What does Sup Forums make of the comedy duo Key & Peele?
What does Sup Forums make of the comedy duo Key & Peele?
Wannabe dave chappele sketches for white people.
hits and misses, some pretty good hits though.
I watched Keanu the other night and its a solid 7.5/10 american 'comedy' film
Carlton x2, these monkeys wanna be white so bad
gonna love it when their movie flops
They're funny, genuinely good at acting and improv, and obviously have a great dynamic together. I just hope now's not their peak is all.
I like their sketches a lot since they bring great ideas to the table but watched the movie this past weekend and it felt so standard the Wayans brothers could have don it.
Their peak was season two of their show. They need fresh writers now or to take a year off to revamp themselves because it looks like they are trying to rely on the thrown out sketches of season 1&2
Haven't seen a lot of their show, but from what I have seen, they're fucking hilarious.
They're both half white. Also kind of weird with Key
>His biological and adoptive fathers are both black, and his biological and adoptive mothers are both white
In my opinion their comedy style is a really good blend of black and white humour. Not fully one or the other
Keanu was a fuck lot funnier than I expected
So they're cool
some of their sketches are really good, not consistent though.
My fav is actually the collab they did with Rocketjump, the one wtih the standoff and the blueberry pie.
I don't find them funny, but I had nothing personally against them until the turned up in Fargo and completely ruined the tone every appearance they had.
Fuck these guys.
They're not on his level, but they're still good. Not shitty enough to be a DC wanna be/
like the cheapest beer you can buy= just bad and disappointing
Pretty happy to see mainstream comedians, let alone black comedians, who are actually funny fairly frequently. I'd take them over the Wilmores of the black comedians.
This was always my favourite sketch by them
Hate them. Every sketch is just them repeated the same joke over and over again and you can see the final punchline a mile off every time.
They're pretty funny, not sure which is funnier.
Something screams: identity issues
About them.
They are pretty funny. I just hate when they start to involve politics. All the Obama sketches are terrible.
Why are half black half white comedians considered black
shut up faggot
One drop rule
i didn't think their show was very good but some sketches were funny. I saw them live once and it was a good show
Show is done man they wanted to do other stuff.
Love these guys. Even when the writing slips they have such great timing, delivery and chemistry they even make dumb shit funny. Like the valet bit on paper wouldn't be funny but its how they perform it.
One funny sketch for every 10 awful ones
Their shit is fucking impenetrable on youtube and that is gay
That's how sketch shows generally are DESU. SNL is like 1 out of 50 or 1-100 for example
The Gremlins 2 sketch was pretty funny.