Will this start anime kino?
Jojo's Bizzare Adventure live action film announced
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Is the chink 6'4 like in the manga?
>starting with the beginning of JoJo becoming shit
Stands a shit
No, but he has the physique down!
A better look.
looked it up
>174 cm
shit movie already senpai
Plus crusaders is the weakest part, but if they make a jojo movie they may as well start with that, because they can write any kind of story to that.
>The sources also explain that because Jojo's Part III lacks female characters and is heavily comprised of battles, they're making to sure to cast attractive male leads who will appeal, and keeping an eye on the fan reaction.
>fan reaction
Apparently Jojo fans aren't happy so far.
Hamonfags are pathetic, even fucking spin is better than this low tier 'hype' energy, thank god it's over.
Yeah, man, if Hamon had remained the powerset of the manga then we would only have 3 parts of pure mangakino.
Seriously consider suicide, Hamon was too restrictive.
And Part 5 is literally better than anything that came before it, so your point is moot.
>live action
>probably japs only
Sorry to burst their xenophobic bubble, but there is 2 white guys and 1 black guy in the Part 3 crew. Even without counting Jotaro has half white, how will they cope with this?
more importantly - where will they find sand people to be extras in the background when they get to egypt?
this sounds so bad
I almost crave to see how badly CGI ORAORAORA would look
If he would've continued the Hamon route it would've ended up with dragon ball Z tier powerlevel faggotery.
There's a couple of black guys that show up in toku shows on and off that could play Avdol, they even speak fluent Japanese.
And the Stands will either be dudes in hilariously bad makeup, or pure CGI.
Either way will be terrible
>Shounen shit: the movie
Might as well watch Naruto for at least it doesn't pretend to be good.
What is this? A Yaoi with muscular men?
Only way that's going to work is if they get a huge white man to play the body and CGI the Japanese guy's head on him.
It will looks like weebs from an anime convention cosplay as Jojo characters.
Ruined by default.
I hope they cast Joseph Joestar with some American with terrible japanese just for the fun of it
For a while, then it's just dissolves into "I'm evil? Or is it you? Or is this all fate?" Good shit to be honest.
Will they keep the scene where Joseph hits a jap with a punch in the gut saying 'I hate japanese"?
the manga turned to shit as soon as it started having japanese characters
this is not a coincidence
>No Battle Tendency film starring fabulous white people
>Will they keep the scene where Joseph hits a jap with a punch in the gut saying 'I hate japanese"?
It was a kick to the shin, and even the anime kept it, Japan don't care, it just makes Joseph look like a meathead foreigner and they love him for it.
Avdol is an Arab though. But yeah, either way this looks like a train wreck already, no matter how you look at it.
>he only watches the anime
The second half of 4 onwards blows everything prior out of the water. 7 is excellent and 8 is poised to beat it if Araki doesn't get forgetful near the end.
It's shonen, but one of the best. It starts of ok and slowly reaches the point of being amazing.
>Animeshit is going to become the next Capeshit
That's it, prepare for the normalfag invasion of anime and manga like we've never seen since the days of early Toonami and Dragonball Z.
>FV wanted to make America great again long before Trump
Is this from Attack on Eotens?
If they can use the music from the Anime I might watch it
Not even a caucasoid looking, ainu actor helps this insanity
It's actually one of the best japanese comedies i've seen
>Jonathan and Dio Brando - British and British - arguably one of the weakest parts
>Joseph and Cars - British and where-ever - One of the best parts
>Jotaro and DIO - Japanese and British - Weakest part, only DBZfags disagree
>Josuke and Kira - Japanese and Japanese - One of the best parts
>Giorno Giovanna and Diavolo - Italian, or at least half-Italian, and Italian - one of the best parts, memers disagree
>Jolyne and Pucci - American and Italian-American - far from the best parts, but also far from the worst
>Johnny, Gyro and Valentine - American, Italian and American - one of, if not the best part
>Josuke (Josefumi and Kira) - Japanese - Currently on its way to becoming one of the best parts
You're so wrong it hurts, user.
joseph is only ethnically british
he lives in america most of his live
>Every Part is best Part
>one of the best
You're not the sharpest tool in the shed, are you?
why are japanese adaptations of anime/manga suddenly news to people. this has always been going on, and western audiences will continue to not give a shit
When that's said for 5 out of 8 Parts it starts to sound like a child's opinion
It won't look like anything because the movie's part 3.
This on the other hand.
...or it means that the series is really fucking good.
Are you ready for normies to start claimi to they've always been into manga like they claim to have always loved comics?
How do you even translate these poses to live action?
This isn't a Western production, so no.
Most people outside of Japan probably won't ever see or even hear about this movie.
>Part 5
Top cuck
Explain how Vento Aureo is not good without mentioning
>muh bad translations
You can't
jesus fuck i bet jap Berserk is coming next
>implying they won't localize it due to how fast JoJo is growing in popularity over here
>Implying part 5 isn't the part with the best fights and stands
pleb taste
>Part 2
>One of the best
It's literally asspulls: the part. Only good characters were Joseph, Stroheim and Wammuu, the rest were forgettable, shit or both. It's as close to generic shounen as it gets
Bruno a shit
shit actor, shit story, goddamn this is gonna suck
though to be fair if they found a big jap through a miracle and adapted the beginning of the story it still would suck, japs can't make decent anime adaptations if their fucking lives depended on it
Giorno is British and Japanese, he isn't Italian at all.
How about the biggest, laziest copout strategy to beat the bad guy?
>this new stand, G.E.R, counters EVERYTHING you throw at it
Fuck part 5.
Ever since the anime started airing jojo related threads turned into a cesspool of terrible opinions.
Spin was even more retarded than hamon.
>if you do the spin while on a HORSE your stand will evolve and break dimensions
It's shounen but focused on logic and strategy rather than powerlevels...most of the time anyways, that is, part 2 is nothing but asspulls.
The main character is so shit people actually ended up considering a sidekick to be the real protagonist.
Name one memorable thing about Caesar other than the fact he died
But it actually made more sense than hamon, hamon was pretty much if you breathe hard enough you get the sun's energy in you and you can kill vampires. Spin at least related to the theory of the Golden Rectangle, so the dimension-breaking through an infinite-spin shot actually made sense.
You a shit.
The arrow gives a Stand the power it needs at that moment, Silver Chariot gained the power to keep everyone away from the arrow, Gold Experience gained the power to defeat Diavolo.
And that one thing is enough for you to hate part 5?
You're a fucking retard.
That doesn't make the part bad though. Even if Giorno is more of a sidekick the rest of the cast is still fucking great, Bruno especially is a boss.
He used a breathing technique to make bubbles deadly. That's it. It has nothing to do with his character, or should I say lack of.
Gyro gained Ball Breaker and Johnny's Tusk evolved because they gained mastery of the Spin when they figured out Super Spin.
And developing a Stand from mastering a something was introduced in Part 4.
Name one memorable thing Bruno did other than the fact he died.
>The arrow gives a Stand the power it needs at that moment
Where does it say that? And even then that's still a retarded, lazy writing to avoid having to come up with a logical way to defeat the villain's seemingly invincible ability.
>And that one thing is enough for you to hate part 5?
No, but it is a pretty big deal to have the whole series' buildup to defeat villain just be ''anti everything stand''.
The main character is by far the most generic and run of the mill in the whole series. In the first chapter you think that he might be interesting since he's being a trickster but right afterwards he becomes 100% serious justice enforcer blah blah. Not even Johnathan was as painfully cliche as Giorno.
The only likable character was Mista, and even then he's just the obligatory comedy relief character of the group like Polnareff or Okuyasu.
>The main character is so shit
He isn't.
Let me guess, you've only read the shitty English translations that completely butcher Giorno's character.
>Gyro gained Ball Breaker and Johnny's Tusk evolved because they gained mastery of the Spin when they figured out Super Spin.
Because they rode on a horse, Gyro literally tells Johnny to get on a horse and shit will happen.
>But it actually made more sense than hamon
Nothing will make less sense than ''getting on a horse makes your stand evolve''. Araki is really bad with coming up with logical ways to beat the main villain.
Do you know what the word "best" means?
He brought the gang together, he decided after finally meeting Diavolo that he was going to rebel against him and flat-out told the group his plan and that if they had any doubts they should leave, he was a full-on leader.
Also the fact that even though he "died" after his encounter with Diavolo, he kept his death a secret so the group wouldn't worry over him, caring more about the plan and his crew's state than his own health and the fact he was a walking zombie.
The horse's body and Johnny's both fit into the shape of the golden rectangle, leading Johnny to be able to perform a super spin. What doesn't make sense about that?
>>No, but he has the physique down!
lmaoing at your life
>Because they rode on a horse, Gyro literally tells Johnny to get on a horse and shit will happen.
What part of mastering Spin do you not fucking understand?
The Super Spin was the final step in mastering Spin, and said mastery lead to them gaining Stands, or in Johnny's case, Tusk evolving.
Tonio gained a Stand by being a really, really fucking good chef, how is that any less retarded?
>And Part 5 is literally better
end your misery lad
Those are just plot points, nothing remotely memorable about that other than his death.
>The horse's body and Johnny's both fit into the shape of the golden rectangle
First of all that's really pushing it, second of all, WHY does riding a horse magically make his stand evolve into one that just so happens to break dimensions, which is what was needed to defeat Valentine?
Having a last second powerup is lazy ass writing. The reader can't anticipate the ways in which the writer will come up to use the MCs' avaible abilities in a strategic way to beat the main villain like it happened with all the minor villains, because Araki just loves pulling that shit. The only time it didn't happen so far was in Part 4 (and arguably part 6 if you can believe that the little kid just so happened to absorb cloudy and become its stand user) and, would you look at that, it's also the best part.
>The Super Spin was the final step in mastering Spin, and said mastery lead to them gaining Stands, or in Johnny's case, Tusk evolving.
Why the hell do you keep repeating this? I keep telling you that it's the fact that this, the super spin, was unlocked because he RODE A HORSE that is retarded.
If a feisty womanizer who puts his honor above anything else means that he lacks character then by these standards nobody in the entire series has any.
>Name one memorable thing Bruno did
>name things Bruno did
>nah man those are just plot points
I see your mastery of shitposting has caused you to develop the Stand 「Back Pedaling」
>Tonio gained a Stand by being a really, really fucking good chef,
That just means that his stand hadn't come out yet. You don't ''unlock'' stands just like that. Either you get one eventually or the arrow forces one out of you, if you survive. Otherwise everyone would have a stand.
>stand continues to evolve and develop over the entire story
>it's lazy writing to have it develop further
>name MEMORABLE things done by the character
>no problem I will just tl;dr the storyline
Not sure if retarded or merely pretending
I'm currently at Episode 20 of Part 1 of the new Manga and loving it so far. Why does Johnathan get hate I loved his arc and was pretty sad when he died.
New anime*
>>it's lazy writing to have it develop further
It is lazy writing to pull a new conventient powerup at the LAST moment, that's what I said. Because what intrigue and anticipation is there if you know the MC can just unlock a bullshit new power to curbstomp the villain instead of what happened for the most part regarding the rest of the story: using the character's already established abilities to come up with a creative way to defeat the minor villains. The battles where the stand evolves being the exception, however those are nowhere NEAR as offensive as pulling an evolution in the final battle. It's almost as bad as pulling a ''the power of friendship/love defeated the villain''.
>manlet JoJo
why even bother?
>however those are nowhere NEAR as offensive as pulling an evolution in the final battle
Tusk Act 4 didn't evolve in the final battle though.
neck urself
>Tusk Act 4 didn't evolve in the final battle though.
Against Valentine? Yes it did, it went from act 3 to act 4. Alternate Diego was just another racer, not the main villain, and Johnny didn't beat him anyway.
>part 5
>one of the best parts
>part 6
>middle ground
>not the main villain
>Johnny didn't beat him anyway
Not relevant
>Alternate Diego was just another racer
And still they fought, battled if you will, during the race.
Making Johnny vs. Valentine literally not the final battle.
>Why does Johnathan get hate
Cause he becomes painfully cliche after the time skip happens. Part 1 was when Araki was changing genres all the time even in the middle of his stories because his readership was non-existant prior to introducing hamon. It's why Part 1 does such a drastic tone change.
no japanese could do a credible Jotaro Kujo
>Not relevant
Do you think you're being smart? Of course the main villain's battle is what matters here, not only had Johnny and Gyro acknowledged that beating Valentine was more important than the race, but also especially since the battle after that was just a race that ended up with nobody dead, nor did Johnny beat Dio anyway so the ''creative way to beat the villain using the MC's avaible abilities'' that I mentioned doesn't happen either.
It's like saying that an MC against the main bad guy is not the final battle, it's the race to escape his suddenly exploding base and fighting off his remaining lackeys while at it.
He can at least pass for Hapa or Ainu. So not that different from Russians living in Vladivostok.
They'd better get a British guy in for old Joseph.
I wonder if they could afford Ewan?
nobody hates johnathan
No idea, I really love Phantom Blood too.
It's raw and unrefined - the work of a young artist finding their feet - but that gives it a lot of its charm. Also great supporting characters and no happy ending.
Does he even know Japanese? Also, JOJO is probably one of the few animus (alongside Lupin III) that would benefit from an all american or european casting.
Does Joseph even know Japanese? He's a curmudgeonly old Brit who's lived in New York for years by the time of Stardust Crusaders.
Will it have hilarious moments like these?
Agreed, after part 2 we'd reached the limit of the tricky bullshit you could do with it and the strength of the beings affected by it, and by the end even Kars was immune. The introduction of stands was necessary.