Jonsa Edition
Jonsa Edition
Our King and Saviour Azor Jon Stargaryen
I just spoke with some insiders on set
Did anyone else feel like the interactions between Jon and Sansa reminded them of the interactions between Ned and Cat in AGOT? I'm referring to when Ned was apprehensive about going south with Robert and Catelyn was urging him to go south and find out the truth. Ned and Jon both had a "been there, done that, don't want to do it again" attitude about the whole situation; Ned knows that bad things happen when the Starks go south and Jon knows that if he continues to fight he will eventually lose. Sansa and Cat are both persistent in saying that going south is their only option, but both Jon and Ned are not convinced until they receive a letter with grave news. I thought this dynamic was especially interesting because Jon is often compared to Ned and Sansa is often compared to Catelyn.
This is now a Meera posting thread.
All rudeness OUT
third for stannis
First for Kinvara, High Priestess of the Red Temple of Volantis, the Flame of Truth, the Light of Wisdom, and First Servant of the Lord of Light. For the thread is dank and full of memes.
can't wait to see you R+L=J conspiracy theorists get btfo.
Do not under any circumstance reply to them.
Don't tell them to fuck off.
Don't tell them they're cancer.
Ignore them, avoid them, hide them, filter them, or report them.
They'll only stay if you give them attention.
Here, have some longterm spoilers
>Euron Greyjoy burned Daenarys's ships and played an act to win the Iron Islands, he's much smarter than he seems.
>Kevan Lannister and Grand Maester Pycelle are killed by Varys.
>Cleganebowl happens. The Hound is now a sparrow. Ser Strong is killed in the trial.
>Tommen Baratheon commits suicide at the end of season 6. Cersei loses her mind and yells for the sparrows to be massacred and for the city to be burned down. Jaime murders her, beginning his redemption arc. Loras, Lancel, High Sparrow, Cersei, and Ser Strong are all killed.
>Sansa Stark is almost defeated by Ramsay, but the Vale Knights charge in at the end. Wun Wun is killed before breaching the gates. Ramsay is captured and Karstark is killed by Jon. Rickon is killed by Ramsay. Davos moves to advise Sansa.
>Daenarys is visited by Quaithe before she returns to Meereen. She is given prophetic messages, and rides Drogon away with Daario towards Asshai.
>Arya truly becomes no one. Her face changes and she is never seen again.
>Euron Greyjoy builds a massive fleet somehow. It sails into the new slaver city of Dhorin, which was not in the books.
>He enters the city and meets his old friend Dakam, who is now the king of Dhorin. Dakam gives a short monologue as he paces towards Euron, ending saying "I thought the gods were with us, until I heard three words: King Euron Greyjoy. The gods are fucking mad." before hugging him. Euron and Dakam discuss Daenarys before being stopped by Varys, the rusemaster. Euron demands to see Daenarys, and Varys opens the door to the throne room, revealing an imposter of Daenarys Targaryen who replaces Young Griff.
>This imposter is implied to have been raised being told she is Daenarys but aware that she is not. She dresses in black and red, rarely speaks, is indecisive and insecure, and is controlled by her overbearing advisors who are using her for their own power. It is quite likely she is a Blackfyre, tying in with theories about Varys.
I want Tumblr to leave.
Yeah, everything is Tully fucking shits' fault
Th-That's not my mother...
Why arent lyanna posters included?
Actual footage of little Northern bastard getting shanked by based Hightower.
Prestonfags belong under shilling and marketing too
End yourself.
The Normies are based
Season 7 (a lot is missing here)
>The white walkers breach the wall when Bran passes through it with the mark.
>Euron Greyjoy and Dakam al-Rayan swear oaths of fealty to the fake Daenarys. Euron is made master of ships, Dakam is made hand to the queen. Euron presents Fake Daenarys with the dragon horn, a device to command dragons.
>Tyrion is kidnapped and brought to Dhorin, spared as he murdered Joffrey and Tywin. Grey Worm and Missandei are murdered by the Sons of the Harpy, who are revealed to be controlled by Varys. Fake Daenarys is moved into Meereen, while the real Daenarys flies for Asshai.
>Fake Daenarys is to marry Euron Greyjoy. She pleads for Dakam to protect her from Euron.
>Fake Daenarys sails across the narrow sea to assault King's Landing midseason. Her dothraki, dhorinians, ironborn, and dragons rape and burn the land.
>Euron Greyjoy is killed by a dragon during the battle when he tries to control them himself.
>Fake Daenarys approaches the remains of the red keep and the iron throne. Snow falls freely through the breaches in the keep. The sounds of dragons and screaming can still be heard. The city is completely destroyed, but she controls the ruins and the iron throne. Much of her army has scattered across Westeros.
>Melisandre comes to fake Daenarys. She is not aware that it is an imposter. A prophecy from Melisandre says that Fake Daenarys must marry Jon Snow and fight the white walkers instead of fighting for the throne.
>Daenarys gets some magic prophecy jumbo in Asshai, now flying west. Slaver's Bay is now fully controlled by Dakam al-Rayan, who duels and loses to Daario. Daenarys burns Varys alive
>Melisandre dies in the war of ice and fire, the cause is not specified. Both dragons are killed as well. Fake Daenarys, now powerless, breaks down before the Nights King and is executed.
>Things get cheesier and cheesier. Jon meets the real Daenarys at one point, but nothing really matters because Bran's time travel fixes everything.
>Daenarys is visited by Quaithe before she returns to Meereen. She is given prophetic messages, and rides Drogon away with Daario towards Asshai.
yeah, no.
first for stannis the one true husbando of westeros
Harmless /got/ memeing, and its somewhat related to asoiaf
Theory discussion is not the same as marketing shilling. Preston's videos offer something to discuss, they're not just reaction videos. It'd be different if people shilled his patreon account
Go fuck yourself, uggo.
>implying you're not bradamante
can tell by your prose and the way you bigged yourself up subtly. sad sad man
lol is this
JonxSansa fags should go back to tumblr 2bh familia
Everything Bradamante says there is true though.
Reminder than GRRM is a hack
You spelled Arthur Dayne wrong
>"The adverising of YT channels unrelated to GOT discussion is against the rules"
Preston discusses GOT
Prestonfags may be shills but not against the rules.
I could have made it up on the spot.
Simple as fucking that.
Everyone is a shitposter, if you think otherwise then you haven't been here very long. There is literally no reason to have a autistic guide
Favorite small scale fight scenes?
Red Viper v Mountain was pretty based. Bronn fighting for Tyrion in the Eyrie was pretty cool.
I actually fucking love the Tower of Joy scene, even if they changed Arthur Dayne/Dawn. The stuntmen who filmed that scene deserve a raise, because dual wielding Dayne was based as fuck.
>"don't give Bradamante (You)s under any circumstance, report him if necessary"
>you are Bradamante
>gets BTFO by a frogman
NO. This is all bullshit, do not believe his lies.
Why is he sexualizing that sucker?
fuck off bradamante
go back to your tripcode so you stay filtered
Our faithful knight of Northerner dispatching is a handsome fellow. Good intentions manifest on the outside, see.
Much better looking than NAOHITENZ
I don't like Bran. Am I the only one.
Do you think Highgarden would accept refugees?
Sandor Clegane vs Beric Dondarrion is the best in the series
Jon vs Styr is underrated, don't know how they got the axe to appear so heavy without risking Kit being killed by the prop
It's weird that people compare Sansa to Catelyn, because excluding looks, she is far more similar to Ned. They are both idealistic, idiots. Catelyn is far more assertive/proactive, maybe because she was raised to be heir; she makes mistakes, yes, but she was never naive like Ned.
Everyone likes Bran because we are all Bran
He is the father and the all-living, he is the omega
Yes, but not Dorneshits
>Am I the only one
t. reddit
What happens on Skagos?
Are the Skagosi Northmen or Wildlings?
when will they learn
Those are pretty sharp daggers, lass.
>arya truly becomes no one changes her face and is never seen again
Like why are you wasting your time
Yeah I could forgive the dual wielding too, it's stupid but it's Westeros. I wouldnt doubt that his sword wasn't buffed with some ancestral magic, being a famous highborn sword and all that shit
>this is cuter than the real Bran even with the extra eye and all that shit on his face
Probably closer to the wildlings, the northmen have some andal blood.
it's reverse psychology. it happened with anvilposting too...the posters would make images to tell people not to reply to anvilposters to make them seem like a bigger deal, like 'hey, these guys are fucking everywhere and so relevant, please stop replying to them'
when in actuality, it was just the posters themselves trying to make it seem as if the general population of Sup Forums cared about anvilposting.
it's classic behaviour
Opinion: Hodor's (probable) death scene was great, although the "hold the door" part was a little dumb
>What happens on Skagos?
Rape, cannibalism, shaggy maneating unicorns
>Are the Skagosi Northmen or Wildlings?
A little from column A, a little from column B
> Much better looking than NAOHITENZ
Say that about my father one more time and I will not hesitate to bare my Valyrian Steel.
>Cersei in charge of Lannisters
>In charge of anything anymore
How is thinking that the Karstarks would side with you if they had known there was a choice, not naive as fuck?
>yfw Karl Franz comes out of nowhere and BTFO's the White Walkers
Holy fuck this makes sense. What an absolute faggot he is
Was only likeable when he was tiny and cute.
Black Dany?
Is this from a leak or trailer?
nice theory
here's the truth
i'm an autist who cares about /got/ and i've seen too many threads get totally derailed by cancerous tripfags and shitposters into giving them hundreds of replies so i make this image to educate /got/ to not reply to them ever so we can have comfier threads
good enough for you to believe?
How about no?
promo pic
They're summer islanders
But Bradamante is fucking cancerous, every thread he is in gets ruined
I suspect he is also the faggot that calls others bed wetters when they talk about the books, he is also a retard that needs to be ignored by everyone
Bernie rally
neither, it's an official promotional photo.
No, user. You just have terrible taste. You probably also like vagina, don't you?
>Nobody talking about how Lancel and Loras are both dead men tomorrow.
They show is reharshing plot points and character dynamics.
Like Dany coming out of the fire for the second time while burning her enemy.
classic behaviour
call yourself an expert baiter some more :)
How's warhammer total war? I liked Rome 2 after the updates so I'm wondering if this one is worth it since I like that kinda shit
Boy, you're in for a world of new chest cavities if you put that hunk of bear island shit up near me.
How would they die?
Leak and pic related is from ep 10 when she they change her hair colour as punishment but she becomes queen anyway.
i can remove that part out of the image if it triggers you but the fact of the matter is he DOES bait people, and does it every thread he's in. it's a warning not a compliment
Ramsey confirmed as Razor Ahai
>Wow user, that episode was craze-eee! Is your dick as warty as that guys?
this is true, but doing what we're doing right now and talking about him is feeding him attention. I've no doubt he goes to the archive and searches for his name to see if people have been talking about him when he's not here.
Literally ignore him, don't include him in your images and don't reply to him, I'd heavily advise adding him to your filters. He's literally the last tripfag in /got/ and once we drive him out we've won.
Sup Forums just became a Tumblr. Jonsa fags continue to ruin /got/
Will Sansa ever find out about this?
I hope Brienne cuts the worm in half and Sansa remembers shes a Stark and not some snake like Cersei.
>little finger summoned through way of blue concord
Holy shit why does he have a swastika on his left leg?
someone will fall for this
I only started playing it an hour ago. Its pretty good so far. They got rid of the one on one fighting so the battles don't end up as giant blobs. At the moment I'm making the Empire great again. Watch some lets plays of it to see if you will enjoy it.
Forgot pic
It was great to see Spartacus again
Help me choose a tripname, /got/.