Why are white man + poc couples so extremely rare in films?

Why are white man + poc couples so extremely rare in films?

I literally can't think of a single instance in any big budget movie or TV series

You haven't watched many movies.

>tfw no chocolate gf

Because no one wants to sleep with black women. The ones that do are normally bi sexual / gay, or far and few between.
But it's rare to find an attractive black.


Ugh I'm not racist but I hated that chick in Uncharted 4

That one with ashton kutcher
Lakeview terrace

Off the top of my head

Lakeview Terrace

Black women are seen as too masculine so they aren't really desirable; same with Asian men as being too feminine.
Those traits on the other hand work for their counterparts which are a lot more common when pairing.

Billy Bob Thornton: Hank Grotowski
Halle Berry: Leticia Musgrove

Monster's Ball.

Also the sex scene is super hot.

So there.

My 5 cents, black women love sex, while white girls don't

>white gf
>We just had sex last week, you really want to do it again already?

>black gf
>You only lasted two rounds tonight, are you sick or something?

Isn't Scandal about that or something?

Because there's a painful reality about Black Male / White Female relationships that no one wants to admit, but Hollywood knows the truth and exploits it for their gain.

Black men are treated as nothing more than the ultimate fashion accessory for white women. It's sad and true. It's also very racist even though these people are in a romantic relationship.

cause white men can do better, its almost an insult to the character.

We target Asian female master race girlfriends for the most part.

If you see a white guy with a nigger girl you know he fucked up somewhere in life.

Because literally no one likes female niggers

Even the male niggers despise them

Loud, obnoxious, prone to getting fat


Stop it, America.

I've dated one white girl and one black girl and it was pretty much like thar


And if you mean specifically white men with black women, Lakeview Terrace, Guess Who, Monster's Ball, Abrams Star Trek and 28 Days Later just off the top of my head.

Hey, it's you again. Still wanna cum on a guy?

Walking Dead baka

There's actually more in movies than in real life

Studios are under pressure to put black main characters in movies, but they know that a black man/white woman pairing would cause a shitstorm

Bgfl: black girls finish last. My friend who's literally half Japanese half black has actually said that himself.

As you might guess, his mom is the Japanese.


sup tommy sotomayor

Did you do her?

Because white men shown with other races doesn't make anyone feel uncomfortable. It just makes white guys feel like badasses for getting some "erotic" pussy.

But when it's a white woman with other races, then white men start getting flustered. That's how you know you're actually making a difference.

The main character in the literal most popular show in the world is a white man in a relationship with a black woman. (The Walking Dead)

Meant "exotic".