previous BEST WAIFU IN OR NOT? edition
/got/ general
Chase Sanders
Justin Brown
The screencaps in previous thread are fake, it's scenes from S01 but darkened
Jack Ramirez
how fucking retarded are you
Camden Foster
Second for Stannis
Cameron Hernandez
Nikolaj: Will you marry me?
George Takei: Oh myyyyyy
Angel Cruz
What is LSH's end game? Is Arya going to be the one wh o gets to kill her?
Andrew Clark
>George R.R. Martin on Syrian Refugees: ‘Let Them In’
Parker Morgan
Calorieesi best leesi
Brandon Lopez
>what house does this vehicle belong to?
Ryder Rodriguez
>Rich people claiming refugees should be let in and given everything
Easy to make these claims when it won't impact you or your lifestyle remotely. They just want to feel like moral champions.