Meanwhile in bizzaro Sup Forums

Meanwhile in bizzaro Sup Forums

>actual film discussion and no capeshit


I love old women
Grannies, we call em

>kinos are actually kinos

I lost my virginity.


Hitler was an asshole

why is pepe the funniest meme

smart frogposter

Stay triggered autist

Thank Good moot DIDN'T get cucked
go crazy and ruin Sup Forums and Sup Forums in the process
Let's NOT call him luggage lad.

why are you using cuck like its an insult? Sharing our white wives with our black brethren, as well as replacing all white actors in tv and movies, is the least we can do for putting them through slavery.

>Bizzaro World
is really just sjw world
Men are Women
and Women are dogs and washing machine kin

>white protagonist

My girlfriend's husband hates BvS. My son and I think he is a fucking dickweed haha.

I reported a thread and the janitor immediately took it down. No waiting forty minutes for a thread that had no business on this board to be deleted. What a great system with no flaws, like being banned for posting tv related pictures in a thread. See you in three days is what I'd say if this was an alternate universe.

where were you when /capeshitgeneral/ ruined this board?

I have finally come to the conclusion that living vicariously through fictional characters is robbing me of the precious little time I have on this planet to create my own story.

I'm really excited for the next Jennifer Lawrence project


Disney should really stop trying to catch up to DC, its fucking embarrassing. Your shitty marvel movie have lost.

Bane memes aren't cool. Come on now, it's 6102!

I think the prequel were pretty alright

Just came home from work, list some movies I can watch with my wife and our son.

I can't wait to marry a roastie. I just hope she has a son

The MCU is dead before it starts.
How can it compete with the DCU when it already have the top 3 grossing films of all time?

Finding Nemo, big hero six, Marmaduke, star wars 7, shrek. Me, my wife, and our kids absolutely love these movies! It makes for a great Friday night! Go easy on the salted popcorn haha LOL!

>white protagonist
>white love interest

My son's stepmother enjoyed it

Haha, I know what you mean!

i is an small guy

for me

I'm so happy to be a part of the most productive and respected board on the entire internet

that guy posting the not at all pigfaced little girl all day sure is a hero and definitely shouldn't kill himself immediately

Man don't yall just love them jews?!

I am so glad people are still making game of thrones generals

what an amazing show

found the Sup Forums oldfag!

Thank god all the new Star Wars kino has female leads. It's about time.

it's such a tragedy that moot banned capeshit discussion. I just want to know what action figure to buy my husband's daughter

I love black people, jews and prefer women of age.

someone get this coldhead in here!

why didn't the eagles just steal the ring from bilbo?

>black character fucks white love interest in front of white protagonist

I prefer tits over feet.

we wouldn't care about the protagonists race

What kind of faggot has a fetish for feet? Futa faggots are also cancer.

race-blindness ignores the effect of privilege, shitlord
didn't your qt black gf tell you that?

why are porn threads always such aggressive clusterfucks? someone tried swatting me over a difference in opinion and i had Sup Forums and facebook linked at the time so they had my address and everything

The fuck are you talking about, Trumpony


I'm so glad we all agree that discussing marvel/DC ad nauseum is pointless and makes those who do it look stupid and childish because there are so many other topics related to film that deserve so much more discussion.


The new Ghostbusters movie is literally the best thing to happen to cinema in an extremely long time. Conservative shitlords getting what they deserve is fantastic. Every film should have progressive messages from now on.

Arguing about hypothetical situations involving fictional characters is a productive use of my time



I'm a little girl

By me


Pls don't post hands and stay, gentlewoman

Don't say that you're in bizzaro/tv/ just play along


Why did Marv get lit for cinco de mayo


>not Bond