What the hell happened?
What the hell happened?
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main star beat his wife
hot topic needed something new to sell on t shirts
I don't even know how the first one got a green light. Everything looks putrid
The first one is one of my mom's favorite movies and I have no idea why
There was a time when people thought everything Johnny Depp touched turned into gold. They had to learn the hard way.
>Tim Burton doing a remake of Disney's adaption of Alice In wonderland
I really didn't expect it to be utter shit. Shame it fell for the 'epic' meme
the first one was made
1 billion things happened
Literally "Johnny Depp wants to be weird" the movie. He should've just fell into obscurity with the rest of the A-list actors.
Live action fairy tales/fantasy being shit almost every time.
Just shows how much of a maestro Peter Jackson is.
I thought this was charlie and the chocolate factory at first glance. Why are all his movies the same?
All "style" no substance
Dark fantasy is overrated.
Another Tim Burton disaster. Who else here watched the entire movie theater call ralph during the Nightmare before Christmas. To be fair I was the one to start the chain reaction
> 1993
Whoops, I forgot you guys weren't born for another 10 years
rewatched this the other night, underrated IMO.
Just based of the context given you should figure it out
Critics finally got sick of Tim Burton's bullshit.
You know its a sign of autism to expect people to have identical knowledge to yourself?
The first one was panned pretty hard too. Hell, the last six or more burton movies were all panned pretty hard.
To call ralph is to barf, throw up, vomit.
Has nice visuals I'll give it that. But it suffers a lot from trying to make it some lord of the rings lite.
Speaking of is it just me or does Alice come across as a bit of an aspie?
It reminds her of the time she dropped acid and let a room full of sailors run a train on her
Oops, I meant the disney animated version.
>Expecting people to have common knowledge is autistic
Okay buddy
>my knowledge is common knowledge
believing that is autism
>dated americana lingo used by a man who hasn't left his house in 6 days is common knowledge
check your privilege
>not knowing "ralph" is a term for throwing up
Granted I don't know why someone would use that term at all today but why sperg out about it?
I've heard the term "he's about to Ralph" on kid's cartoon shows. Never heard "calling Ralph".
you're the one getting all defensive. jesus, i don't even know how to insult you... yellow bellied rapscallion, your mother is promiscuous and your father a dock worker.
You take that back
stop frittering all your time away and take the scrape to the hogs before the cold sets in
>call ralph
literally the only time I heard someone use these two words together to refer to throwing up was some retard on a message board for movies and tv.