If you were a mutant, what would you want your power to be?

If you were a mutant, what would you want your power to be?

I think being a drifter with Wolverines immortality would be cool.



Have fun going insane from everyone around you being ridiculously slow


Magneto obv

He's the coolest X-man

He does it by choice not all the time

God Save the Queen


God Save the Queen


Fuck off

this and invisibility but that might get chilly

Rogue's power is so fucking useless

If you were born with the power you wouldn't know any better, it would be normal to you

Mutants don't get their powers until puberty though m80

I would like the power to be happy and have friends and be good at things

At least try to be realistic

>i dont know shit about rogue

I'll drink to that. Honestly, I'd like to be able to change my appearance like Mystique. I'd fuck with people so hard.

The superpower to attract a gf


Mystique so I could know what it feels like to be a beautiful women. Then I'd get rich

Wolverines immortality combined with Quicksilver's speed and Mystique's shape-shifting

Also Jean Grey's telekinesis

Shapeshifting would allow you to fuck virtually any woman on the planet. Not to mention it would allow one to amass great wealth, and makes you age slower.

telepathy superior

>have shapeshifting power only use em to shapeshift into female celebrities, have sex with random losers and post the videos on the internet.

I think teleporting would be better than going fast.

I vote for Mystique and a azazel.
