See this

>see this
>post you're country's face when

Other urls found in this thread:

A-At l-least he didn't set up a private email



haha i like old 9000 memes too haha

Fuck if i know.

After all that spiying shit our govt don't trust US Govt at all.

Trump is going to be mediocre most likely but I'd still rather have him than Hillary. She was one of the most corrupt politicians we've had in some quite time, just a giant warmongering cunt and compulsive liar. Hillary would've ruined our country more then trump wouldn

Not surprised. It's Trump, after all.

Why do I have the feeling that some rogue soldier or sjw/antifa nigger will kill trump

>are allies
Anyway I doubt anything will happen with us.


>are allies




EU-American war when?

Trump really is the beginning of the end of US hegemony.

Meh, we're not really complaining. Not like it's benefited us anyway

> hillary wins
> corrupt whore with all kind of sleazy ME connections, known for pay to play, murderous negligence, bullying and participating in coups
> no fly zone in syria
> cyberattacks regarded as terrorism
> ww3 against russia
> end of the fucking world

i-it was only the emails a-amirite guys... d-drumpf

you have to promtly fuck off and kill yourself, faggot


best 4 years ever, when he leaves americans will be felating for food rations.

I, too, watch RT.

It was shit for everyone involved, thank God.

>delete button
Do you retards use some tweet generator? Why not just inspect element on an actual tweet?

I'll trade a few of their funny cardboard houses for a sack of potatos when the time comes.

You're just mad because he treats you guys with supreme disrespect

Oh yeah, don't get me wrong, I think it's great. I'm just saying that he marks the beginning of the slow decline of the American empire, just as it happened to the brits, the French, Spanish, Portuguese, etc

It's not about anger, it's about history

Its fake you absolute retards

This is f-fake news right?

I'm not even remotely right wing and I felt relieved to see Clinton lose. That woman was a serious threat to world peace. One Clinton was enough.

It's irrelevant to the point I'm making.

We won't actually. We export more food than any other country in the world and in terms of absolute total production, we're still the third largest producer in the world.

The US is never going to starve.

Your point is ''i think this is the end of america lol''
No point at all just your hate

I think he meant people wouldn't be able to afford food, the production itself is behind layers and layers of subsidies and protectionism.

I didn't say that. I said Trump is the end of US hegemony, do you know what the concept of hegemony means you dolt?

But it is.

China will take the world. ;D

Your point is your oppinion based on nothing but memes and your hate you faggot

Mexico is the second largest buyer of American exports, pictured is the 5 largest US trade partners so you appreciate their relative importance. Unlike you buying American it's an easy non prohibitively costly choice for me, say American made French's mustard vs made in Mexico Heinz. I haven[t bought a product or used a service that's American ever since Trump won the election and while we don't care to make it hashtag trending official (we are mindful it doesn't help our country's PR) it's a boycott that's word of mouth spreading.

"Supreme disrespect" has consequences dumb fuck.

>Your point is your oppinion based on nothing but memes

It's based on his comments regarding NATO, his antagonism towards US allies, his clear lack of diplomatic skills, his economic moves typical of crony capitalism, etc. Stop embarrassing yourself.

No such tweet.

Youre just made he called you a beaner
see Even if nato and russian turned on the US which they wont the us would still win

>Trump is going to be mediocre
That's a very rosy interpretation of how things are shaping up.

just mad cuz he called you a beaner*

>9001 favorites

Its fake

>nothing but memes

retard monkey

pic related


>DeVos: “I support accountability.”
>DeVos: “I support accountability.”
>DeVos: “I support accountability.”
>DeVos: “I support accountability.”
>DeVos: “I support accountability.”
What did she mean by this?

That's pretty much bullshit tho

>She was one of the most corrupt politicians we've had in some quite time

Meanwhile Trump has exxon boss and other lobbyists in his cabinet and you're fine with that? Retard

It\s not actually coming to war dumb ass (if Russia and America go to war and the species goes extinct "winning" becomes moot) if you can[t see Trump[s policies will hit the whole world you're delussionally stupid even for a hue, whith China exporting less to the US demand will drop for the commodities atht are your main source of foreign reserves. But hey, be as edgy as you want on the internet, it's not like any of us will see you crying when you loose your job because the economy's gone to shit.

>She was one of the most corrupt politicians we've had in some quite time

Meanwhile Trump has exxon boss and other lobbyists in his cabinet and you're fine with that? Not to mention Trump has already shown sign that he wants to abuse the post for his company's needs
So corruption is fine when you get rid of the middle man?

And even without those protections, the US would still produce metric fucktons more food than it could possibly consume.

>post you're country's face when
no face

>most powerful person in the country
>doesn't know the language

I think us and Russia might be the only ones to benefit from trump

>Even if nato and russian turned on the US which they wont the us would still win

I never said anything about the US losing some war or conflict, I said they will lose their hegemony you retard, do you know how to read in English?


I know this is fake, but most people wouldn't even be able to tell the difference. Why does trump tweet like an autist

Even though you made some very good points, the fact that you replied twice means I must discard your opinion

How is this shit even real?

To fucking who you retard, literally nobody is even close to the US for the next decades

His economic policies are absolute garbage, he's better than Hilary but that is by no means an accomplishment. He's just going to be another Reagan

blame Sup Forums, it said it aborted the message after I clicked the 'Post' button twice, it lied to me

>Donald Trump: I'll offer deals to Britain, Russia

>when the three amigos reunite to destroy Germany

Trump is nothing but memes kys

China is gaining up on them at an accelerating pace.

Meanwhile russia, brasil and india are in their respective b, c and d tier of military power and will be for a long time.

>believing the China meme
And yeah even the BRICS who were ''the future'' are all crashing


>b tier military power
They literally have nukes and that's it.

> eat feijoada
> not beaner

pick one

china is the next global superpower. not right now, but definitely in the future. it's inevitable.

everyone always knew brics were nowhere going shitholes except china from day 1

No, I'm from the South of Brazil, I only eat schnitzel and chimarrão.

This sucks so much. Them owning nukes is the only thing that makes them relevant
If not for them they could stray off the imperialist path - or at least, the regions would have easier time separating
I'm saying this ecause Russia has been an oppriessive imperialist shithole since it's creation - and the Russians were always the biggest victims of it, whether they realized it or not

I knew it... I visited on his Twitter wall and no such writing.

ids habbening

stig hile

I fucking knew it!

ok you fucking monkey

>ww3 against russia
Stop this meme

>has piss fetish
>supports trickle down economics

Paid for by the Donald trump foundation