Are Americans on Sup Forums ready to admit that my country is objectively better to live in than theirs?

Are Americans on Sup Forums ready to admit that my country is objectively better to live in than theirs?

Yes, I will kneel to the Australian overlords when the time comes.

22.79% more money trumps the other negatives. many such cases.

It doesn't take into account distribution of wealth which everyone knows is at insane levels of retardedness in America at the moment

Are Australians on Sup Forums ready to admit that my country is objectively better to live in than theirs?

>have 3.58% more free time
bullshit, japanese work themselves to death, I'd guess we have like 30% more free time tbph

you may live better than the average nigger but I live better than the average bogan

No thanks. I'd take a %20 paycut to live in Australia desu.

Brazilians are delusional about money mate it's not that important to make more money i would rather live in Australia

>bullshit, japanese work themselves to death
>"Statistics say otherwise? B-but muh memes. Australia #1!"

australians should just genocide themselves desu.

But our bogans live far better than your ghetto blacks and your rednecks

>no suicide statistic

shit comparison tool desu. The suicide rate is more important than the homicide rate.

I've been to japan. I've seen many people working 12+ hour days at restaurants and bars etc, and I've seen reports of japan's "working poor" who have to work 2 jobs and sleep 4 hours a night. I am totally bamboozled by these stats and wonder where they come from.

You can find outliers anywhere. The plural of anecdote is not data.

Probably because there's plenty of Australians in the same position?

Higher chances to be unemployed, paying more for electricity, water, groceries and rent. In the end it would amount to about the same.

>In the end it would amount to about the same.

>It doesn't take into account distribution of wealth
If it did take that into account than your Chinese landlords would be loling at your life

Yes this seems much more accurate.

They're not necessarily outliers. And data isn't always representative of the facts, depends on what workplaces the data was gathered from, and if they were telling the truth about hours worked.

Most countries have pretty bad levels of income distribution desu. Only exception is Scandinavia


>better to live in
No one is denying this though pham. Our international dickwaving is mostly based on our military; we only pull the >muh hdi card when bullying third-worlders

The US is middle of the road among developed nations. Nothing wrong with that.

but can I live my life out as a neet in australia?

There is when you have 300 million people and are the world's leading economic power. We're seriously underachieving in terms of quality of life, I thought that's why we voted for the cheeto

only if you're a citizen and willing to rort the welfare system

>There is when you have 300 million people and are the world's leading economic power.
Those are detriments, not benefits.
>We're seriously underachieving in terms of quality of life,
For certain segments of our population, due to historical reasons (segregation, Jim Crow etc.)

We need to stop thinking we're special and just realize we're like every other nation that's ever existed.

All of those negatives are negated by just not being poor (objectively more likely) and not living in a shit area.

You're saying the status quo is fine and you shouldn't even think you can do better?

Those segments include some white people and they drag our averages down, allowing shitholes like Austr*lia to surpass us. There is plenty of room for improvement. And more people means more workers pham

Not what I said at all mate.
>allowing shitholes like Austr*lia to surpass u
Nah, Aussies are cunts but they've got a good thing going with mining/tech investment.

>biggest nanny state in the world


Now post stats for actual work not reportedly worked

Australia is way better on paper but I still wouldn't want to live there.

Honestly, no matter how good is the living, I simply do not tolerate state censorship.
I do what I want and I'd rather die than let the state dictate what I can play, read or watch.

It neglects to mention that if Australia were your home instead of Japan you would be 90% more likely to get laid and 100% more likely to be safe from nuclear radiation.