How can you people defend this?

How can you people defend this?

There is so many problems with this movie. The main being that this should have been Episode 8. Episode 7 should have began with Leia and Han dropping Kylo at Luke's Jedi Temple as then it would have explained how Kylo got to know Snoke and how he turned to the dark side.

We would have then seen a great violent battle as he kills all Luke's Jedi, battles with Luke before Luke does a Yoda and exiles himself - Poetry with what happens to Yoda in Episode 3.

Meanwhile - the story would focus on Han and Leia working together as they uncover secrets of a group of surviving Empire who are beginning to build a giant weapon (the Starkiller base). Han and Chewy try to track down this group in the falcon but lose them. This explains how Leia and Han break up.

Some more information will be explained with how these surviving Empire troops were able to command a fleet and how they got to know about Snoke.

THEN Episode 8 will begin: The Force Awakens... or JJ could have made the story a 3 hour epic and the first 40 minutes will be Luke, the temple until it flashes to present (but of course Disney hate doing anything original as they rely only on nostalgia and copy the tone of the OT).

BUT NOPE: Disney had to go and entirely fuck up the story; as Episode 7 makes no sense with so many plotholes to the viewer.

Other urls found in this thread:

>so many plotholes
Name 3

waaa waaa why don't they make it the way I want it? waaaaaaa


>using RottenTomatoes as a gauge of quality

>ignoring fact that 90% of film "critics" are Star Wars geeks who voiced their hatred of the prequels and celebrated Disney taking control

>implying they'd admit their golden child corporation and JJ failed to produce a good film

I want Disney to leave this board.

>Pissing yourself because no one else will hate a movie you do.

Better using that site than some faggot like you who's literally just comic book guy.


>disney, a company who has become one of the biggest entertainment empires by making products aimed for pre-teen girls for literally over 100 years
>they buy a new brand to their portfolio
>people expecting serious movies from them

Are you guys retarded.

This is why Star Wars VII was indeed an amazing movie and a great success. 12 year old girls and boys don't care about quality itself.

It's like complaining that the latest Mad Max movie made by fucking Lego or Toys-R-Us is not a hardcore 18+ movie.

It's a kids movie aimed to the pre-teen millennial audience. Move the fuck on.

I love that Disney triggers so many different retards. It's incredible.

I'd rather use RT than Sup Forums's absolutely retarded opinions.

>How can you people defend this?
>There is so many problems with this movie. The main being that this should have been Episode 8. Episode 7 should have began with Leia and Han dropping Kylo at Luke's Jedi Temple as then it would have explained how Kylo got to know Snoke and how he turned to the dark side.
>We would have then seen a great violent battle as he kills all Luke's Jedi, battles with Luke before Luke does a Yoda and exiles himself - Poetry with what happens to Yoda in Episode 3.
>Meanwhile - the story would focus on Han and Leia working together as they uncover secrets of a group of surviving Empire who are beginning to build a giant weapon (the Starkiller base). Han and Chewy try to track down this group in the falcon but lose them. This explains how Leia and Han break up.
>Some more information will be explained with how these surviving Empire troops were able to command a fleet and how they got to know about Snoke.
>THEN Episode 8 will begin: The Force Awakens... or JJ could have made the story a 3 hour epic and the first 40 minutes will be Luke, the temple until it flashes to present (but of course Disney hate doing anything original as they rely only on nostalgia and copy the tone of the OT).
>BUT NOPE: Disney had to go and entirely fuck up the story; as Episode 7 makes no sense with so many plotholes to the viewer.
Agree on the plot holes but expecting an entire movie for dropping a kid off at a temple.. is not consistent with the space opera plot formula for star wars at all

>what the fuck is in medias res

"What is the difference between a backstory and a plot? How do movies work?!?!?!"

>Episode 7 should have began with Leia and Han dropping Kylo at Luke's Jedi Temple as then it would have explained how Kylo got to know Snoke and how he turned to the dark side.

I disagree. With Luke being such a terrible teacher in this version of the story the Kylo Ren steals the show. I like leaving some things up to the imagination so that we can imagine how it is that Kylo Ren came to be. That still makes part of the story interesting to think about. Not everything needs to be seen on screen.

>Why didn't they do it the way I wanted them to!?
Sup George?

This reads like a sixteen year old wrote it, and not a talented one.

Been saying lucas should've never been let near star wars since return of the jedi.

why the fuck would they waste an entire movie explaining a bunch of bullshit people with triple digit IQs were able to easily figure out for themselves through inference?

Oh wait, the prequels made you think Star Wars is a documentary about a fictional universe and you need endless exposition or the movie sucks.

Sure man, while we're at it, why didn't a new hope start with obi wan dropping luke off with uncle owen?

How am I supposed to know who this feather-haired farmboy faggot is?

Oh It's like that was explained in the other movies, the likes of which haven't been released for episode vii.


This. The prequels ruined not just the sw universe, but even the way we think about film


I think Kylo is fine. We don't need to know exactly what happened to make the villain the villain in the very first movie. We have some hints and we know the major players in his backstory. That means we're just left with healthy speculation until the blanks are filled in.

Rey's background, though, is a complete mystery box in the worst way. It's to the point of detrimental to her character, because now the only thing people talk about regarding her is who spawned her. And no matter what they do, it'll probably be disappointing after all the speculation as is what tends to happen.

7 > the rest


>being a cuck

Go get your eyes BLACKED faggot.

People with triple digit IQs wouldn't be watching this garbage in the first place you faggot mong.

might as well use facebook to gauge how good a film is you hilarious cluck


You're an autist who needs every bit of information spoon fed to you, it seems.

The movie had a ton of problems and it was generally pretty stupid, but come the fuck on.

We do not know how Rey learns all the force powers quickly, we do not know how the starkiller base is built so quickly in only 30 years, we do not know how the Empire resurfaces after being destroyed, we do not know how Snoke appears.

Fucking hell did you even read my post?

>why didn't a new hope start with obi wan dropping luke off with uncle owen?
Because we got the prequels to thank for past events.

You missed my point: now Disney will have to do a prequel to Force Awakens which means using the same actors which they won't be able to do because Ford does not wanna participate anymore.


The prequels are some of the best filmmaking masterpieces trilogy wise.

When will you haters stop being fucking retarded dickheads and understand the true brilliance of them especially Episode 3?

If you really think that Disney are far more intelligent with their star wars films then you have something wrong with you.

>the first one was built in like 19 years
>TFO formed from the remnants of the Empire

>Rey's background, though, is a complete mystery box in the worst way.
EXACTLY. This film doesn't properly give us any idea on who we are seeing this movie through the eye's of. Definitely not Rey because we have no idea of her backstory hence we cannot understand her psychologically.

So Finn?

Fucking hell JJ: as the audience we are meant to go along a journey with the main character: knowing their goal motivation but with Rey we know nothing. We have no idea how she is able to use the force so mary sue like compared to Luke


Since when are the prequels comics?


Prequelfags are Sup Forums crossposters

Get the fuck out


what game ?

once again: how is the prequels got anything to do with comics?

user, I'm not sure you know what a plothole is.

>How can you people defend this?

You can't. It made so much money on the name alone. The movie is utter shit.

every degenerate prequelnigger posts on Sup Forums

they jerk off to drawings of underage Twi'leks and then start shitposting here

lurk more

How can you honestly believe the Force Awakens CGI is better than the Phantom Menace esp the practical models

I think you don't know you fucking idiot. i just listed the main plotholes that so many other sites have brought up.

Also: fuck you JJ for destroying the starkiller base in the first movie, cutting out 30 minutes of content and not bothering to show it all on the blu ray release


The Clone Wars game was great.

>they jerk off to drawings of underage Twi'leks

hmm, tell me more about these underage aliens, asking for a friend

check them out at Sup Forums

What the fuck is wrong with this CGI for 1999?


too fucking much

Nostalgia, mostly. SW fans are also autistic so they'll love everything regardless. This happened with the prequels too.

the prequels were cinematic masterpieces compared to the agenda ridden SJW circlejerk of a movie we just got.

gurllll power lol :)


prequel trilogy 2/10
TFA 2/10

>the prequels were cinematic masterpieces compared to the agenda ridden SJW circlejerk of a movie we just got.

Zelda Cycle.

you know what, fuck you. George Lucas is fucking film-making genius and you think you can make some snarky remark while posting an out of context picture. Suck a dick you asshole. Lucas is prioritizing audience visual stimulation and while you think you can poo-poo a film that pretty much sets the bar for this century's special effects (beaten only by Avatar, a film that came out a decade later). You don't know shit, you're a miserable fuckhole who can't handle not being pandered to, Lucas made movies he envisioned and they're fantastic, all of them.


Star Wars The Shittening Awakens

>an ugly mexican
>a girl that looks like a xenomorph
>and a nigger
Yeeeeah it's disney all right

>the desk and chairs are even CGI

Why did no one stop him? Did we just not notice as 12 year olds?

I can barely remember the names of locations and characters in this episode.

I can fucking remember all the names of the clones in the clone wars series and that wasn't even that good. I think I can even remember most of the planets and there were a shitload.

Is he back wall painted on? Did we slip into the Looney Tunes-verse?

>Kylo suffering a teenager issues while being in its late 20's
>Ren using the mind trick though she never heard of it beforehand(and thought Jedis were legends)
>Starkiller station shooting its shotgun deathray on five planets but its power source is still shining (while it suddenly needs to suck an entire star for the Rebel base planet)
>Trooper being brainwashed since its birth turning deserter after its first mission, which wasn't so harsh tbqh (few Troopers dead, whole village cleansed)
>Dat lazyass end: Oh look, canyon, flaw in the generator, big badaboom, profit

Literally can all be explained by paying atteention to the film.

>paying attention to flicks

Only reddit and shills defend this "movie". And you're enabling them by making this idiotic thread.

TFA was garbage and the next sw movies will demonstrate it. This one sold so much only because it was a new SW after a decade. It was doom to happen

Thx for the laugh


People who liked TFA are either retards or megaplebs. Trying to argue with them why the shit they like is shit is a waste of time.