Fredposting saved this board

Fredposting saved this board.

no not yet

ruin capeshit threads and then you have my permission to be a savior

>Forced Meme v. Stale Meme

Take this friend.

>implying Sup Forumsmblr can be saved

How is Fredposting stale?

It's perfectly fresh, just forced.

Can I save it?





I have noticed a significant decrease in the amount of redditfrogs lately.

And the ones that do get posted usually get derailed by fredposters instead of staying up for 200+ replies like they used to.

Good job fredposters. You're doing God's work.


>the ears and antenna are transparent

This Tbh. Based Fredposters.





I think this version looks better

What if you guys found out that this meme was made by redditors?


thanks fqm, saved

fredposters literally destroyed facebook amphibian posters

every post on this board is made by redditors tbqhwy

I made this meme and I'm definitely not from reddit.

Dumb frogposter.



will i ever lose my virginity?

Has anyone have a fred unmasking bane image?

requesting pic of pepe executing fred in electric chair

how old is your oldest file name, anons?


How to Make Sup Forums Great Again

Post Freds in:
frog threads
capeshit threads
Sup Forums threads
YouTube threads
image.jpg threads
Blacked threads
GoT threads (it won't make any difference but it will put some redditors' butt in hurt

Don't forget to report and sage.

It's time to reclaim our board, Sup Forums!


Retarded toad replier.

It would be extremely autist

This is true.
I've noticed over the last few days that Sup Forums has slowed down a bit.
While over the last few months threads would be pruned in less than an hour, now it's taking about an hour and a half.
Keep up the good work, Fredposters.