New RLM - X-men apocalypse
New RLM - X-men apocalypse
Let me guess...they didn't like it.
Why does it seem like half of their HiTB reviews now are just lukewarm praise for the newest capeshit movie?
They're going to rape it.
No Rich though, isn't he usually with them on the superhero movies?
Fuck these faggots.
reddit cuck memedia
Thanks downvoted it
Rich isn't an X-Men fan.
great sort of tidbit to know off the top of your head
Yay more capeshit
>So Jay, what do you think about X-men Apocalypse?
>I thought it was okay
>new episode
>tfw Jay drank Rich's blood
>tfw Jay is a vampire
Its a better flick than civl war and they said it
this is why they are bestreviews
Because that's half of the movies anyone sees anymore
>Its a better flick than civl war and they said it
They've completely lost it. Apocalypse was fine but Civil War was way better on all aspects.
It was everything Mike hoped it would be.
>more Jay is a homosexual jokes
not even subtle anymore
They said Civil War was a better movie in all aspects, but they enjoyed Apocalypse more. Because Marvelshit is soulless.
lmao munn turned down the GF role in deadpool for this?!
Mike feels threatened by how sexy Jay has become.
it'd be boring if they thought everything was great, no one wants a review that only brings up the good stuff
>they both liked it
haha time for Sup Forums to pretend to like it
Do they even have oppinions? They recommend every movie the review.
the two old guys who are lukewarm on everything show
Jay said it was an entertaining mess.
Mike said he liked it because it turned into a complete schlock.
yes, they liked it
Fuck off, Mike.
>Can't tell when Mike is being sarcastic.
I haven't watched the film yet so I'm not going to watch this :^(
>"Is this the girl from Brooklyn?"
> puts picture of Peter Dinklage on Jay
What did they mean by this?
who cares
Deadpool was dogshit, who cares?
That his dinklange is little.
really good ending to a video
Oh yeah, X-Men has more soul into it, what with the constant stream of burning through mutants like mad, JLaw Mystique suddenly being the key to everything and such.
It's a 5/10 and it's getting treated as such.
Red Letter Media is the singular beacon of glimmering hope in this endless, onslaught of despair that I have come to know as my life.
Thank you Michael Stoklasa, thank you so much for everything.
he has a thing for small men
>implying this wasn't coming off the heels of DOFP and didn't stand a much higher chance of being good than Deadpool
>implying it doesn't make sense that she'd rather be superhero than a superhero's girlfriend
>implying having literal sausages in your mouth makes you a whore
Not at all.
X-Men Apocalypse is to the rest of the franchise what The Force Awakens is to the other Star Wars movies.
Just a sequel for the sake of making a sequel.
DOFP was much better and it would have been a great ending to the franchise.
Completely unnecessary, added nothing to the franchise, brought nothing new to the table.
Still the same ''THE NEXT MOVIE WILL BE *THE* X-MEN MOVIE'' ending with Magneto going full retard.
meant for
>ending to the franchise
>let's stop making movies that print money
said nobody ever
Exactly, if it had any soul, they would have ended the franchise right there, with the previous and new cast coming together, happy ending and fixing up all the fucked up continuity of the franchise, and maybe reboot it in a few years.
But nope, they had to pull off the most unnecesary sequel since Cocrodile Dundee in Los Angeles.
Just so you know, downvoting helps them more than it hurts them.
Implying a capitalist industry ever had a soul
i liked Xmen more then BvS or CivilWar too. surprisingly enough i had hyped for latter 2 while i didnt even watch any trailer of xmen except that stupid one they forced in theaters.
also xmen has much much more better cast its not even comparable.
isaac,fassbender,mcavoy,jackman etc.
civil war felt like joke to me.
BvS had chance to be good but script literally fucked up movie.
i gave Xmen Solid 7 while civil war is 6 and BvS is 4
That's exactly what i'm saying.
Thats funny, X-Men felt like a joke to me and I love Civil War.
Isaac is completely wasted, he had absolutely nothing to work with and he's just a generic bad guy.
Fassbender phoned in this one and that Darth Vader ''NOOOOOO'' was fucking laughable.
McAvoy seems to be the only one that still cares.
Not going to say anything about Jackman because he was only in a 3 minute scene.
This is the blandest capeshit since The Wolverine.
The stakes were supposedly higher than ever, but I just didn't feel anything.
Plus Jean defeating Apocalypse with Phoenix ''Mary Sue'' Force powers was just an asspull.
Jean shouldn't be able to use those abilities yet considering she has had almost no training.
Different tastes i guess. I couldnt just get heroes fighting to kill each other that supposedly friend in all these 15 movies released before. Also black panther motivation felt like joke.
Xmen is much better summer flick .
Mike is a fucking idiot. He LIKED this film? Somehow this is better than Civil War to him?
And as much as this film was garbage, boy do they really miss plot details.
Just shit like that which is clearly spelled out in the film to the point of dumb.
They never wanted to kill each other.
Hell, the airport fight begins with Tony begging Cap to just stop.
Fassbender didnt phone in this. did you even watch movie? forest scene was one of the most powerful scenes in capeshit by far.
isaac was still better then all mcu villains while not great as Raimi villains of course he is memorable character enough also not CGI shit like ultron.
i agree your comment with The Wolverine though.
They were fighting but not trying to kill each other. The movie exists to explain that, not like it came out of nowhere.
>look people like different things
>lets hate them and call them idiot
get a life you fucking loser
>isaac was still better then all mcu villains
No he wasn't.
He was just yet another bad guy, just this time he was like a grandpa complaining about how different things were in the ''old days''.
I don't think a Sup Forums redditor gets to tell others to get a life, or to call others losers.
how else they should defeat apocalypse dumbass?
jean is ultimate mutant , others could easily defeated by apocalypse.
you are just now being silly.
if she was a man you would have no problem i guess
Why do they only review capeshit?
>DOFP was much better and it would have been a great ending to the franchise.
Well guess what, Singer wants a proper send-off to the original cast.
>I hope so. The night we had a little screening for the cast, I went and saw Patrick Stewart’s wife sing at a local venue with Ian McKellen. The two of us were sitting there watching Patrick’s lovely wife sing — she has a great voice — and I was thinking, yeah, at some point it would be lovely to see them all again. They’re all great actors and great people, and I had great experiences with them. I’d love to see that happen — it’s just you have to figure it out. How do you do that? You can’t do it for the sake of doing it — you have to do it right. Or else it’s just one of those cobbled-together things.
>a proper
But why?
DOFP was already a proper sendoff to the original cast, and to the entire franchise if they had made the ending a bit more complete.
They review the biggest movies or things that appeal to them.
they occasionally change it up by reviewing generic horror movie of the month
Maybe they just shouldn't have made Apocalypse the villain of a movie where the X-Men are just teenage newbies.
Now they come off as ridiculously strong considering they made them defeat one of the most powerful enemies the X-Men ever had.
Don't know what's left now.
>if she was a man you would have no problem i guess
Phoenix Force has always been bullshit, but it's even more bullshit that an unexperienced, 20 year old Jean used them out of absolutely nowhere with no trouble.
>But why?
Because Singer is a fucking idiot and can't let go of the franchise.
>they record Ian's scenes first
It's going to be Christopher Lee and The Hobbit all over again.
How does Jay not know what Apocalypse wants? he mentions that he wants to cleanse civilization to allow only the strong to survive several times and there is an entire scene where he disarms "human systems".
i am not . stop with these bullshit. jean is established character much long before this SJW crap.
is it so anormal to make a powerful female character
>shit on Man of Steel
>give X-Men: Apocalypse a pass
No, Jean is really powerful, in fact I love non-Bendis Scarlet Witch, but having her use Phoenix Force this soon is just bullshit.
It's as if they made Iron Man's first armor in IM1 be the Extremis armor.
it's been established since like 1979 that Jean always had phoenix-level abilities and Xavier helped suppress them (without her consent.) This is one of the things Dark Phoenix was pissed off about.
except its clearly mentioned multiple times she cant control her power
Yea man, this is a pretty common thing. I think you're off on this.
I'm pissed they're doing Phoenix again because it's played out. Not that it's not comic accurate.
>but having her use Phoenix Force this soon is just bullshit.
Not if the next movie is allegedly an adaptation of the Dark Phoenix Saga.
>RLM shilling is allowed
>AVGN threads get deleted on sight
>alien page's horrible body posture
its probably Mr sinister.
>implying taking a role that has no lines and the character dies so no possibly of being in sequels but you get to dress like a whore and be on the poster doesn't make you a whore
I think the mods are still hard on AVGN because people were constantly shitposting about him being a cuck and flooding Sup Forums and Sup Forums with that shit
and yet there are three RLM threads up right now
>The x movie was well made, but I've enjoyed the y one because it's more entertaining
It's not because of capeshit, but I can't stand the MST3K generation. Each and everyone of them has a blog or youtube channel
>he aint' po no mo
Oscar Isaac BTFO
laughed like a mad man t b h faaam
No, it's Dark phoenix Saga
>As to whether Bryan Singer is interested in finally getting to execute his vision for the Phoenix, he was ambivalent to answer. "You never know, but as far as the idea of that brewing within her, I could, without giving anything away, say absolutely, you may find a piece of that in this film."
Also how do you go from fucking Apocalypse to Mr. Sinister? You have to raise the stakes not lower them.
>dat cast
Singer is a master at casting if nothing else. MCU got lucky with RDJ and Chris Evans while Singer just picks good actor after good actor right before they blow up.
His entire head is a forehead.
It's not Dragon Ball you know.
RLM has been w/ Sup Forums since the beginning.
In that regard it is. Are you new to superhero movies?
Then why was Civil War was considered better than Age of Ultron.
>Are you new to superhero movies
I wish I was, and X-men is not about a stronger villain every movie.
>Dark Phoenix
Goddamn it.