestion
Stick with Civil War cereal kid
>Civil War
Everyone forgets X-Men: Apocalypse
it's pure kino
Where BvS cereal is iconic, confident in shape and flavor, Marvel just offers more of the same, derivative, easily forgettable.
why dont you have a side of calcified pineal gland you shit eating proletariat
>Sup Forums actually believes these pictures
Fucking idiots
Absolute madman
t. plebe scum
uh, what
you know these are real things that exist?
>Sup Forums actually believes someone on Sup Forums is eating them right now and posting pictures of them
Fucking idiots
Hey guys, question about the capeshit wars. So it seems like the argument that you're making here is that Marvel films are better because the admit their films are stupid garbage and therefore Marvel fans have superior taste, is that right? Wew lads. Capeshit fans are just worst.
what did he mean by this?
you haven't seen these cereals? go outside
indeed m'lady
What? No, it's because they hold no false pretenses
Wash your eyes kid
haven't seen CW?
Do you know what that term even means?
nice try
which one is better?
why are Oh's the best cereal made?
There were Robocop kids toys.
>which one is better?
How is this one anyway?