Did Trump ever react to this?

Did Trump ever react to this?

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Too low energy

I haven't seen this episode but why is he drawn like a Canadian?

>Cartoon cut-outs using my likeness to sell advertising because let's face it, who watched cartoons anymore? Anyone? No, so they use my likeness and pray I don't sue, sad!

It's a "what if Canada elected a Trump-like head of state" situation, not the actual man himself.

This Trump wouldn't care, he might even laugh with it

>trump chickened out from the Sanders debate
He's afraid of debating an 80 year old socialist. Sad!

>Sure yeah okay Bernie

Bernie is the eternal cuck. Much like Trump can't be stumped, Bernie can't be uncucked

Donald the Coward is the cuck here. He's the one that chickened out, not Bernie. Seems like he's pretty low energy to be honest.

>debating a second place meme candidate.

>all those assblasted Sup Forumsfaggots who flip-flopped as hard as their meme candidate when SP began making fun of both the left and right like they always do

Except Donald the Coward was the first that was willing to debate him. And then when Sanders accepted he chickened out.

Why would debate the loser instead of your main focus?
Not a trump supporter but lets look at some facts. He has nothing to gain from debating the crypt keeper. Hillary is his biggest opponent. And shpuld be focusing on her but he might hust hand her the white house.

We get it, there's an election, but keep your discussion somewhere else.
No one wants to see this shit posted everywhere.

You seem very retarded and will poor reading comprehension.

Your point would be valid if Trump wasn't the first one that proposed the fucking debate, several times. And then when Bernie accepted and the debate seemed close he got out.

Why would any prominent person react to a zombie south park episode? even muslims stopped giving a shit about them.

A decent chunk of them might have but they're faggots anyways that can't take a joke, unfortunately I am a trump supporter (I say unfortunately because it really is shitty that people let it get to the point where he's the best person running) and I thought the episode was south parks best in years. Knew exactly where it was going the second he saw Canadian Trump tower and couldn't quit laughing until almost the end of the episode, then Caitlyn Jenner set me off again and I laughed for another like 5 minutes.

Hillary debated him plenty of times, and each time all he did was kiss her ass, make excuses for her email scandal, and congratulate her for being a woman in politics.

You have to go back

>changing your mind is now illegal.
It was smart play for him not to debate. He has no favorable news outlet so why put yourself through the mud even more? Sanders also still hasn't actually came forward about how adding 16 trillion dollars for his utopia will help us at all.

Re-read what you wrote and realize how much of an idiot you sound like right now.

He doesnt have to debate bernie. He literally has a good excuse to not debate bernie that being that bernie does not have a shot at the presidency and he doesnt want to waste his time preparing and doing a debate with a loser.

now liberals are calling him a coward en mass because he refused to debate bernie.

Hillaries debate strategy against trump is to avoid debating him. Shes gonna try and keep to that strategy all the way to the white house.

Now when bernie officialy drops out and its only hillary and trump in the spotlight and hillary avoids the debate, all the liberals who mocked trump for not debating are gonna see how hillary wont debate either, only her refusal to debate will be even more ridiculous than trumps because the race will be 1 on 1 at that point.

I think a Trump presidency will be goddamn-amazing
But this episode was one of south park's best of all times

And it was hilarious seeing all the Sup Forumstards who embraced it the week before when it took the piss out of bruce jenner suddenly start pretending like it's always been shit

Unfortunately for Hillary, she can't feasibly avoid the presidential debates
They will be amazing and I'm so fucking excited

The only thing it would be amazing for is the meme potential. Also think he would start WW3 but I'd rather him do it for actual reasons like sub-human mudslimes trying to control everything, rather than Hillary do it because she is PMS'ing.

it's the fact that Trump offered to debate Bernie, hoping he would refuse, so he could say mean things about him to his sycophants on twitter. When Bernie accepted, Trump shit himself and cancelled. He's a low energy cuck.


>Also think he would start WW3
How? When? Against who?
He've talked about bringing troops back from Germany & Japan, leaving NATO and fixing relations with Russia. None of those equals WW3.
The only ones he goes on about needing to fight is ISIS, and everybody is aldready fighting those.

Nice fallacy fallacy friendo

They will have a few televised "debates". The hosts will feed her softball questions and her answers will all be pre-written "gotchya" sound bite crap. Audience will all be hand picked and boo at anything Trump says, cheer whatever Hillary says, and immediately afterwards the talking heads will discuss the debate and unanimously agree Hillary was the clear winner. Majority of Americans will still vote for Trump, but Latinos will come out in Florida and hand Hillary the presidency. We will get 8 more years of Obama with slightly less social services and slightly more war mongering. Open borders and mass amnesty for illegals will be what Hillary selects as her legacy.

I'm a moderate who supports Trump. Please come at me.

>We will get 8 more years of Obama with slightly less social services and slightly more war mongering.

Don't forget less charisma, more under-the-table deals and debates over freedom of speech in regards to feminism

This is what I hear constantly on 9gag as well, "Trump will start WW3". When it was Hillary and the establishment GOP pushing for direct conflict with Russia. Low information voters.

Against all of the Middle East. He would commit numerous war crimes, he said himself that he wants to go over there and kill all the women and children. and yes I know he wants to improve Russian relations WW3 doesn't automatically mean Russians would be against us. Especially if we're going against ragheads, Russia would help us go in and kick some ass. You act like I'm a SJW, I already said I support Trump, but you have to be stupid to not realize all the damage that he would cause. That said it is for a good cause and I can live with it, but it doesn't change facts and you have to be retarded not to see them.

That's a big word

C'mon Satan, Sup Forums deserves to get a taste of the quality discussion that goes on in Sup Forums. We're bursting at the seams here


what type of moderate calls themselves a moderate

It is smart for Trump not to debate. But I don't think you understand why.

>if i shitpost i can sidestep the argument

>Against all of the Middle East.
Name the Middle Eastern countries Trump has said he would attack.

>Against all of the Middle East.
Could you dig up a single source for this claim?
Protip: You'll only find quotes about renegotiating the Iran-deal and bombing ISIS. Nothing else.

He hasn't said specific countries, but you are seriously retarded if you think he's not gonna take out the countries that are harboring ISIS. Yes I know all you will find is stuff on bombing ISIS but the way trump would go about taking ISIS out would most definitely start WW3. Still not necessarily against it, just pointing out the bad in it.

He has bigger fish to fry

So he will cause WW3 because he will cause conflict in the Middle East? Read her emails, Hillary and her #2 were bragging that her crowning achievement as SoS was the invasion of Libya. The direct result of which was two million illegal Africans now living in Europe. She said she'd enforce a no-fly zone in Syria and shoot down Russian jets. I'd wager the only way you can avoid WW3 is by electing Trump.


Yes, absolutely. Killing women and children in a world where the Geneva convention exists will cause WW3 if done by people that aren't known terrorists. Do you not understand that the way most people see it, is that it's only ok for terrorists to do that, precisely because they're terrorists. They think that's the only thing that separates us. We start doing it and then they think we're terrorists now too, and WW3 breaks out. Are you actually too stupid to understand this, or are you just am Australian fucking with me?

Sounds like a war I can actually get behind

why is this board borderline Sup Forums?

So you can't name a single country, and yet you know this will "start WW3" (a term you also can't define, and certainly aren't using in the conventional sense). But yes, I must be retarded if I can I guess psychically know things.

The only person describing escalatory measure in the Middle East is Clinton.

I can too, but I can't live with people so stupid that they can't acknowledge that's how it would and probably will go down.

I never thought I would see the day that satan would be a redditor

>Killing women and children in a world where the Geneva convention exists

So, every US president since 1949 then?

>you are seriously retarded
Come on, you can do better
>the countries that are harboring ISIS.
So Syria then?

Iraq is already an American ally and would welcome even more assistance. Same goes with Afghanistan and stomping their tiny ISIS-colony.
Libya is already well under way in cleaning up their militants and would gladly welcome American assistance.

Is this some sort joke? You're so pathetically naive you think deliberate targeting of civilians doesn't happen every day by people who aren't terrorists, and think if anyone does it will cause WW3?

Again, stop fucking saying "WW3" and describe the escalatory chain of events you're actually proposing, with actual specifics in terms of countries and actions.

Yes because killing every single man woman and child in Muslim countries is definitely not escalatory measures. Look this shit up before you try and talk about it, I've seen a video where trump said he wanted to do that. And no not an out of context one like the ones that paint him as a racist, the context was there, and he wants to take all of them out, despite the fact that the Geneva convention exists.

>since 1949
Forgotten about Dresden user?

Who the fuck still watches South Park?
Are you perpetually 12?

Not on purpose, directly targeting them is a whole different thing

With all the times you babies have redirected people who offend your sensibilities to your Sup Forums boogeyman, you'd have figured that doing that won't magically make the meanies go away, you know.

ikr, only 14 GoT threads instead of 15. We are getting squeezed out! I'm gonna go create my 5th Star Trek TNG thread today, hopefully that will unrustle me.

>killing every single man woman and child in Muslim countries
>I've seen a video where trump said he wanted to do that.

Go ahead and link it. You have 2 minutes. And if you come back with "look it up yourself" you're admitting you just made that up.

.people so stupid that they can't acknowledge that's how it would and probably will go down

You are a perfect example of Dunning-Kruger

Yea it happens, but it's not announced on live tv "hey we're going to go kill a bunch of Muslim kids today to stop terrorism". Trump would announce it when it happens, shit he already said its the plan, that makes a tremendous difference.

i usually see mods delete these threads cause you idiots bring up politics with a topic thats barely related to Sup Forums
get shit on retard maybe think of your own subject

Nah, South Park doesn't have the relevancy it did ten years ago, it doesn't have the ability to enter the mainstream consciousness like it used to.

So you failed to describe the escalatory chain and specific countries and events that would lead to WW3. Thanks for playing!

We've had threads about the James Rolfe GB scandal that reach bump limit though, and they're all about shitting on the left.

>I'm too lazy to use Google so I'm just gonna accuse people of making stuff up about my boyfriend Drumpf

Stay dumb Sup Forums

You're sidestepping just as much as he is lol

Don't have the link, I saw it on Facebook, but yes he absolutely did say that. And yes I am coming back with look it up, I told you that the first time. I'm not gonna do extra work because you're too fucking lazy to type something into google and find the video.

Never said anything about trump supporters. I said meme spouting fags from Sup Forums like crying about it as if it were the only episode they ever seen or heard about.
Though I don't agree with trump on certain issues, reasonable people like (You) and understand that shitting on everything is SP's MO. It was hilarious seeing all the asshurt when it actually happened and how many anons from Sup Forums we're outed.

Idk but I'm a right leaning centrist who is suppirting Hilary cause she is a better mediator diplomat and all around politician. Even tho I thing Trump would stamp out all these unnecessary welfare programs

>James Rolfe GB scandal
There's something worthwhile enough with James Rolfe to be called a scandal? What happened?

But the burden of proof is on you.

And so you cannot link the video, thus proving you made it up.

BTW, in none of my posts did I ever actually say I support Trump. But people spewing "Trump will cause WW3!" is still wrong.

Rwminder that 14 of 16 9/11 highjackers were fron saudi arabia and usa did jack shit to the sauds

>implying Canada shouldn't build a wall to defend itself against the school shooters America produces
He was pretty reasonable.

He said he didn't want to review the new Ghosbusters movie. The internet exploded.

Trump on ISIS: "You have to take out their families"

pol BTFO out as usual.


Fine, I googled it.

google.com/search?q="killing every single man woman and child" Trump

No video. Strange, because saying a phrase like "killing every man woman and child" would be incredibly inflammatory and be quoted by every single news organization in the world.

So you lied when you claimed he talked about "killing every single man woman and child in Muslim countries." He said killing family members of ISIS. Which would mean scaling up bombing strikes against Syria, Iraq, and Libya with no RoEs. Which would in no way lead to WW3. So you lied about everything.

>would be incredibly inflammatory and be quoted by every single news organization in the world.
True. This would be a headline for days.

So it's just ISIS and not ''every single man woman and child in Muslim countries'' like stated.

Good show.

And later he added that "take them out" did not mean murdering them and that the US-army would never be ordered to ignore the Geneva convention and such.

If you kill their families, basically they win. Because you have become the bad guy then


>only crazy wahhabis are real muslims
The black vans should be picking you up shortly, achmed.

Trudeau is that you?

If you specifically target women and children as Drumpf said he wants to, you would cause the entire Middle East to join ISIS. Even Israel would turn away from us, we'd have no allies left.

He's actually not the person that was saying that, I was, and that wasn't the video I was talking about. I was talking about one where he was on a talk show and the host asked "what would you do about ISIS?" And he said something along the lines of "I would take out every single one of them. The men, the women, the children, all of them" and the host said "you realize you couldn't do that right? It would be a war crime." And trump said "well why the hell not? They're doing it to us." And the host said "well for one, the Geneva convention.". You retards need to keep in mind in every single one of my posts I've pointed out that I support doing it, I'm just not stupid or naive enough to not realize that it's happening.

>cleanse the world of sand niggers

>you would cause the entire Middle East to join ISIS
ISIS themselves hate the regular muslims and execute them often, because they claim they're fake followers. Why the hell would the middle east, the same region that treats women like living fuckholes who can be honor-killed if raped, join ISIS because of that?

But you said ''killing every single man woman and child in Muslim countries'' back in post .

Are you going to pretend you didn't and that it's not a titanic difference between that and just ISIS?


Clearly you've only seen Sup Forums at its best

The hilarious part is whenever someone mentions the similarities a Sup Forums refugee will blurt out "l-le Sup Forums boogeyman"

Very similar scenario happened to me as a kid. I lent my Colombian friend my PS1 for the weekend. Come Monday he wasn't answering any calls and I found out he had moved back to Colombia with his mother over the weekend.

So when you claimed he would kill everyone in a country, that was another lie.

Yes, Iraq and Iran, Shia countries would join an organization that holds Shias as apostates that must be killed.

Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Bahrain, Kuwait, etc., monarch countries would join an organization that sees all those monarchies as illegitimate governments that must be overthrown.

it's sandy and they can't masturbate or have pre-marital sex man
they see some americans not suffering and insulting them and they get mad
it happens

so, the candidates are Trump and Hillary? Is this good, or bad? who do you think will win?

You're saying it's not a boogeyman excuse? Do explain how. Because the only way that'd be valid is if Sup Forums invented being right wing, or nationalism in general, or if every single person who happened to even make a non-pc joke only existed in Sup Forums.