Just watched fan edit of this film. Damn, it was such a cringe fest. overacting at its finest. Story wasn't that bad, the beginning was good and got me interested, but after action took in Twin Peaks it started to go downhill pretty fast. Titties were good. Keep wandering if I should've watched original film and deleted scenes separately since I liked the trippy stuff (guess these were the deleted scenes).
Just watched fan edit of this film. Damn, it was such a cringe fest. overacting at its finest. Story wasn't that bad...
Other urls found in this thread:
>overacting is inherently a bad thing
Fire Walk With Me is top 3 Lynch. Funny seeing all the Mulholland Drive/Blue Velvet/Twin Peaks reddit capeshitters go running when they're hit with real Lynch.
What is this thread even about?
dis nigga knows what's up
Discussing the film? What else?
Fuck off with your reddit shit. It's getting really tiresome with all the reddit paranoia around.
In this case, it was bad, at least for me.
So, was it a bad decision to watch fan edit first?
Probably not. You didn't say that the film seemed extraneous or too long or anything, so it seemed like it was the story/presentation itself you weren't crazy about. You probably would've have liked the theatrical cut all that much anyway
>It's getting really tiresome with all the reddit paranoia around
They're pouring into this board by the hundreds every day. May as well be calling WW2 "germany paranoia"
>Implying the Nazis were the bad guys
It's 2016.
I love this film a lot. Haven't seen a lot of Lynch but I thought it was great and I'm definitely more interested in checking out his other work.
In terms of cringey acting, one of the detectives in the beginning (the one who isn't Kiefer Sutherland, can't remember his name) was really insufferable
Chris Isaak? Yeah, he's a far better singer than actor.
FWWM is top tier Lynch and better than the entire TV show.
Also, the performances in the film are brilliant.
That was Chris Isaak? Huh. I didn't know that.
He's definitely a better singer. His actor was preeeetty off, but at the same time, in a weird way, it was fitting.
Yep, he was the first SWAT guy in Silence of the Lambs too. That was during his trying to cross over period. He had a show on Showtime for a couple seasons too but they incorporated music into it so I'm guessing that's why that lasted.
>he's a far better singer than actor.
Of all the dumb opinions in this thread...
You disagree with that? You ever actually listen to his albums? The guy is a fantastic singer. As an actor he's middling at best.
Love the film, hate the scene with Harold and the journal. Sheryl Lee delivers during most scenes, but that one is just awful.
props to the pink room scene, that was cash
>first SWAT guy in Silence of the Lambs too
no way
Not exactly in a rush to check out the rest of his work desu
FWWM is best horror film of 1990s and one of the few films thst genuinely scare me, all in all, it's absolutely fantastic. I actually think it's David Lynch's best film, as it doesn't rely on "it was all just a dream" to justify the surrealism.
it's a solid 9/10
The extended Bowie scene is much better than the theatrical version.
Agree whole-heartedly.
First viewing I thought it was his worst movie.
2nd viewing- something clicked and it jumped straight to my #1 of his movies.
This one felt a lot more like a passion project rather than experimentation.
Of all his movies, he stands by this one the most. Doesn't regret anything.
It's hard to watch, and it's fucking gross. But I love it.
It's his MGS2.
I don't know, I didn't liked most of her scenes. Other actors were decent at worst.
Hmm... I'll give it another try, this time theatrical cut. Maybe it was a break I took in the middle that took me off the film, since I liked first half more.
>Maybe it was a break I took in the middle that took me off the film
I don't think this film is for you if you're taking fucking breaks in the middle, and watching fan edits.
I've only ever seen the theatrical cut I believe.
That 2nd time I mentioned was in a screening with an old print. Really added to the experience how fucking uncomfortable everyone was in that theater.
This video sums up a lot of feelings I had about it:
There's multiple parts- this is the first part explaining FWWM.