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Television and Film
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Television and Film #702
Television and Film
It's a Barry spins his arms around fast to solve a problem episode
Hey Sup Forums I fucking love movies, but havent really delved into them as an artform or seen kino...
/who/ dr who gen
Anyone who hasn't seen this movie because of an aversion to Michael Bay need to reassess...
You have 60 seconds to write the best possible stand-up comedy you can think of
ITT movies that are great to a certain point before destroying any love you could've had
Is it better than Silence of the Lambs?
So now that the dust has settled, can we agree that this was the best Coen brothers production?
Do you still find adult swim stuff funny?
Who should direct the inevitable live action kino?
There are faggot contrarians on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW who unironically think this show is "good" and "funny"
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
Tell me the point of this movie in seven words or less
ITT - genuinely sympathetic bad guys
Haha oh wow this movie is so bad
If Kyle Reese went back in time to knock up Sarah to make John Connor, how did John Connor exist in Kyle's time...
/got/ general
Eternal /got/ general
Leave vidyakino to me
Sup Forums...
Anyone else watching Bloodline?
Farscape thread
Why is Dr.Pepper the best soft drink to enjoy while watching television & film?
It this the best flick of the year so far?
If Lang's mass remains the same (and therefore his weight), how is he able to mount an ant without crashing it?
That's a 50$ dollar bill all day
Good lord this is so contrived. I wonder how much they paid him
Films You Uninstalled Before Finishing
You stole my story
Warcraft was enjoyable
On the topic of Mr. Schneider
Did Dick cuck Maddox? Will Tuesdays ever be good again?
/got/ general
Will True Detective ever be as good as Season 1?
What did she mean by this?
Cinematography thread
It's not going to cuddle with you. It's not going to snuggle with you...
Acting is not a respectable profession. It's literally just playing pretend
Feel like rewatching interstellar again
Do you like my gf's new QT tattoo? Halfway done
Any of y'all niggas ever actually made a film? How'd you guys get money for it?
Is he the next big thing in hollywood?
Man of Tomorrow (2018)
Find out you have a doppelganger
What did they meme by this?
Wow, what a gem. Thank you to whichever one of you recommended me this...
Anyone feel bad for him?
2016 Carrie Fisher posing with 1983 wax Carrie Fisher
ITT: Least favorite movie cliches / quotes / lines
Hugh Jackman in Wolverine 3 set
10 Cloverfield Lane
This is a good movie
Just started this, what can I expect?
Hashtag mission accomplished
Anyone watch White Collar
Beating up men is fine
What scene tugs at your delicate heart strings?
So, yeah, this is why I laugh when Southern good ol' boys come home in boxes
May I have the password, please?
Eternal /got/ general
According to longtime partner Zoe Kazan, Dano is a big fan of anal foreplay. "The first time we had sex...
How can you people defend this?
Has anyone else watched it?
A jury in L.A. found him guilty of shooting and killing April Jace in 2014. During the trial...
Snoop Dogg Implores Fans to Boycott ‘Roots’ Remake
Movie posters thread?
It's that Futurama episode that pretends Beastie Boys and Beck are worth listening to
What's the absolute BEST South Park Episode?
Rogue One getting cucked
Unpopular Opinion Thread
Why hasn't Tough Crowd been released on DVD? How do we fight this injustice?
Grown up harry & ginny potter and their son albus
/found footage general/ - /ffg/ - The Official Sup Forums Found Footage Thread
Just watched this, why is it so highly regarded? It's a 6/10 at best
What was your reaction on Jon Snow's death
Are they right?
Why does no one talk about this show here?
Do you find his movies funny?
Anyone else believe in the A=W theory?
Person of Interest 100th Episode
Fan made trailers/parodies for shows and movies: The Good & Bad Edition
Eternal /got/ general
What's in the box?
Chimichanga? Chimi-chuck-it-in-the-bin
Who should play him in the inevitable biopic?
Bringing her to watch porn
This triggers the fridge loving redditors
What the fuck was his fucking problem?!?
If you were a mutant, what would you want your power to be?
Why are they still trying to paint him as some grey morally conflicted character?
Tfw you've been trying to get into the Georgia film industry for two years now with no success
ITT: Films Women Will Never Understand
Extreme levels of cringe
What's your opinion on the young Han film?
Pre-Disney MCU
Roots Thread
What the fuck was his fucking problem?
Eternal /got/ general
ITT: Sup Forums writes an Adam Sandler movie. I'll start
Person of Interest
What went wrong?
Not a big film/TV guy myself...
What's her superpower?
Good place for posters (Movie and tv)?
This will most likely be lost and never mentioned again, but I just thought I'd at least post it once...
What am i in for?
How could they have fucked it up this bad?
Name a worse American accent in any movie
Thor 3 to feature Planet Hulk, Elizabeth Debicki, Thor with a shaved head
If you paid to watch this...
Isn't Uncle Benjen the heir to Winterfell?
ITT: Most overrated movies of all time
Heisei Godzilla
Was this really necessary?
Name a more aggresivelyt average television program than Limmy's Show
Was Joey Gladstone actually a GOOD comedian?
/got/ general
Man of steel 10/10
ITT: Surprising Celebrity Net Worths
This is Romulan space
Angel thread: Fuck Buffy[spoiler]Again[/spoiler]Edition
Star War Rogue One is a disaster
I'm about to pack a bowl
New Ghostbusters Moviebob video
'X-Men: Apocalypse' Makes It A Memorial Day To Forget At Box Office
Down here is where user's room is, he is quite the movie buff
What does Sup Forums think of Veep? Also, is JLD still fappable?
Stand down, Captain America. Civil War is inevitable if you keep this up
ITT: directors women can't understand
Lol IMDB is doing a Ghostbusters poll
Leave Musclekino to me
Club scenes
Bond (not) Black
/got/ general
Emily Blunt and Lin-Manuel Miranda to Star in Mary Poppins Returns
I just watched this and the whole time until the end credits I thought this was Robert Downey Jr
I bet you're still a child
Can cartoon shows be Kino? If so I think this is a good example
So what's the verdict on there being a lesbian couple in Finding Dory?
Why have puppets died out in favor for CG models when nice looking puppetry looks way better than any CG ever could?
What's your opinion on this movie?
Is this
Wachowski brothers
ITT: Things that are trigger Sup Forums and only Sup Forums
Anything better than these?
She prefers Amazing Spider-man to Raimi Spider-man
Literally perfect
/got/ general
How long until nerd culture dies out?
Is it kino?
Just finished making my own Citizen Kane cinegrid. I decided to focus it on great lighting and shadows shots
Dat olivia munn eye candy
ITT: Horrible DVD covers
Movies men will never understand
Why is Marvel so based?
Just watched fan edit of this film. Damn, it was such a cringe fest. overacting at its finest. Story wasn't that bad...
Penis inspection device at movie theater
There are people who actually think Riggins is a better character than Saracen
ITT: best movies made by a female director
Faster Pussycat Kill Kill 1965 720p BluRay x264-x0r
Is this how Brendan would look without the alimony?
Paul Dano reportedly stayed in character during the filming of 12 Years a Slave...
Is this worth watching?
Transformers franchise is mocked and ridiculed by the public especially for it being directed by Michael Bay
The name is Bond, Jane Bond
Warcraft originally released November 23, 1994- twenty-two years ago
This is Klingon space, Turn your ship around or prepare to be boarded
Guys... I think he might actually kill himself
Charlie's coming back neck season
ITT: Characters who are just like you
Who are your favorite comedians?
My name is Bond, Jane Bond!
Penny dreadful
What does Sup Forums think of OITNB?
I enjoy this show a lot more than GoT now
Malcolm in the middle thread
Is Makoto Shinkai the Terrence Malick of animation?
I require four powerful followers even though I can do everything myself
I'm just going to leave this link here
OK, so now that was great. How hard is this?
Watching comedy with friend
Thoughts on The Sopranos' ending?
/got/ general
Podcast thread
Go fuck yourself
Why is no one here talking about one of the best new buddy-cop kinos?
The names Bond, nigga
Fuck you I liked it
Based Alfred tells it like it is
Is she a Mary Sue?
Favorite villians who have literally done nothing wrong
Bruh look at this dude
Why are British people so fucking unfunny ?
That'll be $24.95 plus tip
Will you be attending, Sup Forums?
How do we stop Kevin Hart?
ITT: Performances you were surprised by
/got/ general
Letterboxd /lbg/ general - shit in the front page edt
What was the point of this scene?
Spider-Man Homecuming
Not even "so bad it's good/funny". Just bad, and bland, and boring
Silicon Valley thread
Smart side character uses big words when explaining the plan
How hard is it to fuck a celebrity? I don't mean A or B listers obviously but some shitty sitcom star or something?
Which version of Batman parents death scene you think is the best?
Megatron is Back!
Another DCEU movie paying homage to TDKR
The guards say "within a second" they bolted into the living area and saw Johnny in the kitchen and Amber on the couch...
What *precisely* makes females incapable of being funny?
Why are there no superheroes in real life? Surely there exists a rich, buff man with too much time on his hands
"And the winner for the Best Director Oscar goes to... user!"
No Sopranos thread
/got/ general
What's his super power?
/got/ general
*BUUUURRRP* J-j-jimbo jimmy james jimmy! have i ever told you about my jewish roommate when I was in college...
So the faceless men are nothing more than contract killers that work for money. Who gets the money then...
Well Sup Forums, what is your interpretation of Stalker?
Just found this little gem and I gotta say, wow, great film. What are your thoughts on it?
Hasn't directed a single good movie in his entire career
Movies women will never understand
Thinking Assassin's Creed won't be the first great video game movie like Batman Begins
Sexy Big Girl
If you could describe the character of Black Widow in around three words or so, how would you do it?
Post good movies that only you have seen
When he started work on “Warcraft” in 2012, he had just married his wife, Rodene...
Is he a good actor?
/got/ general
This film was suppose to release yesterday but i have yet to find a single theater in the state of Ohio that's showing...
Would you watch this movie?
What do you think of the Larry Sanders show?
Sir Piggy would have never had the stones to really steal his dad's sword. Let's be real
Hollywood structure
Still the best thing in War Games
People trying to figure out snoke's identity
Just add water
tfw we'll never have Ray Stevenson play Victarion
Imagine that you are going to be jailed for 10 years. You won't have access to computer or internet...
Just finished this
/got/ general
ITT actors who are still alive, even though nobody expects them to be anymore
What went so fucking terrible?
Promise me, Ned
He is a fucking shill
Asoiaf is so better than lotr it doesn't even have clearly defined villains!
Bridget Regan
I’d heard of it but had never played the game. I don’t have a video game player …
How many of Ridley Scott's 23 feature lenght films have you actually seen?
/got/ general
Dan Aykroyd thinks the new Ghostbusters is funnier and scarier than both originals
I have bought some candles, it's raining outside, and I have a new IPS monitor...
Now that the dust has settled, can we agree that there was nothing wrong with this scene?
"He became so powerful, the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which, eventually, of course, he did...
What does Sup Forums think of Julia Louis-Dreyfs?
How many films have you seen from the Sup Forumscore list?
Pick one
Eternal /got/ general
Will we ever see an adaptation anywhere close to the standard of The Lord of the Rings?
This movie is really underrated. It's way better than Spectre and just as good as Skyfall...
Reddit has chosen their queen:
Archer thread?
Animated movies
American talk host BTFO!
Besides Zombie Island. What was the scariest Scooby Doo monster?
Reddit has chosen their queen
Has there ever been any greater proof that critics are retarded than this?
Disney execs in a panic over upcoming ‘Star Wars’ film
Eternal /got/ general
His speech was literally LOTR-tier
What do you guys think of my gf's QT ink?
What are some god bless america movies?
Who is the ideal target audience for the new female Ghostbusters?
Worst movie you've ever watched in your life?
Will there ever be a documentary about Isis that shows their great bantz or will they just be shown as evil humourless...
What does Sup Forums make of the comedy duo Key & Peele?
There's someone out there right now writing the next Star Wars, Back to the Future, Alien, Terminator, Ghostbusters...
/got/ general
What's your favorite Bryce Dallas Howard film?
Characters who are literally you
Will Season 3 be good?
Which late-night talk show host does Sup Forums prefer?
"wooden horses"
Jodie Foster: Hollywood Has Bet All Its Chips On Superhero Movies
ITT: Most unrealistic cavalry charges in movies
You could nitpick it to death, but this is the best superhero film I've seen in a while...
This shit isn't funny
Movie when?
Any movies about kidnapping a girl you like?
What other films are there where the "bad guy" wins?
/got/ general
So, is she the most powerfull capeshitter of them all?
You're watching 'Adventure Call'!
Holy fucking shit this movie was good. How is Jimmy so GOAT?
What's the fucking point of this power?
You fucking cuck
Don't mind me, only the best live action Spiderman
~18 year old boys are somehow able to out-strength 30+ year old men
How do people still support these people?
The actor/actress you like the most that isn't ancient
Did their armor department really get worse over the seasons or does it intentionally look bad?
/got/ general
Snoop Dogg Asks His Fans to Boycott 'Roots' Remake Series
What did he mean by this?
What movie marked the beginning of the end for Depp's career and why?
What's the film equivalent of putting ketchup on steak?
Try to make a "truly lonely" and socially anxious character
Omg can you imagine???
Why are all of Game of Thrones villians so fucking pathetic?
This was actually really good
Bronn is in the next episode
The Bond Villain was literally a cuck
Best character gets killed off
Cell phones have almost ruined film. Discuss
Who should play him in the inevitable biopic?
Kevin Smith, king of the hacks
Disney testing the gay waters with 'Finding Dory'
Staggering political commentary
So uh yeah , i honestly don't feel like peeking around and such so honestly I'm relying on you Sup Forums...
So whats gonna happen to her? She left and then?????????
Confessions Thread
Alright, be honest with me -- is this worth watching, or is it Tumblr-tier quirky bullshit?
Eternal /got/ general
Ant-man now 81%
Can we have a lost media thread?
German fansite Vanion also has released several cast and crew interviews...
Is he doing irreparable damage to what little is left of his career?
May I have the password, please?
Was she the best girl?
Why do you hate him so much?
Ebert changed his scores for Blade Runner and The Good...
Board about television
Bring spears and shields for a rescue mission
I would literally pay good money just to watch a buddy comedy with these two
Top Gear was good. FACT
Eternal /got/ general
"sir why dont you take a seat? right there is fine"
He looks so pale it disgusts me because I know I'm just as pale from cocooning myself away in my room all day
ITT: shows/films that have caused real life deaths
Itt: movie scenes that women will never understand
As DC's Cinematic Universe continues to take place...
I guess I have a superhero stalker
Will Sup Forums ever come together and do something meaningful and important?
AGENTS of SHIELD is good now, right? right?
Was it a good ending?
Seagal Cinematic Universe
TV Shows you wish you never wasted your time with
Why were black shows in the 70s all about the stern guidance parents and children learning how to make it in life...
W-why didn't we save him, Sup Forums ;-;
How do you top this?
When will Hollywood start hiring Asian actresses as the lead in big budget movies?
/got/ general
I curse the day I finally gave into my friend bugging me to start watching this
Whos superpower was the strongest
Would ya cut the malarkey? There's a white man talking up here!
Can someone explain to me the reason why this movie is so beloved? I just don't get it
"Look away child"
What did Sup Forums think of sandlers new movie?
Ok Sup Forums fags you've just been brutally murdered
What's his next big role?
Amber Heard appreciation thread
Is it weird to go to the movies alone?
ITT pure kino
/got/ general
If you could ask Mr. Zack Snyder one question. What would it be?
Movies that entertained you, but if someone said it was shit, you wouldn't argue
So who accomplished more, Lex Luthor in BvS or every single Marvel villain ever in the MCU?
Why are certain actors allowed to behave like this on social media?
So we can all agree that this is kino, right?
This thing slightly bothers me
Kingslayer vs Strider
Zoom in on random objects for no reason
ITT: good capeshit
Whats the most consistently watchable talkshow?
Best / Worst Cruise movies?
The mouse
Would you watch a Waspgirl movie if they released actual wasps in the cinema for realism
What the fuck is this shit?
/got/ general
Past a certain age a man without a family can be a bad thing
Hugh Jackman's The Wolverine Initially Had A Much Larger Role In X-Men: Apocalypse
How The Show Might End
Did she enjoy it?
Digits roam freely across our lands, unchecked, unchallenged, repeating at will
You know the truth
Isn't he tired of capeshit? He's talented but he really limits himself
ITT: Actors who are decent singers
Captain America: Civil War appreciation thread
Is making live action movies out of anime going to be the hot new trend to replace capeshit...
What the fuck
What does Sup Forums think of this movie?
Best film released the year you were born?
/got/ general
Why doesn't she get work anymore?
Does Sup Forums like the show naked and afraid?
Silicon Valley
Nolan's Dunkirk Casting Director Defends Hiring One Direction Star Harry Styles
Stop that Nathan! This is why you keep getting molested!
Shes right though
Person of Interest live thread
How did you people possibly dislike pic related? It's probably the best superhero story I've seen since Watchmen
UK trailer for Ghostbusters is actually good
Omg this is so epic
Box Office: Did Johnny Depp's Legal Woes Help Sink 'Alice Through the Looking Glass?'
Without memeing what was wrong with this movie?
What went wrong?
Does 'Finding Dory' depict Pixar's first lesbian couple?
/got/ general
You know what? I don't want this cookie I just wanna get to the beach
Tfw you realize the opening to RotS is basically the plane scene except about six times longer
ITT: movies you have watched but don't remember a single frame from
So how will she actually get to Westeros?
You're a Hollywood casting director. You have to cast this character. Keep in mind...
ITT: celebrities that look like your mom
Breaking Bad was one of the worst tv shows...
Greatest capeshit
There's nothing wrong with Jurassic World. It's actually the second best movie of the franchise, you contrarian fucks
Shows that need to die
I'm just coming for my files, Marty
New Asian Sesame Street character
What are your opinions on Felicity Jones' body of work?
What's with people getting so personal and full of rage over discussing Batman v Superman?
Was this really necessary?
What was this movie really about?
/got/ general
Scream Queen thread?
ITT: Amazing cinematography
ATHF general
Does she have the hottest career in hollywood?
This gave me nightmares, wtf was she thinking
ITT: movies that were better than the book
Does anyone else think he is the most based character in GoT?
ITT: It's 1998
Why is this movie so polarizing?
Why was a dinosaur in star wars?
There are women on Sup Forums right now
Underappreciated masterpieces
Is this the only good film directed by a woman?
Why did CIA kill Joffrey?
Just doing my annual check in to see if a movie better than Mortal Kombat (1995) has been made yet
/got/ general
BvS appreciation thread
Uwe Boll was based
Literally the best show to ever come out on TV
Why do critics hate the most kino capeshit of the year?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
What would you do in this situation? Would you take off the mask?
So now that the dust has settled we can all agree that this guy getting sacked would be the best possible thing to...
The real loser in BvS is Doomsday
/got/ general
Most unfunny Sup Forums memes of 2016 so far
Why didn't guns or explosions hurt him when he was giant?
Are there any trilogies where this DOESN'T happen?
You guys understand that if cleganebowl happens, the hound has to win and that means Cersei dies this season...
What was his problem?
Requiem for a Dream
You're chillin' in the club when this guy slaps your gf's ass and asks if she wants to live deliciously
Is there a legitimate argument against high frame rate films?
Watching It Follows because Sup Forums recommended it
It's a Rooney applies to be a Sup Forums janitor episode
Is this the 2001 of our generation?
Angel Thread
B r e h s
What are you guys expecting for season 6 of AHS? what setting do you want to see?
/got/ general
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
ITT: Adaptations that are better than their source material
It's a no mods on Sup Forums episode
Is it the best Craig Bond movie?
Sup Forums BTFO - Dan Aykroyd Gives First Review of New Ghostbusters
What are some 10/10 movies from Asia ???
Post your most hallowed Sup Forums related confession
What's your favorite sketch comedy troupe?
Is she the next Sigourney Weaver?
This wasnt that good. why is it considered being so great...
It's amazing how many movies are based on his works, and how few of them actually get the point...
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic
What are some good comedies about short males?
/got/ general
/got/ general
What does this guy think of the White Walkers?
Just started pic related
The thing is
I thought this was a kids show?
Spoilers: Big Shake Up Coming To The DCEU
ITT we cast the Private Teacher remake
What was the point in which you lost control of your life?
They did it again!
/gretagerwig general/
Why is she even allowed to be in movies anymore?
4 years, 4 bombs
/got/ general
TOP GUN turned 30 today
Is he a cuck?
Started watching the original pic related. every 2-3 episodes there is one that's just complete garbage...
Ever since I first watched Madoka Magica I have been looking for something to fill the void it left...
ITT: Bad movies Sup Forums tricked you into watching
Penny Dreadful
Thoughts on this cinema? Have you guys seen this?
Did you worship your Queen today, user?
/got/ general
/tg/ Top Gear Thread
Midsummer night's dream
The state of Sup Forums
Who is your favourite female character of the show ?
Can you sing, master user ?
Is this show becoming more & more flanderized or is it just me...
Im binge-watching Curb, im on s06 and this show is getting better by the season
What if he DID have the makings of a varsity athlete?
Let's have a thread that the mods can't delete
Why was he such a dick to Harry?
/got/ general
Am I forgetting anyone for Season 6: Necromancy Boogaloo?
Can Johnny be saved?
The first time I saw it, I thought it was shit
Why doesn't Pepper show up in Marvel movies anymore?
What if an actor dies?
“As originator of the original: Saw test screening of new movie,” he said via Whosay. “Apart from brilliant...
WEBM thread
Fuck Portlandia
What's Sup Forums's opinion on Supernatural?
Sup Forums's queen of love and beauty edition
What movie is this ?
Best episode of the season so far
David we forgot to put the mother of dragons in the most recent episode
I just saw the trailer last night. Holy fuck this looks like fucking dogshit
Oh my god this is so well written
My god what happened
What fantasy book series should be adapted to TV next?
Do we still do car chase threads on Sup Forums? They are broadcast on television
So why didn't Benjen return to the wall after the children saved him?
Actors/Actresses you are obsessed with
What a douchebag
Can we please discuss
Best film of 2016. FACT
/got/ general
Dream Film Teams
New RLM - X-men apocalypse
Half in the Bag Episode 110: X-Men: Apocalypse
Another Buffy Thread
Walking With Dinosaurs, Beasts and others
/got/ general
James Rolfe/Cinemassacre
Does anybody watch this anymore?
What episodes of Two Broke Girls do you recommend?
Snoop Dogg Asks Fans to Boycott 'Roots': "Let's Create Our Own Shit Based on Today"
Who /Gomorrah/ here?
What is this
What are some movies featuring short people?
Has this man lost his shit?
Would she be a good Bond Sup Forums
The Sun reported the famous couple’s marriage was on the rocks because of Heard’s close relationship with model and...
What does Sup Forums think of this guy?
Now that the dust has finally settled, can we all agree this is the worst miscasting in cinema history?
Why didn't you save me?
/got/ general
Woody Harrelson's dad was a hitman
Does this chick ever shut up with the long winded speeches?
So Atlas Shrugged was a failure as a movie (and despite being judged as a failure by the free market...
Damn this movie was shit. It was just softcore porn all the way through
What are some movies about darkie dads actually being a dad and not some thug?
Huh, really makes you think
Name a show better then Game of Thrones
/got/ general:
What does he do with the money from contract killings?
Was there a massive outcry when this came out?
Why did DIndu bring some worthless shit jedi with him to arrest a Sith Lord powerful enough to restrict access to the...
2 fucking seasons of faceless men training montage to learn how to become an assassin
Now that the dust has settled. Can we all agree it's as good as the original?
New Bond movie pitch #0948B
3x3 thread
Why is there still general threads if the mods aren't going to force them to stay in those threads again?
Was this show popular in England?
ITT: Movies you've only seen
Eternal /got/ general
This movie was so O.K
It's 2001
What is it about this guy and his body language that makes him so successful...
Historical period piece set in Japan
Jesus Christ I'm only 20 minutes into this movie and I already feel that they've gone overboard with this fucking...
Eternal /got/ general
Almost two seasons trying to be Faceless
A lot of 2's for a hired gun
That's a ten in UK
Is Cassavetes good or not? I can't tell
Hey Sup Forums
It's another live episode
Remake when?
Is this accurate?
What is some essential MEW core? Just saw 10 CL and instantly fell in love
Is Game of Thrones the greatest show of all time?
Ghost vomits slime all over you
ITT: Films that could never be allowed if made in 2016
X-men Apocalypse
Why didn't you save her, Sup Forums?
W-what are the h-holes for ?
Jesus, he's getting worse and worse
Should i bother with this show ?
/got/ - eternal game of thrones general
Eternal /got/ general
Why don't people in the West watch more Bollywood kino?
Is he working with the white walkers...
WTF? I hate women now!
Revamped 'Top Gear' Audience Drops in U.K. Season Debut
When did it happen to you?
/got/ general
Whats the least boring episode of Mad Men? Hardmode: after season 2
Game of Thrones episode 7 trailer
A lot of good threads today, but can we take a moment to talk about the bonus situation?
What's the absolute shittiest South Park episode?
These cocksuckers faggots ruined ASOIAF, the best fantasy book saga since LOTR
On July 24, 2013, it was reported that Leonardo DiCaprio had turned down a role in Star Wars: Episode VII
Letterboxd /lbg/ general - top50 edt
Sam is actually doing comedy again instead of preachy political autism
So is it confirmed yet for DP2?
Does anyone else think there's more than meets the eye regarding a certain cold handed man?
ITT: We cast Ramsay's 20 good men
So I watched The Tuxedo last night ...don't ask...
Jojo's Bizzare Adventure live action film announced
Why was Casino Royale so much better than Skyfall and Spectre?
Itt: GOAT shows nobody watches/watched
Keira Knightley's Former Director John Carney Slams Her Acting Skills, Constant Entourage
/got/ general
Your favorite movie
What's the most iconic panty scene in cinema history?
Casting a pop singer in your movie to appeal to teenage girls
How come nobody on here ever mentions this episode when discussing the best Top Gear specials...
I hated on this movie till I watched it last night...
Last two digits of your post is the number of the next movie you'll see
Another depp movie flopped
I feel really sorry for Henry Cavill
How many ships will I need?
About to watch Deadpool for the first time. what am I in for?
You're dating your computer?
Can we discuss this masterpiece?
If you haven't seen at least one film from this list, you should drop all your plans and watch it immediately...
So did they pretend this never happened?
T - Tesseract
/got/ general: Doom Paul Edition
Name's Bond, Jane Bond
How much does he charge for a movie?
What did you all think of "The VVitch"?
/got/ general
Crashing the books with no survivors
Where were you when they announced the best action movie in recent memory?
All they had to do was give him a long beard and ridiculously long nails and they couldn't even do that
So why was this show cancelled anyways? I rewatched a few episodes a couple of days ago...
Johnny Depp: Domestic Abuser
Dr Pavlov, I'm DOG
ITT: Movies with GOAT acting
Whats your favorite Simpsons joke?
Bane confirmed for Gotham SEASON3
/got/ general
Am I the only one who thinks her style of acting is weird?
Game of thrones general
Hard Reboots
So when the Mad King says "burn them all" he's talking about the white walkers
Civil War Thread
Eternal /got/ general
Shows with no replay potential
I just watched the first episode:
Why hasn't Disney made an Oriental princess?
Eternal /got/ general
How good was this scene?
What does tv think of this movie?
Let's see how that QT from Little Miss Sunshine & Zombieland is doing...Oh
Is this the first example of a director going out of his way to pander to internet humor in Hollywood?
Who do you think could've been the perfect villain for the new Spider-Man movie, and why is it Mysterio?
ITT: Actors who will always be remembered by one role
Who was the better Beast?
Actual Human Beings Approved This
GOAT monster movies
Why were Badger and Skinny Pete depicted as Star Trek and Babylon 5 fans even though they were disgusting methheads and...
Eternal /got/ general
*proceeds to act out of character and murder with complete disregard for human life*
How good is it?
13 movies
When is it coming back?
I don't understand how or why this movie is getting shit on by critics
What do you watch while in your cuck shed, Sup Forums?
Will there be a season 3?
Starship Troopers
/got/ general
Has kodi ruined tv for anyone else...
ITT: Shows like Curb, It's Always Sunny and Arrested Development
Is this dyke cunt blackmailing Johnny depp? Or is depp a depraved wife beater asshole?
ITT: fictional Sup Forums restaurants you'd love to eat at, i'll start
What the hell happened?
The show will end with Richard rejecting the establishment and rolling out his product as freeware
Actors you wanna hang out with
/got/ general
Women can't be funny
13 hours thread
/got/ general
Star Wars
How do you pronounce "kino"?
Do you like me yet?
How is this show nowadays
/got/ general
ITT: the most powerful scenes in capeshit
What's a movie where the bad guy turns out to be the good guy all along?
The Shining
Ok. Just saw this. Have to say something's fishy with reviews. It's at least a 7.5 in my opinion...
Holy crap. I can't believe a comic cartoon could be that good. Why can't DC make their live action films this good?
How do you rate her body of work?
So now that the Spider-Man: Homecoming plot has leaked
ITT: we poorly describe movies and others try to guess
Was I the only one who loved this ep besides the ending with this bitch!?
Mobile ban when?
All that on-screen sexual tension between Black Widow and Black Panther
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...