Are these guys funny?

Are these guys funny?

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A guy carrying a plank of wood, turning with it, and hitting two people in the head at the same time will never not be funny


Looney Tunes owes a lot to slapstick comedy

Yes, await the contarian faggots

I loved them as a kid, still get a good kek from these guys to this day.
Also Shemp-sama is best stooge

You're just pretending to like Shemp so people will think you're cool.

>You're just pretending to like Shemp so people will think you're cool.
This is the dumbest post ever made because a majority of Stooge fans hate Shemp.
I do like Shemp though. He's the perfect mix of Moe and Curly. He was also a successful comedian outside of the Three Stooges. It's too bad there was not a short with all 4 of them in it together besides one scene


I was literally just shitposting breh, why are you getting this assmastered over a post on an Iranian knitting forum?

I'm just sick of kids coming to school in Shemp T-shirts like they're hot stuff.

B-A Bane

I always thought most Stooges fans liked Shemp. The only bad thing about him was that his presence meant Curly wasn't in the episode. He's still better than the 2 "Curly" clones.

Yes they are. It's literally the best show ever made, it's simply about 3 friends who beat the shit out of each other for no real reason every single episode. What more do you want?

Why are they even friends?

Curly was better, but I liked Shemp.

No one who matters likes Shemp No one deserves hipster points for liking an inferior stooge.

Over the years, Jeopardy host Alex Trebek has made a point of adding that Shemp is his favorite stooge, after various questions. Trebek is a Canadian robot whose opinion on humor can be discarded.

Fucking Curly, for cripe-pete.


Historically, women don't like the Three Stooges. It is tantamount to a litmus test of men versus women. It also goes to prove men's better sensibility about what is actually funny, ironically since this is necessary to men for evolutionary success.

don't listen to these fags

Shemp is my favorite too

>I always thought most Stooges fans liked Shemp.
I always experienced that Stooge fans hating Shemp because he got more screen time than Larry

Don't have the slightest clue and I don't give a shit.

Moe, Shemp and Curly were brothers. Larry was the only friend.

>inferior stoog
He was the only Stooge capable of having a successful career outside of the three stooges. Inferior my ass

was larry the voice for stimpy ?

Their physical comedy gets mentioned a lot but I always thought their jokes were pretty clever too.

Billy West based Stimpy's voice on Larry.

I liked that newer movie with them. Even with the pop culture references.

poor man's L/H

Yes! They also had their witty moments
>Do you swear?
>No but I know all the words!

Also the Hitler parodies were top notch

It had it's moments.

>someone does hurt physically the other in way that could easily kill him
>it doesn't kill him
lmao why is that so funny?
i love everything about this scene

believe it or not yes

literally just unfunny kikes, sjw MOD deleted my post, fuck off back to rebbit cuck.


somebody pls tell me the episode where they are sent to find a missing baby but they find a black baby on accident


What do you think of the movie Sup Forums
I wanted to hate it(shitty drama plot plus kinda fely like a dumb and dumber with them grown up around a bunch of kids) but boy some of the non-physical jokes where top notch

Mel Gibson loves the Stooges. They are that funny.



something witty and funny

it was the 40s man come on

That was funnier than entire seasons of most comedy shows these days.