The only reason to go see X-Men: Apocalypse

The only reason to go see X-Men: Apocalypse.

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Already a thread up, you ding dong. see

That's just an Anti-sjw thread by permavirgins that have no life. This is the real thread.

leave twinkino to us

He was really funny in this movie

He was like x-men evolution Nightcrawler, which is the cutest one

Cyclops was hotter

this will be my reason

Why does everyone keep posting the dumb looking pictures of him. He looked fine in the sunglasses. That visor was literally in one scene


too bad she's black and thus has shit foot game.

this is the main reason to not watch it, along with Sophie Turner

Kill yourself

maybe its angle and lighting or maybe because ive been at the pc for 12 hours straight now but she looks nice here

u gay?

>Americans clapping and cheering in cinemas


Her mother is white.

>people are literally hooting and cheering in the cinema

what the fuck? do people actually do this? i thought it was just a meme

they're called americlaps for a reason

she probably got those horrible feet from her fathers side then. What a shame.

Americans are indian tier in the cinema, i bet some of them were waving their shirts in the air.


and? she's still a nigger

i really thought it was a meme too.

fuck lol this is embarrasing.
i would never watch movies at theater if lived in usa.

How can you label other people a nigger when you're a black nigger yourself user?

Would ravage

Cause I'm not a nigger, you dumb fucking nigger

>Would ravage
> -Deathstroke
>not -Ravager

one job.

Hiding behind the anonymity of the internet can be fun, but it doesn't substitute for real life. In which case you should stop pretending to be white online.

Also it's kind of sad that you Niggers like to pretend to be White Nationalists online. You coons really want to be human don't you?

>not ragave
would have been to obvious, user.

You must really hate yourself huh darkie?

where's that webm of the slapfight in Birdman when I need it...

Why would I hate myself? I'm not a nigger who wishes he was white so bad that he roleplays as a white person on the internet.

Worse part about it is that you're also Canadian. Being a canadian and a nigger is the worse short straw in life. You might as well be a transsexual too.

You're born canadian and black though, transexual is a choice made by mentally ill people

You can be born a cockroach too. But you're still something that's hated. In which case you're the larger version of a cockroach, aka a Nigger Canadian.

You're subhuman. Accept it.

Have fun trolling shitskin, I'm too busy looking at my white skin & feeling happy about winning the genetic lottery.
Here's your last response

I think I forgot to mention the part where I should've written that not the same guy.

Stupid chris poster

I love making women like you cry. I feel like Big Red from Facial Abuse.

But just accept what you are. For example: Niggers are not human so they call other people niggers in hopes that will make them less niggerly. They also pretend to be White people online because they hate themselves so much.

Canadians are not human. They know they'll never be the superior trolls (The Aussies), so Canadians try to pretend to be Aussies and Americans online out of sadness.

Suicide can be useful for a Canadian Nigger like yourself.. It's the one crime you can't be caught doing. Try doing. You might be successful at it.

pic related.

You got us user, every last one of us who post on Sup Forums is a nigger.
None of us are white except you. No other minorities exist. You've figured it out.

Man, being white feels so good when you see shitskins like this get butthurt over it

No, no, no. I never said EVERYONE one Sup Forums is nigger just you cunts. Can't you canadian niggers learn anything? You're still trying to throw everyone in your mold. Only you can be a Canadian Nigger. And only you can commit suicide.

Whatever helps you sleep at night Jamal. But remember your child support payments and court summons are due on tuesday.

Protip, if you're not from northern norway or northern finland, you ain't white, so, go home Trayvon

Jesus Christ, I'd walk out of the cinema and demand my money back. I thought people texting during a movie was bad.

Are Niggers so arrogant than they believe they can classify other races? It's like sewer rats training people table manners.

Protip You will NEVER be white. Or American.






All you're doing now is being repetitive because you ran out of steam. See why no one likes niggers and canadians now?

Literally who hates Canadians? They've never done anything hate-worthy.

Go read up on Trudeau, the guy famous for the "If we kill them, they win" quote

>insufferable as fuck
>w-w-who would hate us?

Except freeloading, being faggots, justin beiber, extreme liberalism, claiming to be nice while being utterly obnoxious, masters at being insufferable, rewriting history because they have none, excessive lameness, living under America's defense umbrella while complaining how brutish America is, Toronto, not giving Quebec it's independence,

then there's the horrible shitposting you've been doing so far. See what we mean now?


That quote cannot be found in any actual record. It's a right-wing fabrication.


Dawwww, isn't the cuck cute? If you don't believe a retarded quote from a liberal hippy, blame the opposition!

G7 power, largest trade relationship in the world with the U.S., rich in natural resources, political innovator

>being faggots
no idea what this even means

>justin bieber
oh, I see, you're 14 years old, right? get back to me when you're more mature than to criticize an entire nation over one pop star lol...not to mention that justin bieber is popular because the American public bought into him.

>extreme liberalism
no more liberal than every other western nation other than the U.S. In many ways, Canada is more right than most of western Europe.

>claiming to be nice while being utterly obnoxious, masters at being insufferable
Can't blame you for your American self-doubt and insecurity

>rewriting history because they have none
name one instance of this? Last time I checked, U.S. schools actually teach students that the U.S. won the war of 1812 - the war in which the British prevented an American invasion and burnt down the fucking white house.

>living under America's defence umbrella while complaining how brutish America is
literally no one would ever bother going to war with Canada. on the other hand, Canada has been a major support to the US in every war since confederation

North America's fourth largest city and an economic and cultural powerhouse

>not giving Quebec its independence
Quebec held two referenda on this and decided to stay both times.

find a single source to which you can attribute that quote other than The Rebel Media and i'll take it back.

>Quebec it's independence,
Based American ally.

Le Québec sera rendu à la France, et de là, nous envahirons le Canada puis les Etats-Unis et y éteindront leur paganisme.

>Find the source
>but you're not allowed to use this one source because I don't agree with them

>Canada is more right than most of western Europe.

any credible information will be corroborated by more than one source, user. especially information about a country's head of government.

but, ok, for the purpose of argument: find two sources, including The Rebel Media.

the Baltic countries, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, England...all have greater social safety nets and higher taxes than Canada.

To be fair, they are.

Any left-wing policy to occur in Canada basically equates to an extreme right-wing policy in say, England or France.

Also, they may stress a bunch that they welcome refugees but really they're only inviting the wealthiest and most educated.

So their publicity is to seem left-wing but really they're quite cynical and lie to the entire world.

>Any left-wing policy to occur in Canada basically equates to an extreme right-wing policy in say, England or France.

I disagree with the extremity of this statement, but I take your point that Canada has a number of policies which are much more right than England and France.

>Baltic countries
I doubt anyone would want to move to those third world hellholes doe

t. next door neighbour

That's okay. You wouldn't be able to afford it anyway. : )

Bruh. I'm french, and believe me, any policies that our right-wing candidates are saying they'll institute are things that would be seen as Bernie Sanders-tier in the states, or Canada. Take our retirement system: it's an absurdity that not even the left would propose in Canada, and yet in France, it's agreed to by even the right.

Our only hope is now contained to that small chance that maybe they'll be a french Thatcher to liberalize everything, and that each french party will be more vehement in demonizing Muslims. It is starting to happen with people such as Macron, or Wauquiez on the right.

France after all is the country of political schizophrenia so one can hope.

Also please tell me that my english is superb :3!

question: what is France's retirement policy? I think you're making the mistake of equating the U.S. and Canada. Most of everything that Bernie Sanders is saying is seen as standard Canadian policy in Canada. If he were running for office in Canada saying the exact same things he is now, he would be seen as a run-of-the-mill centrist.

The only one of Bernie Sanders' policies which is perhaps more left wing than any Canadian policy is his advocation for free university tuition. That shit doesn't fly in Canada, but we have much greater government support for university students than the United States.

>what is France's retirement policy
Rather than the government investing in banks so that your retirement money doubles in your entire working life, and thus benefitting the economy through those banks placing your money on projects to finance them, your retirement taxes are spent on the "poorest", thinking that this'll benefit the economy. Basically it's all one huge gamble that those "poor pitiful" people's children will later have grown up to be successful citizens that can finance your retirement through their taxes.

So rather than earning your retirement money for yourseld, and doubling it effortlessly, the government forcibly takes it as taxes that they spend on the poor of our country, because in their understanding, their children will be able to pay your retirement.

Am I making any sense? I don't believe I am. But however hazy and confused I'm accidentally making you, just breathe it in as a metaphor for how retarded and confusing the french retirement system is.

Everything in France is retarded. From letting people strike to letting in Muslims. I know that my ancestors didn't work for the country to become like this.

>The only one of Bernie Sanders' policies which is perhaps more left wing than any Canadian policy is his advocation for free university tuition. That shit doesn't fly in Canada, but we have much greater government support for university students than the United States.

That's a shame. Guess I'm scratching Canada off from the list of places to where I'll flee when France falls.

That's not funny, my brother died this way.

Oh cool, man you sure showed me with that post eh? I especially liked the part where you momentarily stopped your obnoxious shitposting ITT to suddenly turn teary eyed and serious. And all this time I only Brits were capable of such an maneuver on Sup Forums.

My favorite part was when you told me to come back when I'm more mature in the wake of your "I know you are but what am I" shit posting rant. No scratch that, my favorite part were all your cherry picks that were ill informed and would be a troll themselves if you weren't so teary eyed and serious.

I honestly don't even want to take apart that stupidity piece by piece because it will cause you to further drag that bitchpost on for another 25 threads. I mean if outing you as a maple syrup nigger can cause you to short circuit as much as you did up until that post, imagine if we really debated that shit you said.

Omg jynx maze is in xmen?

You're the only Canadians with actual culture. In truth you actually helped give Canada an actual persona.

I dare you to.

it was recorded from some foreign theater you stupid faggot

we had a whole fucking thread about it the other day

movie wasnt even fucking out in America when this video was uploaded

What for trigglypuff? I already dated a girl who did nothing but bitch and complain about everything I said or did. You're not even going offer me your pussy.

I'm french :3.

Just sought to be a little outspoken though on how France supports Quebec in its plight for independence too, and that we'll invade them if they don't free Quebec in the next 47 seconds.

That could actually happen. France has a good military and fleet. You also make your own equipment and military hardware.

A French style cultural output on the coastal region of North America would really be cool.

>A French style cultural output on the coastal region of North America would really be cool.
What nationality are you though, that I know how much I can confide in your of our already extensive preparations to reclaim our lost territory...?

But fanks! Hopefully when I'm president here.

I'm from the US, but I'm a frank-phile like Patton.

>Le Québec sera rendu à la France,
Except even France has gone on record saying separation would be a pants-on-head retarded move and most French see Quebecers as complete morons.

>living under America's defense umbrella
Except Canada has one of the most well-respected militarys in the world, especially when compared to other first-world nations.
Almost no country in the world would ever turn away aid from Canadian soldiers. Can America say the same?

Call me when the US adopts a military ethos.

You don't even have to be from /k/ to know how horrible that b8 is. Learn to shitpost/troll properly like the Aussies do you fucking stupid cunt.

I did training with CAF and was there with a bunch of officers from countries across the world, the sentiment was the same.
I'm not saying it's our military MIGHT that is respected, but the comportment of our officers and soldiers.
I hear German officers have us beat by a long shot though.

Many troops and officers have you beat by a long shot. Oh hey but you received a compliment so I guess everything said against you is invalid right.

The most elite in the world pound for pound (minus might for your sake) IMO are MARSOC, FNC, and SAS. In terms of smaller nation/command it's the Israelis that have you outpaced by a country mile.

Please stop with your shit b8.

You're still talking military capacity. All of those groups are renowned for their ability to fuck shit up. I'm talking strictly as a peacekeeping force. Canadian soldiers are recognized as being trust-worthy when it comes to assisting other nations in humanitarian crises. I'm not saying we kick ass, either through our equipment or military tactics or strategy, just that we've developed a reputation for being a friendly fighting force around the globe, something that is hard to earn.

>americans clapping and cheering at the cinema
holy fuck its real, I thought it was just a meme
are cinema showers and crab legs real too?

You're now attempting to move the goal post on a post that itself was meant for b8. Stop wasting my time. The whole shitsling in this thread came from exactly this kind of behavior ur ilk. Quit.

Re-reading my posts I can see how I might not have explained what I meant quite clearly. I'll let it go then.

Nightcrawler has always been my favorite X-men but I can't get over this kid's '2006 scene look'. Xmen 2 handled nightcrawler perfectly in my opinion.

Anyone here read the comics and actually like this kid's take on Nightcrawler? I haven't seen the movie yet because I don't want to be let down.

Egypt opening and Quciksilver

this 3rd world faggot doesnt have cinema showers or crablegs at his movie theater!!!!

i bet his school was so poor they didnt even have penis inspection day either.

Will this make him faster than the Flash in the respective TV/Film universes?

you let novia scotians loose upon the world.

you deserve utter annihilation for that alone.

That's not Michael Fassbender.

Yeah, she's fucking gorgeous. Easily the hottest girl in the movie.

I won't even bother looking at the rest of the thread. I assume it's full of literal faggots shitposting, using "le raycism maymay" as an excuse to explain why they're not attracted to a honest 10/10.

>Easily the hottest girl in the movie.

That's between Olivia Munn and Jennifer Lawrence user.


>I'm French
How does Mehmets dick taste like?