"You should pretend the prequels are myths...because to Rey and Finn, they are."

>"Rey and Finn have no knowledge of the prequel era happenings. Why would our movie reference any of those things? As far as our characters are concerned, that entire era is a myth and will be treated as one in this trilogy."


Interesting development, thoughts?

Other urls found in this thread:


Sorry, but I don't care about SW anymore.

they should've declared all of star wars myths, instead of purging the EU. Establish the big events/periods happened but exactly how they went down is blurred/unknown, like real myths. It would be a unique way to handle this canon.

I guess the hardcore fans would be too autistic to accept it.

Your link points to a completely different article!


its like 20 years ago

How to destroy an established IP in two easy steps.

it's good. As little as possible "winks" from other SW movies please

9/11 confirmed for myth

I'm just a Star Wars casual and this sounds seriously retarded. The prequels unfortunately happened and you even had Ewan McGregor reprise the voice of Obi Wan in Ep. VII

>living the products of the entertainment industry

end yourself you impotent boy. Fuck the BBs and fuck their children.

That's an interesting way of looking at it.

Honestly, I don't really care about "canon" when it comes to movie/TV series like Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter, or the Marvel stuff (especially the X-Men movies, where they're all over the place). I get why people do but it feels like, when you do, you stop enjoying these things and you're just getting your panties in a twist over nothing.

Why would I want to forget about the best episodes of Star Wars?

Wow, Einstein was a smart guy

>mfw his movie is shit

That quote isn't real.

This trilogy won't make any grand changes or scecould see 100 Siths slaughtering all the jedis like in this kotr mini movie (without the edgy halo matrix setting):

Was dissapointed with the first appearance of Darth Maul, the Siths were believed to be extinct for a thousand fucking years and he appears on some buttfuck desert on a speeder jumping around. I think the majority of the audience doesn't even think that was a big deal because it wasn't presented that way, it was like Qui Gon encounters a red devil with a red lightsaber every other week. It's fucking Star Wars. you can literally do anything you imagine

fuck off retard

Funny because i care enough to post be don't care at all about Star Wars thanks The Turd Awakens.

Who cares. The only good thing about Star Wars are books and vidya anyway.

That would be life if we talked about the mythical Vietnam war. It wasn't that long ago.

Prequels arent canon anymore thank you based JJ and Disney. BTW they were never canon in my mind

You know you have to be 18 or over to post here.

>tfw 9/11 was 60 years ago

Only underage people like the prequels


Have you even seen the mexican staring frog of sri lanka?
Vietnam was very fucking long ago

(unrelated but when i was travelling around america i met a vietnam vet who told me stories of some serious shit)

>Star Justice Wars

No thanks

jesus i feel old now

I was more focusing on the fact that you are so hurt by a movie trilogy you made your own safespace with a head canon but sure, prequels are bad friendo. I hope you feel better soon. Maybe your mummy can buy you TFA blu-ray for your birthday. Would you like that?

No it isn't. The original trilogy is like 20 years ago. The prequels are before that.
Granted, the last prequel is only like 20 years before that, even, but anyone who was alive to tell the story at that point seems to be dead now

Revenge of the Sith game was GOAT

I like the shiny colors and zoom sounds and I like it when Rey is heroic and she's pretty but shhhhh, don't tell mother she won't approve of those thoughts at all

>it's a OP tricks a thread into thinking his Rian Johnson quotes are real episode

How many of these threads have you made now?


>ben lived through all movies
>all happened in Han Solo lifetime
Wow, WW2 sure looks like a myth, why are we still talking about it and some Hitler dude?

Wouldn't it be like, you found out that all those rumors about Hitler using magic and having the Ark and shit were true? I mean they know who Han and Luke were, but they don't know where the reality ends and the legend begins. Hitler summoned a demon and was banished to Narnia?? I had no idea I thought he just killed himself!!

Shouldn't Original Trilogy events be almost common knowledge and Prequel Trilogy events be vague (although somewhat familiar)? Even if you aren't immediately aware of what happened between A New Hope and Return of the Jedi, you would think it should take only like five minutes to inform yourself. Plus, it has been thirty years since the New Republic was established. Information detailing the history of the galaxy (that was probably suppressed during Palpatine's reign) should have leaked out.

If i met old man Albert Speer id be like, "is it true? did adolf hitler summon a hellhound to kill Eisenhower??" and he said "nigga its true, its all true"


so, extrapolating on this analogy the holocaust is also a myth and should be treated as such? this kind of thinking is idiotic. rian johnson confirmed for filthy antisemite.

Why doesn't Sup Forums read linked articles?

Just like the holocaust am I right vaginas. These are the Jews in charge now.

>you should pretend these events that took place 60 years ago are completely made up
I think the prequels are dogshit but this doesn't exactly help the Star Wars universe become less shit.

Across an entire galaxy where billions of things are happening all the time. You think the story of some super psychic soldier who took down the entire empire who has never been on camera is a believable story? Or maybe they're doubting the parliament that existed half a century ago that claimed to have precognitive powers until the Just Empire liberated the galaxy of their oligarchy.

From my point of view Hitler was right.

What is this image suppose to convey?

The depravity of scientism in modern science.

the new star wars movies are just as embarrassingly bad as the prequels

It's just a disgustingly transparent way to appeal to fanboy idiots who could not understand George's experiment in the prequels. They will continue to be chained in the darkness, only to gaze upon the shadows cast by Jewish executives while those who understood George's message walk among the shining Aryan light.

Yeah except for they have FTL communications so pretty much everywhere except for primitive planets would get this shit on the news.

This would have been appropriate if they set it 1,000 years after ANH, and honestly the films would have been less offensive to me. But they had to have the old characters for nostalgia points. Shit they still could have had R2/C3P0 around.

>we are distancing ourselves from the prequels... by making a movie that is worse than them

But mysteries dont create proper pottery

I wouldn't say they're worse, they're just forgettable and mediocre.

The prequels tried to do something different and failed at doing it well.

The sequels tried to do something safe and formulaic and they did it competently.

>the "common sense" meme

What a great idea. From now on I pretend Star Wars doesn't exist.

Kinda retarded.


Awakens was better than I thought it would be, but it doesn't add a single thing to the universe that the old movies hadn't done. As a cultural artifact it has no value what so ever. At least the prequels tried to add to the story and change things up a bit and in that regard it makes them a lot more valuable. Even as just a sign how not to do prequels.