So what are you up to tonight?
So what are you up to tonight?
This show is literally r*ddit and conservateshits will defend police entrapment.
>I want to fuck kids so I'll blame Reddit for making it riskier
Entrapment isn't legal, they have no right to do this.
what did he mean by this?
>untied shoe laces
>caught twice within 24 hours
Severe mental ilnness
He was looking for some child ass to eat
Was what they were doing even legal? Can you lure them in and just arrest them under the suspension of child sexual abuse?
Hoping to order some cheese pizza.
the show blurred the line of entrapment and suspect rights. supposedly the decoys would wait for the marks to turn the conversation sexual - which is certainly illegal anywhere in US - but at the house, most would mistake hansen for law enforcement of some sort and start singing. he wouldnt identify himself til he was through grilling them. surely whatever they said in those grillings was admissible in court despite the lack of miranda rights
Why do grown men want to fuck 13 year old girls
for all you pedos thinking this is entrapment, let me fucking explain why it isnt. the suspects here were fully aware that what they were doing is illegal and for all intents and purposes they were soliciting a minor even if it wasn't actually a minor talking to them, same as if you pull up to someone's house wanting to murder them but you actually shoot a mannequin instead of the intended victim, it's still intended murder. the fact that 'but they didn't actually do anything' doesnt matter, because they knowingly made an attempt to break the law.
>You have no right to bait me :(
Well why do kids try hardest to be so sexy?
>the losers on TCAP
>grown men
>not pathetic, idiotic manchildren
Everyone keep in mind that he's almost done with Hansen vs. Predator season 1. He got 10 more cunnies
>dat minority report logic
is that a bad thing, curious user here?
... i-is that the d-decoy?
would waifu
Soliciting minors is illegal.
There are no minors involved.
By your logic men who are arrested for soliciting undercover female cops posing as prostitutes should also never be convicted.
That's not how the law works.
Kids don't try to be sexy
>a / s /l
>12 /f /cali
>oh damn bae just what i like
>lets get together so i can stick my dick your tight little teen vagina
>here's some dick pics, when you want to meet?
>oh also ill bring some alcohol lol xD
they clearly show up at someone's house intending to fuck a kid. it's a pretty simple concept.
There has to be a genetic reason for wanting to smash a tight cunny.
Obviously you won't feel great about it once you blast your load and the shame comes.
Entrapment or not, the show leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It's very morbid. Luring unsuspecting subjects into a situation where audiences can watch the very moment their lives become ruined as entertainment. Surely there's a better way to police statutory rape than making a big spectacle about it.
Not the same ballpark. Not even the same state. Offering sex for money is illegal. It doesn't matter who you do it to. Offering to fuck a minor is illegal, so it most certainly does matter who you do it to.
You can tell the dude who told her to make that face was Russian.
If doing any of that was illegal period, no matter whos involved, yes. But since that is only illegal if a minor is involved, no minor, no crime.
They deserve it though.
I might wanna cut you a little, suck on your blood.
Attempting to have sex with a 12 year old is illegal.
Have you even seen the guys they arrest?
>implying their lives weren't already ruined
>can't ask questions to girls because they're underage hhuehueue
USA USA USA free speech!!!!!111
>this man will never come into your house and start masturbating
and since there is no 12 year old involved...
I can't control my horny level.
and since they are attempting to have sex with a 12 year old...
Its not like this show is catching attractive upstanding members of valued communities. They're "catching" people who are sad, desperate, and stupid. The last part is actually verifiable, as the decoy is instructed to disengage from anyone who seems remotely intelligent.
These people's lives were ruined long before chris hansen ever got his ""justice" + "pedophiles" = guaranteed ratings" idea.
All this show is really doing is taking people who life has kicked the shit out of for several decades and kicking them again.
Tying a 14 year old with ropes, spanking her ass deep red and fucking her in the butt because I don't live in a cucked country.
To be charged with a crime sure.
To be grilled by a media personality who airs the most private things they might have uttered for the purpose of entertaining an audience? To have their darkest moment of shame turned into a giant spectacle? It's reminiscent of romans throwing men into the colosseum for amusement.
How exactly do you attempt to do something with something that isn't there?
That would mean every time someone shoots a gun at a target that represents a person, they should be arrested for murder.
>How exactly do you attempt to do something with something that isn't there?
It's funny how many perverts there are out there.
I once made a blatantly fake post on craigslist about an 18 year old girl looking for a large group of men to come over and turn her pussy into a "toaster strudel." I got over 40 replies in the span of a couple of hours.
People are dumb and thirsty as fuck.
Because they believed that they were talking to an underage person. Are you really this fucking stupid?
It's the intent and attempt to follow through on that intent that's illegal, regardless of whether the person they were talking to to was actually underage or not.
If I point a gun at someone and pull trigger fully believing it was loaded it's illegal, regardless of whether or not the gun was actually unloaded.
>wanting sex is perversion
don't even joke about things like that.
>you will never be invited to release your filling into a girl's fortress of solitude
Attempts are based on knowledge
Knowledge doesn't rely on external factors
What's behind the door is irrelevant
Since this has already been proven multiple times in a legal sense based on the number of people arrested, I'll prove it to you in an ideological sense
>The laws are put in place to protect children
>It is accepted that someone who's attempting to have sex with a child puts that child and others at risk
>This is because someone who has a sexual attraction to children and is willing to act on that desire is clearly a risk to children
>the people in this show clearly have a sexual attraction to children based on the conversations and photos they send to what they believe is a child
>the people in this program are clearly prepared to act on their desire by coming to the house
>therefore the people in this show area a danger to children
Show me one false premise here you kiddy-fiddling fuck
>It's the intent and attempt to follow through on that intent that's illegal
[citation needed]
This guy always baffled me.
Why was he walking like a zombie? What were they blurring exactly? Did he whip his dick out immediately? Is he dead or not?
Honestly people are. That's why I always ask for intimate snapchat pics from my tinder lays who are asking for a hard whipping.
He walked like a zombie because he had back problems.
Im sure he was masturbating or at least rubbing his cock over his trousers.
And yes, he died.
Mens rea and actus reus.
shit, do you have a youtube link for him?
Because when a girl or a boy goes through puberty, they're ready to have sex biologically and age of c9nsent is just a modern invention. Now, mind you, I agree with age of consent and wouldn't go younger than 18(16 is legal here) but I disagree with the moral panic about people who are attracted to teens because it's completely natural. Not all "statutory rapists" are monsters, a lot of them are victims of circumstance. A lot are plain abusers, though.
There's a difference between wanting sex and being a bottom feeding knuckle dragger who actually clicks on "hot singles want to fuck in your area tonight" ads
Please help me, I'm a straight, honest man.
But muh dick, help muh dick. Why is this happening.
Nope. This is the only link
>TCAP thread
>child-molesters try to argue that it's entrapment despite judges constantly ruling that it's not
>this has been proven legal because people were arrested
No... arresting a person doesn't convict them of a crime. People are arrested all the time under suspicion. Search warrants are conducted under suspicion.
If these people were CONVICTED of the crime of which they were being arrested under suspicion, then you would have an argument along these lines.
At best this is working through a pretty shitty series of legal loopholes that allow hansen and crew to escape slander charges (as they have proof of everything that happened) and get a nice "cuff slap" shot by way of creating sufficient suspicion for a token arrest, but there still isn't any actual crimes here.
If anything hansen and crew could get in some shit for false reporting. But the most that ever comes of that is a fine that is easily absorbed by the production budget.
sauce me
still requires an actual minor, in this case.
Here's a screencap
>mfw women complain they can get laid
>If these people were CONVICTED of the crime of which they were being arrested under suspicion, then you would have an argument along these lines.
Good thing the majority of people from season 3 onward were convicted then isn't it?
The vast majority of them were convicted, you fucking mongoloid.
You can look them up on the national sex offenders registry.
pretty good
>no condoms
Thank god I wouldn't have fallen for that.
That's a really good job, very tasteful.
If I was reading this though I would be suspicious as fuck and know it was a rig.
>but there still isn't any actual crimes here
I came here to say I wasn't going to be able to stay
Take a seat
It doesn't, despite what you're trying to argue.
I'm just being stupid I guess..
Some dude replied saying he has a very small dick but would love to suck the "yummy gooey" cum" out of me to prepare me for the next dick
They were not convicted of the act solicitation shown, they were convicted of other crimes that being on the show gave sufficient suspicion to investigate.
I mean, its okay if you don't understand the law. Most people don't. It's part of why the law is such a huge profession.
The big thing to remember here is, tCaP isn't legal, but its illegal in such a way that is completely meaningless to the people committing the crime (false reporting) and it exists only to turn a shitty moment in sad lives into entertainment for plebs.
Yes, and..?
holy shit
Gonna need a source on any of that cause that directly contradicts with what chris hansen says on the show
And between a random pedophile-defending neckbeard and chris hansen, I'm probably gonna assume hansen's telling the truth
It doesn't. Watch and listen to hansen very carefully.
He says "lead to the convictions of" which does not mean they were convicted for anything hansen had any part in.
He explicitly mentions several times that sending sexually explicit conversations and images to someone you believe to be under-age is illegal. In pretty much every episode
So either you know the law better than hansen, or you're making shit up
And since you still haven't provided a source, im calling bs
>my claims are unsubstantiated, so you need a source to disprove them.
>and my unsubstantiated claims were spouted by A CELEBRITY
>you're just a loser lol!!
... retarded or shill?
You're the retard here, buddy. The TCAP crew clearly know what the fuck they're doing and are backed by the goddamn police.
Hansen's job is to get sick twisted individuals arrested. You're argument is that he doesn't do this
You have yet to provide ANY proof
fuck off
holy shit its the pedo spammer
>i don't know the difference between arrest and conviction
thanks Sup Forums
>still doesn't provide any proof