Let's get one of these going, template in next post
Make your movie
>not Willa Holland as Rebecca
>choosing that clay eating trashbag
>its a 'let cast based on looks instead of acting style' episode
>Johnny Depp
yeah he looks more like a Gnome every day
DAE think Bryan Cranston should play Gordon Freeman - he has a beard and glasses in that one tv show
>acting style matters for a video game movie
Just imagine pic related getting an actual Season 3 and not a Season 2B.
>Fluffy as Soos
>Chad Velcoro as Gideon
>John Goodman as Stanford / Stanley
>Hirsch voicing Bill Cipher again
Why do I want this so fucking much?
>John goodman
Fuck this seems awesome, I don't even care for-
>ralphie may
>Gabriel iglesias
>someone actually took the time to make this shit
fucking cancer
So its either del toro or Alejandro for directors then?
Can someone do overwatch? I'm at my grandmas on my phone
You need to be over 18 to use this site.
>he doesn't visit his grandma from time to time past 18
Not everyone is an edgy faglord who avoids all humans irl
she also makes the best fucking lamb ever
>lea seydoux
>that gorilla casting
top kek
This might b gud
Directed by Uwe Boll.
>not Sasha Baron Cohen as Freddie
>All those white people
I don't care what waifufags say lady Maria should be played by someone like tilda Swinton
I kekd
Fund it
Aren't Maria and the doll supposed to have the same face/body
I cant stop throwing my wallet at the screen.
the night Sup Forums shall never forget
yeah but i couldnt decide which one should be both
w-who is the doll actress?
>alex as bill
>not david lynch
Margaret Qualley
Thanks, too lazy to crop and google
Why is Del Torro so popular for these? What is it about his directing style?
People dickride him here, they dont care about the setting
Lol that could be fun
Dwayne Johnson as Akuma? He likes getting parts in comedies
Her boobs are too small to be Jill
I picked him for Ninja Gaiden because I liked the style of the Hellboy movies and think that's the best direction you can really take NG (maybe with less humor, though)
>implying that's a bad thing
Funnily enough, the one that triggers me the most is the dog
Reeeeally hoping they get their stuff together and finish the trilogy
Those movies were why I ever cared who GDT was
I want you to quite literally FUCK YOURSELF
Holy shit, I thought that chick in the background was getting fucked.
I always imagined O'Brien as a John Goodman looking guy.
As for Julia, I never got the vibe that she was attractive desu. And Winston Smith needs to be some skinny guy. Maybe Fassbender? And Big Brother needs to have thick black hair and a Hitler-esque mustache.
Thats why I picked Daddario. The more I think about it, the more I think Cillian Murphy would be a better Winston
I haven't thought about this one much beyond the casting choice of the lead. I just know I'd want to see this. Feel free to suggest additional casting choices or a director that'd further this concept cause I'm drawing a blank on the rest.
nicolas winding refn
>That's why I picked Daddario
As for Cillian Murphy, I agree, that'd be a good casting.
I considered that. Thought it might be too obvious, but the fact that he's the first guy that sprang into my head probably means something.
>hurrr durr it's gonna just be some dumb movie for kids
>it's actually a dark physiological thriller in space that makes you question your very existence.
Looks like kino to me
>trying this hard
>music by david byrne
One from country, another from my country, city and university
Feels good man
Looks good, but needs Lanky Kong
Throw some shitty kid as Meyer and Anthony Hopkins as Szilard and it's all set.
I'd actually watch this
Gears of war movie
Director: George Miller
-Marcus: Rich Piana
-Cole: Terry Crews
-Dom: Tom Hardy
-Baird: Chaning Tatum with bolde hair
>Goose as Freeman
Holy shit it could actually fucking work. He has talent enough to act purely through face expressions.
8/10 for the rest of the cast. Only Tom Hardy that doesn't fit.
help with director and Venom, ocelot and kaz
Kojima, of course.
Why not get the guys who played them in the game? Troy Baker as Ocelot, Robin Atkin Downes as Kaz. But not Kiefer as Venom, get someone else for that. I don't know who the actor that you posted for Quiet is, but I'm sure Joosten can play Quiet well enough, she won't have to speak much.
And for director, no one but Kojima can do it.
Will the movie end 40 minutes before it actually should?
also after the credits, the intro plays again revealing you were venom all along, like the first person Pov in all the movie wouldnt reveal that
>hendricks as gwynevere
I chose to play myself because I want unsimulated sex scenes.
>Love Interest:
>Best friend:
Nathan Jones. He's massive, muscly and I want scenes where he's working out and being cool and shit. I hope this movie would help his career.
Ray Liotta. I love him and want to do brotherly stuff with him.
>Worst Enemy:
Fucking faggot. At least three scenes where I beat him up. Nathan Jones can do shit like dunk him through a hoop while I makeout with KStew. (Most scenes call for me and KStew being sexually active)
>Directed by:
I think they'd best help show my vision but I wouldn't be past replacing him.
>Music by:
Boney M. Obvious.
I don't know directors
Been thinking about what a disney animated movie based off of the work of stephen king would be like.
Speaker of the dead
The illuminatus trilogy-or something heavily inspired by it.
Directed by gilliam or nolan.
A movie about a communist revolt and new civil war in america directed by PTA or harmony korine. With cameos by Trump, mcgillis, sarkeesian, merkel, and a rothschild.
The guy who directed donnie darko and southland tales would also be another choice to direct the illuminatus flick.