Did Dick cuck Maddox? Will Tuesdays ever be good again?
Did Dick cuck Maddox? Will Tuesdays ever be good again?
Nothing Maddox does will ever be good again.
>looking forward to podcast network
>Dick will not be involved
>the flagship show will not be involved
This is going to tank so hard and I couldn't be happier
From what I've seen on Reddit people have pretty much completely turned against him for now but I hope they don't let him get away with this shit. I hope he crashes and burns.
>no mans sky delayed
>Biggest Problem ends
this was supposed to be the summer of George....
I can't keep up with all this e-celeb worship.
It's like you people are always just looking for random nobodies on YouTube to follow and worship in place of more normie celebs like Miles Cyrus and the Cardassians.
Sage BTW.
is it true that the monkeyman unfriended dax on facebook too? How can one man be so overly dramatic
I didnt listen to the last one yet.
What is the drama about now?
There is nothing inherently wrong with being a cuckold.
Man, fuck Maddox. That whole petty speech about how great he was and how much effort he put into the podcast.
And Sean just sitting there taking it all, while his best buddy Dick didn't even get a thanks?
Fuck that entitled cuck, I'm team Dick.
Thread Theme:
>Maddox is about to be a bigger problem than missing your Fantasy Football Draft, the ultimate Dick problem.
Do your part friends, thebiggestproblemintheuniverse.com
>tfw Maddox straight up banned the Titanic bit.
In true cuckold fashion.
>launching new network
>end your flagship show terribly
GREAT LAUNCH 10/10 keep it up, great job!
Someone give me a summary of what you're talking about? All I know is that cuck video he did a couple weeks ago.
maddox has been around long before your dad forgot to pull out
>random nobody
I mean, I try to ignore the guy as much as I can but he's hardly a nobody unless you're not old enough to be using this website
Man, I used to be a huge Maddox fan back in the days, when he wasn't very well known and had his ugly website. I even bought his alphabet of manliness book when it was released years ago. I still read it from time to time and it still makes me laugh.
I don't know what the hell happened to him, he was on a good roll, and now this...
he moved to california
Maddox and Dick Materson (aka this guy youtube.com
what happened faggots?
Surprise surprise, the babies who constantly whine about "e-celeb worship" are underage.
Any comments from either of them?
Nothing concrete. There's some shit on plebbit about how Dick hated Maddox and only did the podcast for the fans and the money.
Also apparently Dick was asked not to show up for Episode 77, because Maddox was shopping around for new co-hosts, and they gave the reason that Dick "couldn't make it."
Oh god this is hilarious
Is this what the podcast was about ?
No, half of it is Maddox sucking up to guests.
Top stories from the podcast:
Mikes substitute teacher shitting incident
The Bro-Down Oranges
Burning man not walking 1 mile
Any yelling/dick rant
>Maddox's video shilling hard for his twitch channel and calling anyone who doesn't like Let's Plays jealous and outdated
>Maddox's video defending cuckolding
I've only casually watched a few of his past videos but watching that shit made me hope he crashed and burned. I am glad to see it happen so soon.
No misadventures of Dick's man?
I would also add on there Maddox defending the word cuckold while Dick loses his shit
> I embraced the Cuck, therefore I win.
Getting in front of a camera was the biggest mistake this guy ever made. It even retroactively ruined his good old stuff because you now know the cuck behind the keyboard.
I was always a Dick man myself. He was infinitely funnier than Maddox.
It's because Dick didn't try to make every single joke sound intellectual.
It's just another best of with Maddox and Asterios talking about how the show has run its course(it hasn't and it's now obvious they had a falling out) Dick isn't mentioned once. Sean is there but I think he just wanted that last paycheck, had a great line though.
I mean Maddox didn't have to get into detail but to just pretend the reason it's over isn't you both hating each other is not what people came to expect from the show.
Relevant screenshots sourced from /r/BiggestProblem
It's safe to assume these are legitimate but no further proof is provided.
Dick also wrote this comment about his absence from Episode 77
Dick is listed as one of the authors in every episode mp3 file EXCEPT the last one.
>Penn and Teller are still together
>Maddox and Dick are broken up
Wtf Dick was legit the best thing about TBPITU
why is Maddox doing this to himself and the podcast? does he know most of the viewers are going to leave with Dick?
>when he wasn't very well known and had his ugly website
How does it feel to be a hipster?
which podcast would you rather listen to?
Maddox and Asterios
The biggest Problem podcast is over Dick and Maddox had a Falling out and the new podcast network Maddox is talking about is oging to be shit because Dick isn't involved
Who /Dicksucker/ here?
I fucking hate Tim so Dick and Sean, Sean can handle himself in a discussion, he needs to stop with the self defeating thoughts and step up to the plate. I don't know if an audio engineer is constantly monitoring shit though so I don't want him to screw with the audio quality by setting it and forgetting it. I just don't want to lose Dick, I loved that Dr Phil episode and his website but it's been hard to find what he's been up to until this podcast showed up. Maddox won't fade, Dick doesn't have a very good web presence so I hope he starts up his own thing.
Dick is Sup Forums incarnate. It only makes sense we're all with Dick.
Dick talked about going on Sup Forums and responding to people talking about him during an episode, I'll have to look up which
Thanks to Laurie Foster and Megan Pennock for the transcriptions making searching easy
>thread theme
Do you think half of Maddox's stories about women and dates were made up?
Best song, god I hate that Maddox banned this.
You know when you grab a woman's breast and it's like a bag of sand
Dick bits: Maddox lost, I won the vote, Titanic
Maddox bits: 30 variations on Dick vs Dick
Everything from the first wave of the manosphere was made up. Maddox, Tucker Max, etc. I don't even remember any other people from that time anymore, Jesus Christ, I only remember a few from the local magazines and printed media that copied them.
>Just listened to the new podcast besides the recycled clips
>Notice Dick isn't there and nobody mentions it
>Wonder what the fuck happened
>Read literally all the comments on the post on Maddoff's website
>"Fuuuuuuck, I know plenty of anons are fans, I wonder if any of them put it together."
>"But where the fuck do I look for a thread about a podcast?"
Based Sup Forums saving the day. Even saved me a long visit to leddit by having all the evidence posted in one thread.
Sup Forums has a thread (I looked there first because of all the Maddox is a cuck threads), but it's shit
That's because Penn and Teller are clearly gay lovers.
Well then O&A and M&D should start fucking each other because I'm sick of my radio friends breaking up. Is it my problem for being so attached to these people? Yes. Do I care? Yes but I don't know what to do. My entire day was ruined by this, I just spent the day in bed, the only reason I'm posting now is I got up long enough to get wasted.
>banned the skit
I would think they'd just end it since it was grating to hear maddox fake anger at the start of every episode.
hohoo did you hear that flute guys? gee golly that's funnier the 50th time. oh wow maddox is so angry hhehehehe.
They faked being angry a lot early on in the podcast but towards the end I can't remember them doing any of that shit.
asterios is unfunny. very unfunny.
The Titanic skit was hilarious man.
Tim Changz is fucking retarded and only funny when he appears once in a blue moon, but AssTearing CocoaPuffs is the biggest SJW white knight pussy guest by a wide margin and a total kissass. Worst part is his voice clip bits were actually really funny imo, but once he started becoming a recurring guest and got into his politics, he went to shit and stopped doing those.
Tl;dr Tim Changz, but I'd have to take breaks from regular listening.
His biggest problems in history this week bits were amazing wish he did more stuff like that, also the E3 coverage
The E3 coverage was Tom Phillips from gameobliterator.biz you fucking idiot.
Holy fuck I just went to gameobliterator.biz and it just redirects to Asterios' website. This podcast has completely been fucked.
Well said. Don't know about the kiss ass part but I forgot how good his skits were sometimes.
That's exactly what I mean. That shit was great and made me like him far more than him being an actual guest on the show. He says on this last episode he spent hours and hours on them and I'd believe it, he's got talent.
Too bad he doesn't do small doses of comedy without SJW politics or asskissing anymore.
Does anyone else think he got dumped or divorced at some point during the show's tenure and that's why he moved out west near Maddox, started constantly going to burlesque shows/strip clubs and drinking like a fish?
Would also explain his SJW pandering if he's desperately trying to find a girl. It all adds up.
Pretty much same as me, I still have the book on my shelf next to my bed. I use to fucking laugh at some of his articles, now I come back years later and find he's still alive making videos and he defends being a cuck and acting like a spoilt has-been. That's another aspect of my early 20s thrown into the garbage eh.
I was wondering if anyone on Sup Forums gave a shit about this podcast or not.
I can't believe it ended so abruptly after two shitty clip shows. I'm kind of surprised that Maddox and Dick seem to have had some sort of falling out, I took them as the kind of people who talked a lot of shit to each other but never took it personally.
To be specific, he only kisses Maddox's ass and maybe the guest's (usually female), but it definitely happens.
Yeah. Dick has mentioned Sup Forums once or twice, even before the cuck thing, which he clearly had a 100% understanding of. There's no way he doesn't lurk/post on here. He's definitely been to Sup Forums.
Dick is not Sup Forums incarnate.
Sup Forums incarnate would have to be someone way stupider.
Like other anons have said, Dick is one of us. Not to mention most of us are old enough and have been a part of "internet culture" long enough to know who Maddox is.
I actually heard about the podcast for the first time on Sup Forums in a thread about Maddox's video about Spider-Woman's ass. Been hooked ever since.
Most of us are surprised about what happened aside from the fact that Maddox is probably the reason for the split and that he'd be petulant enough to cuck Dick out of any recognition on the final episode.
What board am I supposed to discuss this on?
The annoying thing is neither of them seem super interested in giving an explanation on what happened or anything, so we might never know what really went down.
All I know is there's no way I'm checking out Maddox's shitty podcast network after being left hanging like this, fuck that.
Sup Forums
Tim Changz made me laugh my ass off. Him, Dick, and Sean are the best
Maddox's worst moment was the Libertarian fiasco. I had to re-listen to it just to fathom how fucking stupid his argument was
we need a board for discussing videos and podcasts
Amen broseph.
This shit is GameGroomps all over again.
Didn't watch Steam Train, won't listen to Maddoff's Podcuck Network
>Maddox's worst moment was the Libertarian fiasco. I had to re-listen to it just to fathom how fucking stupid his argument was
I feel like no one ever railed him hard enough for that either. He was like a villain everyone hated on that episode and it felt like no one truly gave him his just deserts.
I'm 32. Who's Maddox?
His entirely specific homeowners association argument was the most amazing thing I've ever heard, how can anyone respond
>Sean points out that a Homeowners Association is a big government considering the scale of what they're governing.
>Dick points out that they're an obtrusive government as well.
>Maddox drools like a retard and somehow has the balls to speak in a condescending voice.
I had to listen to the podcast again because I was so confused on what Maddox was trying to say. When I realized that he actually thought that "small government" meant less people in charge and not less power, I lost it. The arrogance and stupidity was truly baffling.
Go vote up Maddox
It always goes like this
>Maddox you're wrong because x y and z
>No dipshits, let me restate what I said before because my argument is shit
>Dick was always coming up with hilarious shit like this.
>Maddox just spent all his time making Dick vs Dick bits and fucking them up half the time.
The first time he played that was the best moment.
I think because it was about a comment that he was celebrating his victories too much.
Dick was pretty annoying in the early episodes but he completely grew on me once I realized his shtick. Maddox on the other hand has just become a complete dunce. His show really emphasized how insecure he is. He's now just deleting comments like crazy and didn't even talk about Dick on the final episode
This whole thing seems like a Maddox troll thing.
Maybe to prove a point or something.
Nothing better to advertise a new podcast network with some manufactured drama.
>This whole thing seems like a Maddox troll thing.
>Maybe to prove a point or something.
>Nothing better to advertise a new podcast network with some manufactured drama.
That seems really unlikely. I think it would be against Maddox's principles to do something like that, and also kind of a stupid thing to do considering how much he pissed all his fans off.