You now remember the Bob Ross marathon

>you now remember the Bob Ross marathon

Has there ever been a comfier time on Sup Forums?

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>tfw it took so long for my brushes and paints to arrive that the marathon was over when they did and I never ended up painting anything

I've downloaded the entire series, but it's just not the same.

Right up there with those two weeks we had Shark Tank streams every night.

I was thinking about this recently. It was my favourite time spent here and I watched an episode last night on youtube to reminisce.

>tfw he goes full maniac and slaps a giant tree in front of the mountain he spent fifteen minutes painting

>"Let's get crazy"

reddit: the painter

God bless you and your terrible opinions

does /ck/ watch the cooking marathon on twitch?

based walter. his show has won some emmys but does anyone know what the category was?

and julia child is just an annoying hag. i know she's like 85 when her stuff with jacques was filmed but still.


>you now remember this episode


Prussian blue master race

We're gonna build a wall, and make phthalo green pay for it.

Didnt twitch say they were going to do the full marathon again on his birthday?

I still watch some episodes before bed. super comfy

Why was life so hard on him?

>tfw some midnight black fag rigged the poll

I believe so, I'll be around during those two weeks to make threads

>Ross at one time got an invitation to appear on Oprah, but declined because he wanted to do paintings for the audience, while the show wanted to focus on couples who are in business together, but do not live together.

When is that? Might be an opportunity to try my hand.

should be around the last week of october

Robert Norman "Bob" Ross (October 29, 1942 – July 4, 1995)

Shouldn't that be Robert "Bob" Norman Ross?

Thanks guys.

>its an oval episode

Starts on October 29th, goes on for about 2 weeks.

Always great to see people from different boards come together and enjoy Bob Ross.

why don't someone make a marathon stream?

The Tales from the Crypt stream from last summer was pretty comfy