Thank you Snyder

Thank you Snyder

Other urls found in this thread:

You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun, Zack. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders.

GOAT superman movie...10/10
I especially liked the part where his father sacrificed himself to hide his son's powers.


This may be my favourite blockbuster of all time, behind Gladiator and one or two more I'm forgetting.

Literally the most emotionally stirring, powerful, meaningful and evocative superhero adaptation of the last 20 years

This will sound stupid, but I don't care. This movie inspired me. It reminded me that we all owe it to ourselves to find purpose, to strive to be just a little bit better than we were just yesterday.


you're welcome OP

Pure kino, literally 2deep4 Marveldrones

Thankyou Snyder

Thank you Snyder

hwo can Marvel even hope to compete against the cinematography, the allegories, scope and scale of Snyder's stories?

It was shit lol

You guys are delusional. The only good thing about that movie was Henry but it's just because he's an endearing autist.

In my opinion, they don't compete. They're not even really the same type of film.


Thank you Snyder

>MoS was shit
nice way of showing to all of us how retarded you are. MoS is literally the pinnacle of superhero movies, as well as the best Superman portrayal to date. Prove me wrong, protip: you cannot

No need to reply, let them fester in their ignorance.

literally disgusted at anyone who doesn't like this film

I second this. Let's not drag the discussion down with pointless debate.

I'd rather talk about what fans of the franchise hope to see in the future. Me personally, I want to see, at long last, full-blown Superman, not his first steps and acceptance of his public role - Superman being Superman.

this is what I'm hoping for in MoS 2. Not sure what they're going to do about Clark Kent, I was saddened that BvS deviated a bit from the comics in this regard, Clark is an integral part to Superman

I'm certain we'll get that if the next movies don't fail, especially with Geoff Johns taking a larger role, and then that'll just make MoS even more enjoyable because you've seen how he's grown from his days of going off-grid and helping random people as he travels.

>fish on

lets post our favorite scenes. heres mine:

You fucking idiot. Man of Steel cured my cancer.

well played

Jor-El's speech and the first flight are an easy choice,but I'm gonna go with

>this scene

Man, even the glorious trailers couldn't capture a 1/10th of how majestic this scene was.

>that score
>the stakes
>that Reeves face
>that struggle holding the weight of 77 billion lives
>that triumph

literally the most perfect moment in capeshit ever

Because he's the director Sup Forums deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him, because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian. A watchful protector. A capekinosseur.

>30 posts
>15 IPs
You can stop samefagging OP

I'm curious about that, too. I almost half suspect that they might pull a real reversal of the norm with cape films and have Superman go public as his civilian identity. After all, no matter how crazy Lithor is, that bell has been rung.

Also, I'm starting to suspect that elements within the government already knew.


theatrical cut cut most of Clark out as far as I'm aware
How can Marvel even compete?

By earning more every time a movie is released.

>mfw it started playing again during the Zodd fight

My hype could not be contained.

I'm so unbelievably hype for the director's cut. Is that still coming out around July 19th?

Another question - does everyone ITT know about the prequel comics?

>people can't have a conversation

I think so, but the studio said that wasn't factual so I don't know.

Was unaware of the comic actually.

>he thinks gross is at all relative to quality

don't respond, they come for the (You)'s

>canon supergirl gets married the only black krypton in the man of murder prequels

There's one for MoS and five for BvS. Some pretty interesting stuff in there, and as per usual with comic tie-ins, what's there remains canon unless explicitly contradicted by the film.

Another thing - I think they might contain a clue as to how Lex knew who Superman is(beyond the obvious) and possibly how he found the other metas, too.

>tfw all the good MoS threads appear right before I'm about to go to bed

Nice, I was really disappointed we didn't get a DC of MoS (even though it didn't really need it) of the 3h that was filmed, at least there's this.

Somebody the other day mentioned there was some 3-hr documentary of MoS. Is that something on the special features disc that I somehow overlooked?

Supposedly there was only one actual scene deleted from Man of Steel, and that was a scene of the Kents with baby Clark at the Doctor's office. It was supposed to take place in between the Krypton intro and the Oil rig sequence.

The majority of footage cut for the final film was essentially longer takes, and scene extensions that messed with pacing.

>that sweaty faora

>essentially longer takes, and scene extensions that messed with pacing.

>somewhat elongated takes that drift from scene to scene are my cinematic fetish

I heard something about a deleted scene between Clark and Zod, too.

Loved Zod. Such a great villain, and a great performance by Shannon, too.

Haha, DCucks back at being retards again. MoS sucked, Dawn Of Justice was literal garbage. Zack Snyder is a pretentious fuck who can't tell a good story or make compelling characters even if you forced him to. Based Marvel will save capekino, Zack Snyder will soon be forgotten, as will his shit movies.

Come at me DCucks with your "you're just too dumb to understand the movie, user", just continue with your degenerate memes. :^)

Sorry, bro. We're bulletproof here. Thanks for sharing your opinion, though.

Not an opinion, it's a proven fact.

anyone know why people complain about 'hamfisted' religious content in mos? that stuff is present in all superman movies, present in nolan's movies as well

Yeah I love longer takes too and MoS definitely had many moments I wish stuck around a bit longer

My favorite Malick movie is the extended cut of The New World for example, and I love how much of that movie just lingers.

I honestly don't know, especially in light of what a lot of fans(me included) think it's there for in the first place.

What do you mean exactly?

It went a bit over the top in BvS though, like just after the final battle there's a big crucifix in the background.

Something I keep coming back to in BvS - anyone else think that the cairn Jonathan was building on the mountain looked a lot like the rubble where Clark died?

Literally just watched a torrent. All the BvS memes here made me think that it would be serious but at least maybe interesting

No, it was basically all boring garbage

Give it some time to sink in. I wasn't exactly a fan after my first viewing either.

If Sup Forums says a movie is good. Don't watch it.
If Sup Forums says a movie is bad. Go check it out.

I didn't like Man of Steel but I loved Batman vs. Superman. I think it just tried to do too much at once and rushed to try and get Justice League set up ASAP.
They should have slowed the pace by splitting it into two different movies or something.

I'd have been happier with that, too. I still liked it, but that was an awful lot of story to cram into one plot.

that all the movies have allusions and comparisons
none of them are fresh in my memory but i'd like to say snyder does 'more' with it insofar as how it relates to the world and clark himself there's direct use of contrast. the other movies make reference and end there *i think*. i'd have to watch all of them again

shit, i'm one of like two guys who influenced all the talk about the christ allusions, only because i was casually interested. i was planning on throwing more shit out there but the way the pasta keeps escalating changed my mind. hyperbolic Sup Forums will be hyperbolic i guess

this isn't helpful at all
there is barely any consensus anywhere if at all

I know exactly what you mean. I'm one of the other guys.

When does snyder unleashed come out?

Jesus Christ, we get it. Fucking move on. Can we stop having capeshit threads?

July 19th

I watch this scen daily to get inspired!

eh it is okay although the first 20 minutes are the movie's highlight.

Say, you seen the latest interpretation of Bruce's premonition, as in, why it might have been presented the way it was?

>75 posts
>29 posters

I thought it was fucking weird how Batman started using guns in that part.

Becouse we live in age of millenials 'I'm Atheist debate me' neckbeards.

>All the BvS memes here made me think that it would be serious but at least maybe interesting
You know they were joking, right?

Poe's law, my friend. Not all are joking.

To be fair, it's the only Superman movie I ever watched to the end without taking a few breaks and the only I can actually remember what it's about. So... GOAT?

the flash+kryptonite+kryptonian tech x scifi! thing?
fascinating, nudged me to look into scifi. i'm more into nonfiction outside outside of movies
i already had some ideas about the presentation of darkseid and the meanings and ideas they could potentially play with, and that theory could work very well into my thoughts of a sort of immaterial entity that can do more mindbending type of activity

post apocalyptic scenario all bets are off. batman wasn't a vigilante there, he was a full on insurgent

>could work very well into my thoughts of a sort of immaterial entity that can do more mindbending type of activity

I think that might be why the Flash just says "him" instead of naming him outright. I'm really starting to think there's going to be some sort of Sauron/One Ring factor to Darkseid, where just thinking about/knowing about him risks corrupting you.

dmt entities and telepathic higher dimensional aliens are shit people think about in our own world. the nature of thought and the extent to which our thoughts affect or interact with reality with or without our physical causal interactions

i can't recall the different versions of darkseid and the ways he's manifested throughout all comics whether as a force or simple individual but i think this would be an appropriate place to play with those ideas of a truly 'higher' being.
however i haven't figured out whether or not they can play with that but also have him be a sort of 'destroyer' archetype which would flip the whole thing and not make him as malevolent.
depending on how they present darkseid they will not have a choice but to play with ideas of what consciousness is and its relationship to the universe OF COURSE i'm not saying that fucking snyder is goethe x 1000000 i'm just saying that these are things that could happen


They could make him sort of a mental "infection/parasite." I just hope they go with a different look than he has in the comics. He's a great villain, but I've always thought he looked goofy as hell.

instead of being an infection, i'd say something more akin to the medusa
personally i don't mind the comics look, they could forget about the garb and details entirely and just make a seven or eight foot humanoid figure with beats from the og look
however there has to be some entity with personal identity and conscience that has a physical figure to attach this to, i don't think this is the appropriate place to invoke an immaterial maybe sentient maybe not thing, unless they're a step ahead here and plan to play with this idea.
i do think they will escalate and play with a few ideas that the comic book writers never thought to do

It really is an underrated masterpiece

>i do think they will escalate and play with a few ideas that the comic book writers never thought to do

I hope so, too. You happen to be familiar with any Stephen King heavies, like Randall Flagg? If not, he was always depicted with his face being obscured by an impossibly dark shadow off the brim of his hat.

Whether this artist intentionally made use of that as a reference or was just disguising a "mystery villain," I've always found more intimidating than how Darkseid's normally portrayed.

>randall flagg
added to the list desu

a being that can't be perceived directly, like YHWH at sinai, or whose very essence obfuscates itself
well what you're speaking to i think is the whole disappointment of revelation thing, before which our own imaginations are doing the work. i think we're both circling this
what i think you're talking about in that panel is that it's a succinct shot of this very thing
this fits with the whole painting and "out in the darkness among the stars"
more and more i definitely think that darkseid can't be a figure depicted in mundane ways, characterization has to be built indirectly as with the painting

Man of Steel is the worst thing ever made by a human.

"Is it really surprising that the most powerful man in the world should be a figure of controversy?"

you mean where he died becuase hes a complete retard, i get hes trying the hide supes powers but he didnt need to get the dog in the first place, he could of got supes to get the dog in a quicker fashion without showing off his powers.



>"You were right about him ! You've always been right about him! ! Fear him ! Find us Bruce"
Other than the obvious answer,DAE think it might be
Lex ?
Darkseid ?
Cyborg ?

>Join us in the sun

More like the grave

>make the first movie of your big franchise suck

>Thor is fresher than The Assassination of Jesse James
Wow what a great system.