xmen vs. avengers: who wins?
Xmen vs. avengers: who wins?
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Jean grey
But quicksilver was an avenger first you retard.
Avengers for Hulk alone
>x men DOFP - 2014
>Avengers 2 - 2015
Looks like it isn't the case retard
>muh comics
If you're talking that shit take it to Sup Forums
They've fought before and it was always implied the X-Men would lose. The Avengers were on another level
X-Men in the movies are too powerful. The only ones really able to portray any threat are the Hulk, Thor, and Vision.
Captain America, Black Panther, Winter Soldier, Ant Man, Spider-Man, Scarlett Witch, Hawk Eye, Black Widow and Falcon would get BTFO quick as shit. Iron Man and War Machine could put up some sort of fight.
>list of movie x-men movie cap could beat the shit out of
Negasonic Teenage Warhead
>mutie scum cap could not beat the shit out of
Jean Grey
Jean Grey
Now the whole thing is there are teams at play, so no one person needs to be able to beat every X-Men themselves. You're treating every mutant like they're Storm or Jean. If even just Cap's list looks like this, Iron Man, War Machine, Ant-Man, Scarlet Witch, and Spider-Man could all do some damage to most X-Men. Even Falcon is a better Angel than Angel, and Hawkeye could tag anyone without a defensive power.
Professor X will mind control everything Avengers members litreally unbeatable
>cap taking down wolverine
don't care but i would watch it
Phoenix xould arguably solo the main Avengers roster
Cap is faster and his specialty is ending up in rivers, Wolverine's one true weakness.
Phoenix is arguably not an X-Men.
And the Phoenix Force ain't no Infinity Stone when you're talking about the movies.
Xavier can fuck his mind
In the new movie Jean is shown to have slight control of her phoenix powers. And Vision doesn't know how to use the soul gem to its full power. All he doesn't with it is cripple a black guy.
Wolverine can go toe to toe with Hulk
No he really can't, the best telepaths on Earth can't do shit to the Hulk's mind when he gets going because it's the mental equivalent of sticking your hand into a blast furnace
Comics? X-Men. Ice-Man is a one-man extinction-level event by himself, let alone heavier hitters or the space elements of the comics.
Movies? Avengers would fuck their shit up. Magneto is the only major threat left, but he's up shit creek against Iron Man (whose suit is, ironically, not magnetic) never mind Thor or Vision.
>All he does is cripple a black guy
Well worth it
Magneto can control metal regardless of whether its magnetic or not.
Hell he can make himself levitate using bullshit.
Also he doesn't need something to be metal to utterly fuck it up. He could pick up a truck and launch it at iron man.
>red blood
Mother fucker got torn in half
No he can't
see The Hulks Mind is boundless overpowering rage. Any Telepath that tries to mess with his mind get's hella feed back and almost fries their own mind.
The Best they can do is mess with Bruce Banners mind but this only serves to make the Hulk even stronger.
She's had that since the 2nd movie user, but either way you don't want that really coming out full force or she ends up killing X-Men.
And who cares what Vision knows how to do? They've got a stone, it doesn't have to be Vision using it. Shit, if Scarlet Witch can control an Infinity Stone then we don't even have to wait for the MCU to show her at full power. It's probably a safe assumption she can take on Jean, at least until she's forced to actually become the real Phoenix. Which is probably how the shitty movie version of this ends, with them team up to stop Phoenix.
in ultimate marvel though
>And Vision doesn't know how to use the soul gem to its full power.
This is not even remotely what they said or implied in Civil war.
Vision only admits he doesn't know how to control it. That doesn't mean he can't go full nuclear meltdown with it.
Control can either mean tapping into it's full power or keeping the full power at bay so he doesn't destroy the whole world with it. In this case it's mostly the later. In this case he tries to keep back as much of the power as he can so he doesn't accidentally an entire planet.
Wolverine at beast can piss off and survive the Hulk. Go toe to toe with the Hulk? LoL, no!
mind gem, not soul
>All he doesn't with it is cripple a black guy
Yeah, and that's him trying to pull his punches doofus, guess what he fucked it up because he didn't know how to control it.
well, hulk is immortal, int he?
I'm pretty sure he ages normally so he'd die within a normal lifespan. can any Sup Forums fags confirm or deny?
No one ever really ages normally in comics
He ages more slowly.
Who is more powerful Loki or Jason?
Bruce Banner ages normally. The Hulk is unaffected by age. There was a comic were bruce banner was fuck old like in his 110's. He'd be lying on his death bed and everytime he was about to slip away into the sweet embrace of death the Hulk would take over and be just as spry as he ever was. On top of that by virtue of turning into the hulk it would heal bruces body just enough to live on for a few more months before he turned into the hulk yet again.
What happens if Rogue touches Hulk? Also he could be neutralized easily by Magneto wrapping him up and flinging him into space
Nigga shot himself in the head and didn't die, even if Bruce Banner is about to die Hulk will just come out
isnt that the comic where banner has a bunch of children and they are all a bunch of redneck cannibals mini-hulks and old-man logan still kills all of them and even kills hulk in the end
>wolverine gets eaten by hulk
>wolverine cuts open hulk from the inside and rips him apart
>cant regenerate from that hulky
Loki even though he's weak as fuck in the movies
found it
dead hulk here
No! That's a different story ark were Banner goes full on Hannibal lector insane and the division between the hulk and banners psyche is much, much, thinner. To the point the are almost one and the same person.
Thats Old Man Logan. One Shots aren't really canon. Hulk does age at much slower rate then humans, example: Maestro
What happened when that other fag tried to absorb the Hulk? It was too much for him and some teen girl isn't going to able to handle it.
However she did absorb she-hulk's powers.
Comic Rogue is OP
Movie Rogue is useless.
>What happens if Rogue touches Hulk?
She pops. Hulk laughs because it tickles
>However she did absorb she-hulk's powers.
She Hulk is exponentially weaker than The Hulk.
What would he do against him? Cap is faster and stronger, but that doesn't matter much when your opponent regenerates and is reinforced by adamantium which also can cut through his one weapon/defense
He was BTFO by normal Earth temperatures Iceman would murder him
depends on if she's powered up with something beforehand. If not he'd have to end it quick because one touch and he's dead
Nigger please. Just teleport and drop first class style
>reinforced by adamantium which also can cut through his one weapon/defense>Iceman
Adamantium is useless against vibranium user. This has been well established comic canon.
What would cap, falcon, hawkeye, widow, antman or hulk do again shadowcat? Yea she can't fight in the movies but besides vision and witch no avenger would be able to hurt her.
>reinforced by adamantium which also can cut through his one weapon/defense
Jesus christ stop talking about shit you have absolutely zero knowledge in, casual.
completely wrong. cap's shield isn't vibranium in the comics
this is Sup Forums where it's been established that his shield is vibranium. In the MCU it's stated that it absorbs all vibration, but nowhere is it stated that it's indestructible, whereas in the Foxverse adamantium is stated as indestructible unless hit with another adamantium weapon
You just spent 15 minutes reading wikipedia articles, didn't you?
comicvine but yea essentially just to back up my hunch it's 630 so what the fuck better to do but shitpost
>shadowcat is always using her powers guys!
>What would [Cap] do against [Wolverine]?
Tie him up? Kick him off a cliff? Push him in a body of water? Pin him to a wall by stabbing him? There's lots of ways to neutralize Wolverine without needing him to be dead.
>adamantium which also can cut through his one weapon/defense
No user, just no.
>Iceman would murder him
Gotta hit him first and it's not like movie Iceman is the all powerful comic version. Cap could chop ice-form movie Bobby in half with his shield, probably just from throwing it. I mean the guy can curl a helicopter. The shield probably protects him from icebeams the same way it doesn't heat up when Iron Man shoots his repulsors at it.
>if [Rogue's] powered up with something beforehand. If not he'd have to end it quick because one touch and he's dead
Even when powered up, movie Rogue is shit. And implying one touch will kill Captain America, top lel. If only the super fast, super strong Captain Rogers could keep a 20 something girl from touching his face. Surely, Cap is doomed.
>Just teleport and drop first class style
It's not like Steve Rogers has ever survived an incredible fall in the movies, both with and without the shield. And again, Cap has super human reflexes. That doesn't just mean dodging, it means predicting where Nightcrawler is likely to pop up. How many teleporters have you seen killed for being predictable? That's how shitty Deadpool in Origins died, wasn't it? To teleport drop someone, he needs to be able to let go of them. Cap is definitely enhanced enough to keep a hand on Nightcrawler if he tried to pull that shit.
user why did you list jean grey twice
I agree with all of these except Wolverine. I don't see Cap taking Wolverine out.
One for each personality ?
...and that's why I don't like Old Man Logan, it's full of inconsistences. The character is cool, don't get me wrong, but everything else sucks.
>The shield probably protects him from icebeams the same way it doesn't heat up when Iron Man shoots his repulsors at it.
if anything his shield would be more vulnerable to cold attacks because it eradicates vibrations
>Tie him up? Kick him off a cliff? Push him in a body of water? Pin him to a wall by stabbing him? There's lots of ways to neutralize Wolverine without needing him to be dead.
Wolvy is a superious fighter himself, Cap can't do shit
>Magneto vs iron manlet
>Logan vs cpt puertorico
>Quicksilver vs spider"man"
>Jean vs ANYONE
Movie Wolverine loses against Movie Cap.
Cap is superhumanly strong, and a master fighter. Wolverine has lost to worse fighters than Cap
>superhumanly strong, and a master fighter
So does Wolverine. plus adamantium bone, super healing
The more I'm thinking about it, the more I'm starting to think you're right. Wolverine does get knocked out all the fucking time.
It depends who's on who's team. If it's the regular Cap, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, and Ant Man vs cyclops, Jean(no phoenix), Ice Man, Woverine, beast, storm, and rogue, then it'd be pretty even. Jean could probably mind control Hulk, assuming it's not WWhulk and he has that stupid crown thing that blocks telepaths, and the avengers would be on the losing side simply due to lack of numbers. However if they're serious about it, and the avengers want to murder the xmen, then it would be no challenge. Antman has op as fuck tech, Iron man has a shitload of armors and has even made a celestial killer armor before. Thor can destroy planets and hurt beings as powerful as Galactus when not holding back. I mean shit, Thor beat half of the xmen team, absorbing man, Loki, Enchantress, Hobgoblin, and fucking Apocalypse all at the same in a comic a few years ago. It would be a massacre. If you include their whole rosters, then xmen would probably be even more fucked, since Scarlet witch(she's an avenger first), Hyperion, Wonder man, and captain universe would join the avengers.
Quicksilver soloes.
Magneto can disarm cap, make tony's own suit eat him up, literally spit at hawkeye and widow and kill both.
The only major threats would be thor and hulk.
Still didn't see wolvy lift a car or hold a helicopter
Don't matter. Dis nigga beat da black offa all dae asses Fucc Boi
Copy and pasting error.
All Cap needs to do is neutralize Wolverine, not kill him. If Blonsky can dance with Hulk 1v1 for even a minute, then Cap can take Wolverine.
You can't just say "if anything" and follow it with bullshit.
MCU Cap is stronger, faster, and a better hand to hand fighter than movie Wolverine. Plus Wolverine gets knocked out from regular bullets shooting him in the head, I'm pretty sure a Cap-strength vibranium shield bash to the head would make him sleepy.
Magneto would be killed immediately, because the team would know he's the biggest threat and so they'd send Thor against him, like they always do.
>Mag's face when he realises that he can't control the "metal" hammer, a split second before it caves his head in
>MCU Cap is stronger, faster, and a better hand to hand fighter than movie Wolverine
Don't see that
> Plus Wolverine gets knocked out from regular bullets shooting him in the head, I'm pretty sure a Cap-strength vibranium shield bash to the head would make him sleepy.
If Cap was the one who got that bullet, he would lie under six feet now.
But it is stated that Magneto can control the iron inside the blood, wouldn't he be able to rip Thor appart from the inside out?
Or at least block his bloodflow to make him suffer a heart attack.
>Don't see that
Matt Murdock can see that.
>If Cap was the one who got that bullet
You know Cap's got a shield right?
Your shitposting isn't up to snuff.
>make tony's own suit eat him up
I don't think you know how magnets work.
>But it is stated that Magneto can control the iron inside the blood
Mystique had to inject the guard with iron to give him a high enough iron-content to let old-and-more-powerful-Magneto use it to escape.
He ain't doing shit with regular Asgardian blood, and definitely not faster than Thor throws the hammer.
Magneto can control atoms (electro-MAGENTIC force), make impenetrable shields and literally rip the fabric of space time. That kinds of control essentially translates to full force telekinesis (he can control all material, because all atoms have the elctro0magentic force) and transmutation (turning one material to another)
Full power Magneto can destroy ANY non-god in the metaverse.
Avengers are children next to him.
Every strike Wolverine hits Cap would be a one hit kill. While he could easy scrub off cap's attack due to his regenate ability
He can bend metal at his will, compressing tony's body in the suit, literally making billionare juice.
>Don't see that
How the fuck do you not? Wolverine's fighting throughout the movies has amounted to popping his claws and slashing at people/healing his wounds. It's what made his fight against Mystique have a semblance of fairness.
Cap, meanwhile, has been shown to be strong, fast and a hand-to-hand combatant every step of the way, sending people flying with a kick and shit.
>If Cap was the one who got that bullet, he would lie under six feet now.
Good thing Cap knows that and has his shield to protect himself from it. Wolverine on the other hand just lets people shoot him because "lol can't hurt me.".
>The Avengers were on another level
Sorry, but Magneto now most powerful marvel hero in cinematic universe.
Well, he kinda is, sometimes, when he feels like it.
With the speeds Quicksilver was moving at when saving Mags he'd be able to punch everyone's heads off before they realised he was on the same continent as them. He's a way bigger threat than Mags.
>. Plus Wolverine gets knocked out from regular bullets shooting him in the head
Watch Apocalypse. Wolverine killed like 40 military armed man in rage mode barehanded.
Reminder that both combined can do jack shit against literally god.
>comparing Cap to random scrubs
>implying Cap didnt do the same in Civil War with the German specops
>Cap, meanwhile, has been shown to be strong, fast and a hand-to-hand combatant every step of the way, sending people flying with a kick and shit.
All are meme opponents with no superpower, yet he is struggle to fight every single of them. He had a hard time with that terrorist guy on the ship, while if Wolverine is that guy's opponent. he coulld easily finish him in 3 seconds
>He's a way bigger threat than Mags.
Mags very useful against metal, this mean - captain shield, iron man, hawkeye bow, blackpanther suit, bucky hand, vision and even thor hammer to some extent i think.
literally who?
But you see, people actually shoot at wolverine, and not trying to fistfight him, like with cap.
Killed Ares.
Stopped WW Hulk (most powerful hulk version).
But get rekt by thor and loki.
>He can bend metal at his will
We're talking about movies only.
>Every strike Wolverine hits Cap would be a one hit kill.
That's not even a little true. First, Wolverine has to hit Cap. Second, he has to hit Cap and not his shield. Third, his claws aren't some kind of disintegration beam. You can stab a human lots of places and it won't kill them, on top of that is Cap's own superhuman healing. While it's no Wolverine instant regeneration, Cap (and Bucky) has survived some fucked up shit. Not every little slash from Wolverine means Cap is dead in "one hit."
>While he could easy scrub off cap's attack due to his regenate ability
One blow to Logan's head from the shield and he's out cold, see X2. And like I posted above and you should know because it was in DofP, you don't have to kill Wolverine to take him out of the equation. If Wolverine was held down, Cap could probably rip his arm off he's so strong.
>it's a capeshit thread on Sup Forums
>We're talking about movies only.
Watch apocalypse. He can do anything with metal now.
Then it's absolutelly not fair because in the movies they portrayed the avengers like they are in the comics while the x-men are literal nobodies.
I want to say Avengers, because I prefer them as a whole, but as a die hard absolutely biased Magneto fanboy I cannot do that. So I abstain.
You're in some special kind of denial if you're just writing off Cap's speed, strength, and technique because Wolverine has knives in his arms and a healing factor.