>Batman v Superman have been out for more than 2 months-there have been numerous threads on Sup Forums discussing the movie running on a daily basis and it will continue to be discussed in the future years.
>Civil War - not even 1 month after the movie has been released and almost everyone completely forgot about the movie,havent seen any thread discussing the movie in a long time,its like the movie does not exist anymore.
Why is that?
Batman v Superman have been out for more than 2 months-there have been numerous threads on Sup Forums discussing the...
Other urls found in this thread:
Because one was hated and the other one was okay
The fans of the hated one are delusional faggots and started spamming threads in hopes of changing the image of BvS but as the days pass they're more and more cringeworthy in nature.
because we like talking about shit movies and BvS is one of them.
Because Civil War is forgettable and inconsequential except as a trailer for Black Panther and Spiderman.
>numerous threads on Sup Forums discussing the movie running on a daily basis
Yeaaaah. They are insulting it though.
Because hating BvS has become an obsessive compulsion for angry mongoloids.
>Plebbitors think RT screencap threads count as discussion
Because Civil War was lame
Just ten guys having a fight in a parking lot
No one dies
No one wins, no one loses
What was the point?
inb4 Snyder awakened the masses to think for themselves & question the movies
I think that Snyder awakened the masses to think for themselves & question the movies
its funny because it have Civil War in it's title and no one dies in the movie..
Where have u seen a fuckin war happening where no one dies..
There isn't even a 1% percent chance so don't talk like it is even certain
People die even in a 'Cold War'
well there's saying ''all publicity is a good publicity''
even if insulting was the case sometimes,its still a discussion.Still better than no one ever to discuss anything and completely forget the movie in the Civil war case
>manchildren genuienly think there's thematic weight and intelligent ideas in their mass-produced conveyer belt products marketed to little kids
>literally men in spandex hitting each other
Wait... Are you saying bvs was "hated" news to me. I thought it was fantastic
Yes, it was critically panned and didn't break 1bn
You're in the minority if you enjoyed it.
Because BvS is an intelligent piece of filmmaking, with lots of hidden religious symbolisms that Civil War does not have.
Is Civil War a great action flick? Yes it is, but it isn't Kino like BvS, which has far more to talk about.
I didn't know box office was indicative of a films quality or critics opinion for that matter...
>Obsessive mongoloid reeeing the same shit every day.
No, but they help measure the actual reception it got since your opinion on it (it's fantastic) is worthless to anyone with a brain.
>this thread again
I honestly don't know if these "capekino" idiots who praise BvS are being serious or trying to make DC fans look stupid
Because everyone on this board is a contrarian edgelord.
You see, everyone here hates super hero movies because they were so popular. So everyone here had to hate them all. But then a superhero movie came along that most people hated, so conversely, everyone here had to like it.
>user is still mad
>user's insecurity level is over 9000
>le u mad
Have nothing left
We won Marvelbros
There are plenty of DC fans who hated BvS. Theyre the stupid ones.
BvS is a really good movie about (spoilers): Batman and Superman
Keep telling yourself that, pretentious 15 year old
So the opinion of strangers holds more weight than the opinion of other strangers...
BvS is definitely the more interesting film.
Civil War was decent but totally forgettable. BvS is a lot like Only God Forgives and S2 of True Detective. Enthralling and wildly misunderstood.
No I seriously enjoyed and I'm in constant awe of the number of people who didn't. To each his own
>Where have u seen a fuckin war happening where no one dies..
Checkmate atheists
The opinion of more than one stranger holds more weight than yours alone, you can cry about it all you want like the special snowflake you so desperately want to be and it'd change nothing.
>>Batman v Superman have been out for more than 2 months-there have been numerous threads on Sup Forums discussing the movie
It helps when the is a DC shitposter constantly making DC threads on Sup Forums.
Nothing amazing about that. It just shows that Sup Forums DC fans are autistic and bitter over BvS being destroyed by Rotten Tomatoes, so they crank up the DC shit-posting machine.
Marvel fans are not insecure because Marvel movies are successful, so no need to make threads every 40 seconds like Sup Forums DC fans do.
I'm hoping Snyder doesn't make a JL a steaming piece of shit just like BvS just so I can see Sup Forums turn on him and start calling him a hack once normies like JL
So perfect for shitposting about? Then yeah.
CW was mediocre but falls in line with the other Marvel movies..it has good parts like Ant-man/Spider-man.
BvS was supposed to be THE DC movie to create a working DC universe franchise, and it was horrible
Then you're an idiot.
>It will continue to be discussed in the future years.
Yes, by total fucking retards who just wanted the movie to be better.
I don't have time to explain why it sucked. Feel free to refute the points in this video without using buzzwords, ad hominems or strawmen.
Literally this. The end.
Civil War has some problems (questionable character motivations and plot points, shit cinematography) but several strong and convincing performances that make it a fairly enjoyable, if not bland movie to watch. Most people are in general agreement on the film, only disagreeing about a couple of different aspects. Not much to talk about.
On the other hand Batman v Superman has been met with polarizing responses from viewers. Some people hail it as the best superhero film made, others the worst. Because the movie elicits such a wide array of responses from people there's simply more to discuss. Additionally, despite what anyone says about Snyder his films usually have a surprising amount of thematic allusions, parallels, and symbolism throughout. He TRIES to make smart movies and tries to sort of tell story through visual coding. This often means to get the most out of his movies you have to sort of really dig into them and discover all the stuff he buries in it. Unfortunately his vision and films often lacks focus, leaving them a bit muddled and harder to wade through which many just might not find worth the time.
The responses to Snyder's films remind me of some of the early responses to Carpenter. While Carpenter is in a league of his own above Snyder, I do think down the road there's going to be a similar reappraisal of his work.
Only God Forgives, S2 of True Detective and BvS are patrician tests. You failed.
S2 of true detective is garbage
Why do you do this idiotic shit?
>30 minute video, don't make a single point in the first 10 minutes, not watching the rest.
Feel free to summarize it and it will be easily refuted though.
>S2 of true detective is garbage
Found the pleb.
Also adding that none of that is to say that Batman v Superman doesn't have problems, definitely has its fair share of them.
>le namecalling game
Again, do you ever get tired of this childish shit?
>says s2 of True Detective is "garbage" without any explanation whatsoever.
>gets butthurt and cries about "namecalling".
>proceeds to call someone "childish"
You are a giant fucking retard
How does that invalidate my own opinion though?
>defends irredeemable garbage to appear cultured
Why are all DCucks this pathetic? Is it lack of taste? Is it stockholm syndrome with Snyder's tripe?
literally marvel and dc are both the same childish comic book trash for beta faggot manchildren YOU ALL LOSE
My dick is 30 inches long.
See, OP. Just saying stuff doesn't make it true.
It doesn't but the impression that the movie is mediocre/bad is more widely spread than your impression that it was fantastic. I won't argue for or against the validity of this opinion but you're literally in the minority if you say you liked it, this is an objective fact.
>didn't break 1bn
>I have decided this arbritrary amount is what all films must make in order to be successful and good
>Checkmate atheists
the fact that there was not one but two emu wars is actually the best proof that there's no god yet
How new?
You faggots were saying it'd get 90+ on RT and 1bn+ at the box office for MONTHS
and NOW when IT DOESN'T suddenly it's an arbitrary amount?
Try digging slower DCuck
Unbiased remember.
>implying god wasn't on the emu's side
He knows we're degenerates
>You faggots were saying
Hold up, I never said that you stupid fuck.
You are obviously a marvel drone, because you assume that everyone is a sheep like you and that if one person said it then everyone else must agree.
Salty Marvelets will claim it's because of DC apologists and that there's nothing left to discuss about CW because it already made a billion, so they don't have to defend it.
The truth is often the simplest answer: BvS is leagues better and more memorable.
so by your logic Alice in Wonderland and Fast and furious 7 have to be the greatests movies of all time since it broke the 1 billion mark..Its not just about the money,there are some big quick cash-grab,money laundering projects like civil war
>Where have u seen a fuckin war happening where no one dies..
It's because they are civil, it's right there in the title.
ITT: Faggots completely missing the point of box office numbers.
It's not that movies that hit 1 billion are incredible, it's that a movie so fucking hyped, with the two most know heroes and with such a massive marketing not hitting 1 billion is a bad fucking sign.
It means basically that people had no faith on it because critics and popular opinion fucking trashed the movie until the very end, and if the consumers have no faith on the product, be it because they're not ready for it or because the product sucks, the investors also don't have faith on it and the project dies.
That's why the box office numbers are always mentioned, because even tho they're not a sign of quality they are a big fucking deal.
>Batman's origin told again the same way for the billionth time.
>Luthor's motive (and the way it was presented) was shit/nonexistent.
>The scenes in the first half of the movie have very little to do with one another and don't progress naturally.
>Why does Alfred hold the speech of "everything's changed" to Bruce when it's Bruce more than Alfred who believes that? Also, Bruce was there when all of that happened.
>Forced Justice League shit (Protip: Marvel making these mistakes doesn't redeem DC.)
>The entire "Bruce Wayne meets Clark Kent" scene
>Why did Superman stop Batman from getting the Kryptonite when he had no idea there was Kryptonite there? Why did Superman hate Batman anyways? They both killed people when it was the best choice available?
>Why did Superman tell Batman to stop answering the calls of help of the citizens who needed it?
>What was the point of Batman being stopped in his attempts to get Kryptonite if he got if off camera anyways? Why would Luthor try to stop Batman from getting the Kryptonite so badly if it was a part of his plan for Batman to get it?
>Why did Batman need to put a tracker on the truck where the Kryptonite was if he knew where it was going anyways?
>What was the point of the Senate scene? Everyone instantly knows it wasn't Superman anyways? Why did he not see the bomb? He wasn't looking, but he wasn't looking for Bruce's radiowaves either but detected them anyways by suprise?
>The whole Martha scene
>Why did Lois get a helicopter? It was serious, but how did her boss know?
>Why did Superman swim to get Kryptonite if he knew it would hurt him?
That's just to start. Sure, you can probably explain them, but this doesn't mean that it wasn't poorly communicated.
>inb4 you're just too dumb to get it
No. These things even if explainable are still stupid because they convolute the story for no reason and could've been done better way more easily.
New rule. Using only logical fallacies to make your post means it's invalidated.
>inb4 the fallacy fallacy
Think very carefully if you understand what that is and if it applies to this post.
Very carefully.
>Batman's origin told again the same way for the billionth time.
Not told the same way at all, his father's last words are different and essential to the story in BvS, not to mention when he falls into the cave at the funeral and his mother's pearl from her necklace falls with him.
>Luthor's motive (and the way it was presented) was shit/nonexistent
Wrong again, he explains his motives on the rooftop to Superman with his God speech and discussing his father's abuse. He's insecure ad obsessed with power, he wants to refute the idea that God (Superman) can be all good and all powerful, he wants to prove he is neither (which he does).
>The scenes in the first half of the movie have very little to do with one another and don't progress naturally.
They make perfect sense, they're all devoted to explaining Bruce's mental state, which they do quite effectively.
>Why does Alfred hold the speech of "everything's changed" to Bruce when it's Bruce more than Alfred who believes that? Also, Bruce was there when all of that happened.
This is completely nonsensical. Bruce says "nothing has changed", "we've always been criminals", while Alfred points out Bruce has gotten more vicious.
I could keep going, but everyone one of these complaints are easily explained and completely miss the point of the film.
>These things even if explainable are still stupid because they convolute the story for no reason and could've been done better way more easily.
So even when I explain all this, it still doesn't matter because you didn't get it and don't like it. Okay. I thought it was done perfectly.
>Civil War
i didn't realize the definition of war had been changed to "a situation in which people or groups compete with or fight against each other and where someone must obligatorily die"
Because DC posters constantly posting threads about how fucking capeshit movies are "true cinéma" isn't obsession.
That infighting with a group that is trying to better the world shouldn't happen in the form of fighting because it accomplishes nothing. It being pointless was the point.
Superman dies but comes back, what's the point? Jesus symbolism is all it was.
It's based on the Civil War plotline and it was about infighting in the Avengers. There would be no reason to change the name and it'd be a spoiler anyways.
BvS was a trailer for the Justice League if anything.
It was a fucking mess. What is there to talk about? It was symbolism for it's own sake.
>So even when I explain all this, it still doesn't matter because you didn't get it and don't like it.
They convolute the story and could've been communicated way better. I did get the movie. I even wanted to like it.
I'll take the famous "Stop, my invincible son!" scene.
I understood the point of the scene perfectly. Clark needs to understand that even with all the powers he has he can't always stop people from dying. He also needs to realize that he can't use his powers until he is ready for the consequences. His father sacrifices himself saving a dog's life to set an example to his child to show that you can't be selfish, even if you see that form of life as a lesser form. The tornado represents the natural chaos of the world. Bad things happen, not because of karma, but because of random chance and such is the nature of the world we live in and we must accept it.
This scene and all it's plot holes could be explained. Why didn't his father just tell him to do X and Y? Because perhaps they never explored the full length of his powers to know what he is capable of and didn't know he could do it? Why didn't Clark try anyway? Because he respected his father's leadership even as he disagreed with it.
Why is the scene still bad?
Because all of this is something that in another way you could've presented a hundred times better in a different way that wouldn't make you ask a thousand questions in the first place.
If I recall correctly, one way of Clark's dad dying in a better way was in a Superman movie already, even. He dies of a disease. Now it doesn't have to be the same way, but it could've been of other natural causes like old age, or that it happened in a completely mundane car crash somewhere and Superman wasn't there to save him. No plot holes, you don't even need to ask these questions, so on. It makes the movie easier to enjoy. It's not bad that a movie makes you ask questions, but probably not in the form of plot holes.
Cw was a better movie and didn't need 2 months of damage control threads.
Plus dcucks killed themselves after it made 1billion
No one died in bvs
(muh superman dpace Jesus)
He's not dead
The reason people still talk about bvs is because you're all fucking shills and when something is good like civil war it doesn't get a million useless threads made to defend it.
Because Civil War was entertaining and a success so marvelfags haven't had to start a damage control campaign.
Every single BvS thread is either baiting DCfags or a dump of copypastas and pics trying to explain why the movie isn't garbage, and those threads die like 30 posts in.
And BvS is called Batman vs Superman yet the fight ends 5 minutes after it begins.
Funny how this guy is always in Damage Control threads.
Sup Forums still regularly talks about Prometheus and Avatar. This place makes fun of shitty movies, which spawn memes, hence why people talk about (see: make fun of) BvS.
>list of "plot holes" equals film criticism
Ladies and gentlemen,
Because half of the BvS posters are trolls, and the other half are flame-shirt-wearing autists
Because BvS was so bad that liking it became a meme.
There's nothing to shitpost about CW because everything went right, there's no need to spend 2 months doing damage control because CW didn't become the laughstock of the world.
You say,"Well it could have been presented better though"
Then go immediately to Donner shit that in no way teaches the sames lesson you just explained
Just another nuh muh fag
because any complain related to Civil War basically just nitpicking, it didn't bother the fans much. Compare to BvS which resolved around questionable character action, story, and etc which leads to endless discussion just like MoS til this day
BvS is kino.
Civil War is a flick.
What use it talking about flicks a week or 2 after they have been out?
>plot holes aren't valid criticism
DCucks, everyone.
>constant bullshit faux intellectualism to try to convince yourself that your manchild power fantasy was something more, and wasn't just a pile of crap
>enjoying a movie and moving on
I really do hope the BvS crap is all just tv contrarianism, because if it's actually autists this dedicated to a shit movie, it's honestly sad.
>moving goal posts: the post
>plot holes are not valid criticism because i say so!
Dcucks everyone
To all you kinoconnoisseurs, I think I've found the key.
It's Lois.
I'll post my thoughts tomorrow around this time.
>>Why did Superman stop Batman from getting the Kryptonite when he had no idea there was Kryptonite there? Why did Superman hate Batman anyways? They both killed people when it was the best choice available?
>>Why did Superman tell Batman to stop answering the calls of help of the citizens who needed it?
>>What was the point of Batman being stopped in his attempts to get Kryptonite if he got if off camera anyways? Why would Luthor try to stop Batman from getting the Kryptonite so badly if it was a part of his plan for Batman to get it?
>>Why did Batman need to put a tracker on the truck where the Kryptonite was if he knew where it was going anyways?
>>What was the point of the Senate scene? Everyone instantly knows it wasn't Superman anyways? Why did he not see the bomb? He wasn't looking, but he wasn't looking for Bruce's radiowaves either but detected them anyways by suprise?
>Why did Lois get a helicopter? It was serious, but how did her boss know?
>Why did Superman swim to get Kryptonite if he knew it would hurt him?
Had you paid attention, you'd already have all the answers. Unless you did pay attention but are completely retarded.
Except these aren't plot holes, it's just user being too retarded or not paying attention.
Sup Forums doesn't talk about things that are good because when things are good, we just say "Yep, they sure are" and leave it at that. We talk about Man of Steel and BvS because they're such shitheaps and a few autists are in denial about them.
They really are you just are to much of a dcuck to actually address them.
And quote
>a list of plot holes equalls valid criticism
You just are moving goal posts
I'm pretty sure it's people striking while the iron is hot and trying to get any bit of enjoyment out of this meme before it goes stale. I've been on this site for a decade now, mostly on Sup Forums, so I can tell when people are genuine in what they're saying and when they're baiting.
I think the only person that actually, truthfully, sincerely, candidly, veraciously, genuinely believes BvS is a good movie is the 1.jpg poster.
>It being pointless was the point
Yeah nah, the CW is meant to set up the Infinity Wars cunt, nothing more nothing less. Your shitty fanwank is just a placeholder
BvS discussion is already dead here m8. All the DCucks have run out of steam.
Look forward to it
>They really are you just are to much of a dcuck to actually address them.
>Why did Superman swim to get Kryptonite if he knew it would hurt him?
Really, user? Really?