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Yeah. Soldiers surprise them with a sonic blast that knocks them out. Then he's trapped in an electrified room. Then up against Apocalypse, Apocalypse melts the ground he's running on (this is his power), stopping him from running. Then Apocalypse snaps Quicksilver's leg with a kick.

>he can run on an explosion
>but not on quicksand

This guy looks like he can run on water....

It's not really quicksand, though. It's more like the ground grabbed him.

Its not quicksand. Its like the ground stopped existing for a second then re-appeared

I really like QS, and I like his cool slow-mo scenes, but are the movies implying that he is so fast that time is always incredibly slow for him(sort of like the comics?). If that were the case, then how could he do things like play video games or use a computer when they have a set speed they take to operate and load.

Can he just turn his perception of time on and off like it appears?

I'm not looking for an actual answer because I know there isn't one. Just trying to have a little discussion.

>that hype when the russian crowd goes fucking apeshit for him


How many times do I have to see this shit on Sup Forums?, give it a rest.

>can run at multi-supersonic speeds casually
>Beast doesnt just build him a huge bomb to run up and detonate at Apoc's feet before he can react

>Can he just turn his perception of time on and off like it appears?
That's what I was thinking.

what a fuckin stupid and unfunny movie
you can literally sell everything to the retards these days

did the writers realize that putting living creatures through that kind of acceleration would literally disintegrate them from the inside out?
lol thats hollywood for you. thank god I dont watch such "capeshit"

Apocalypse has a healing factor. He could very easily survive a huge bomb. Plus, it could kill civilians.

they should just do reruns of 12 years a slave every month for us intellectuals


Was this Quicksilver's theme?

Stryker get's the drop on him with his knock-out guns, so presumably time isn't always slowed down for him, at least not as much as when he's running, he probably turns it down so he can talk to people without it being agonizingly slow.

Weren't all the civies already dead? Magneto tore the place to shreds.

But earlier he's clearly shown to be able to think and act "fast" without running.

probably the same reason he doesnt die himself: its a fictional story depicting a supernatural ability

So he can think really fast while trapped in one place, great.

Nah they show people surviving it if I remember right.

Plus, they gotta get Xavier. If they just bomb Apocalypse, they also kill Xavier.

>Set in the 80's

>Not having him listen to 'I Ran' by Flock of Seagulls

You had one job Singer

Yep, but he doesn't see the attack happen until it's happened.

Like, if someone sneaks up on the guy and stabs him in the back, he's not going to be able to react to it until it's too late if he doesn't see it coming.

>muh realism
Kill yourself

>superhero actually saves people and has fun with their powers

scene must have leaked over from the dimension where fun is allowed in capeshit

why have the first two quicksilver had faggy emo hair?

would be better with the slicked back look, Evans has the facial features to pull it off.

>if they did it like this they could subtlety hint he tried copying wolverine

He's too busy saving the movie.

>doesnt know how OP speedsters are

Ooh good call.


Those are total plot holes

He can run faster than sound, he should've escaped those sonic cannons easily

And also somehow Apocalypse beats him with super speed

Logically Quicksilver would solve this movie by himself

It makes sense he can though because he probably got to the mansion in super speed mode, hence why he could save everyone but didn't have time to react to the guns when they were fired because it was off.

Also he had a little jog when they freed him from the prison so it's not like he can't speed himself down

If thats the case, then how was he able to save everyone at the school? Assuming it was his first time ever going there(as implied by the business card he had), everyone was already slowed down to an almost stop, letting him navigate the mansion, find the conflict, and save everyone. He wasn't actually aware of what was going on.

The only thing I can think of is 'coincidence', which is more of a disappointing answer.

This is wrong, actual calcs put him at about Mach 30-50 in that scene

Which is an attack he could hear happening very easily because a gun going off is loud, and it still managed to wound him and provide a get-away.

Now imagine he couldn't see or hear the attack at all until it's too late. He'd be dead.

bullets travel faster than sound though unless they're specially made to be used with suppressors

Except, the moment he hears the sonic cannon, it's already got him.


It's been explained how in the thread. Apocalypse manipulates the ground he's on to grab him and hold him down, then he cripples him with a kick.

>darker than black

I don't remember this scene...

Those bouncing tits, though.

People in this thread are forgetting that being faster than sound means you're faster than sound waves.

How that? Because he's running so much faster than the bullets?

Shhh... It ended with only one season. Don't look it up.

>moves at almost the speed of light
>eberything around him stops at a crawling speed
>music still plays at nomal 1x speed.


Couldn't he see some of it starting to blow up?

>Whoops, I accidentally inconsistencies again

You are now aware that you live in a world, a terrifying world, where there are people right this moment who use terms such as "canon" and "cinematic universe" when talking about films and television shows.

A terrifying world where imagined characters on a screen are required, according to those who discuss them, to adhere to "ground rules" set out by the creators of said-characters. A terrifying world where those that discuss these characters and their actions, are actually enraged if said-characters deviate from the mannerisms expected of them, the mannerisms that may have initially been set in the pages of a comic book.

Think about that. A comic book. For children. Yes, pictures and words on the same page, which are meant to be read by children, that are actually read by adults who then bicker and express their frustration at film-adaptations of these comic books not being "faithful". Faithful to a comic book. That's supposed to be read by young children.

This is your world. This is the world of capeshit. Terrifying, isn't it?

Depends on the gun. Lots of handguns fire subsonic bullets.

Can't penetrate magneto magnetic field.
Get his ass kicked by Apoc.

Does quicksilver pull this shit in the comics? Dont get me wrong I found it entertaining despite the low quality cam, but wouldn't grabbing someone stationary and then moving them 1000 feet in half a second completely wreck your guts and bones? Does he have some faggy aura or something to prevent that from happening?

he can cast his power onto his clothes and other people so he does it to his tape player

Except Quicksilver was in super speed mode when he got caught. How? Apocalypse would need to be able to think, move, and use his powers at like 10 times the speed of sound or whatever speed SWEET MEMES was running at. On the one hand I understand the writers having to asspull as super speed is extremely OP, on the other hand it was disappointing that Quicksilver lost because of such a bullshit way

Dude got quite a few measurements wrong, specifically the size of the room, the path QS took, the speed of the bullets. I went quite autismo about this scene and did a three page writeup on exactly how fast he was, using the heights of the actors to work out the distance, watched that scene 20 times, went on ballistics sites and IMFDB etc. too bad I lost it ages ago but oh well

Inconsistencies within one movie isn't the same as adhering to a canon, ya dumb fucking cunt

>Standing still
>No vector
>Everything else is slow
>Super speed

Nigga that's slowed down time not super speed.

The music in this scene is non-diegesis.

h o w c o n v e n i e n t

Do it again but for the mansion scene, presumably he's running way faster in that since he's now running rings around an explosion.

why does he wear the earplugs? would it hurt if he removes them?

Apoc's power allows him to rearrange matter at the atomic level IIRC, which requires a lot of mental power to even comprehend something that small. I wouldn't be surprised if he "acclimatized" his cognizance to Memesilver's speed. It did take him quite a while to react in that scene IIRC.

We see Apocalypse's eyes go white and Quicksilver slows down somewhat from his perspective before he manipulates the ground to catch him.

Not that guy, but his clothes and shit are moving as fast as he is so why should it slow down?

It would be extremely noisy.

>Drags people at supersonic speeds
>No sonic boom
>No G-Foce at the sudden change of vectors at high speeds
>No broken bones or puking

I get you're doing a meme but the whooshing noise from him running so fast would probably bust his eardrums so yeah.



Does is he listen to music in fast forward?

Considering how easily he went down against Apocalypse, he's probably not that great a fighter. He has like 20 speed and 0 strength and 0 endurance.

Yeah I get that, shame he didn't use a cleverer way of beating him. But oh well

I will, it'll be a lot less precise as we have no clue exactly which path he took in the mansion but I'll do my best

A good starting point would be to figure out how fast that explosion shockwave was travelling, I'll start soon

Let's assume just like every other person in fiction who moves fast that yes he does do that.


Speed = strength.

Notice how he moves them fast than the actual pressure wave of the actual explosion.


This. Imagine him hitting you with like mach 2. He'd punch a hole in you.

Haven't seen Apocalypse but DOFP gave me the impression that he plays vidya and shit because it's faster than any other simulation and he still gets bored quickly


It depends on how they write it.

If they "speed force" it then I guess. Otherwise, you're going to have to really pull your punches because unless you want to turn your arm into hamburger.

exactly my good sir



This isn't Ultimate is it? The world where he actually does bonk his sister.

he'd need super endurance to move at that speed and not liquidize his brain or get fucked up by simply hitting dust in the air

Imagine punching someone at mach 2. You wouldn't have an arm any more.

They probably explain it with some sort of force field.

You're a quiet guy

literally chinese knock-off quicksilver

yup, bravo marvel!

>Yeah I get that, shame he didn't use a cleverer way of beating him. But oh well


you also wouldn't have a face from hitting air drag unprotected if you weren't super strong

>the jewish gypsy siblings are incestuous

Appropriate 2bh

>being this fucking new to everything ever in cinema

Sup Forums is an 18+ only board, kids.

Oh am I suppose to hate this movie to fit in with Sup Forums, because I liked it a lot.

>Apocalypse is resilient enough to take several punches from Quicksilver running at top speeds undamaged
>but Mystique is strong enough to slit his throat


No, on Sup Forums you just do the opposite of whatever one else is doing so you can troll them harder. However, it seems you innately knew this, good job.

>ywn have super speed
why live?

This why I love this anime, at least some powers had actual real world presentation or drawbacks
>no flashy lightning flying everywhere
>no blocks of ice out of thin air
>speedsters face real world consequences
neat fighting too

it's doing pretty bad at the box office and pretty bad with critics, so it's somewhere in between, it's not mandatory to hate it like MCU or mandatory to like it for troll purposes like BvS

Is QS a premature ejaculator.

>gets hurt running through rain
>but doesnt get hurt from wind resistance or g-forces and his clothes are resident too

and of course he runs with his arms behind his back, fuck anime

See speed doesn't equal strength? Huh. Imagine that.

he cums instantly but then recovers instantly from human perspectives

unless you're quicksilver who clearly doesnt die each time he uses his power

That was actually pretty smart with the rain


>he doesn't run with his arms behind his back
>he doesn't run with his arms behind his back holding a knife in each hand
you better ketchup, slow nerd