Fuck Buffy Edition
Angel Thread
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>implying an Angel thread has a chance of making it.
Just admit it's the lesser show.
Even if it is technically better, Buffy's high points > Angel's high points, and that really all that matters.
why can i watch these shows over and over and never get tired
though when i get to angels kid plot, i hate that fucking kid and wish that subplot gets over quick
I tired re-watching Buffy recently and while the good parts are good the dialogue in parts is fucking childish and cringey
it's supposed to be cheesy
though i remember seeing a lot of boom mics lol
>it's supposed to be shit, That makes it ok; I loved Cabin in the Woods.
Eh, I think they're both about equal. Buffy is funnier and comfier while Angel is more thrilling and has deeper lore, Buffy has better standalone episodes while Angel has better arcs. They each have their strengths
In the end I's say I prefer Angel only because I like the characters more. The only reason Buffy threads are more successful is because it's a more iconic series
I like Connor
fight me
buffy thread was deleted for some reason. i'm blaming you, op.
What happened to the other Buffy thread?
Anyway, Angel season 5 is GOAT in the buffyverse, but Buffy is comfier overall.
You should know by now that then jans hate women
Turbo feels.
I think the dialogue in the early seasons is really good, but fuck if it doesn't become cringy starting around season 5. It's when Buffy becomes less action/adventure and more soap opera
I don't think I've ever cringed more in my life than I did watching the episode "Into the Woods"
why the fuck did the mods delete the god damn buffy thread? look you can say the show is shit, fine, but for what reason is a buffy thread not Sup Forums related? it wasn't a waifu or cunny or off topic thread in any way.
what in the actual fuck is wrong with mods/janitors on this board? I have never seen anything like it, the just delete anything they don't like and fuck what the board rules are, the site rules are, god damnit. Get your fucking shit together you asshole's, cut it out. Why can't we have nice things i'm getting sick of it. Go ruin someone elses afternoon fucktards
Holy crap someone saved the webms I made
Did anybody save the staking action webm from hush?
Why was the Buffy thread deleted? It was talking about TV shows. Do we need to say kino and cuck more or something?
The OP asked "which girl is best?" or some shit and there was all that gf roulette
You have to be really careful nowadays, I was surprised it lasted as long as it did
it's in the archived thread. the one that wasn't deleted.
Threadly reminder to never EVER read the comics for either series. Joss really needed people to tell him No.
Same goes for Rock O'Bannon and the Farscape comics
I dunno man, i have been on Sup Forums for longer then i would ever admit in real life, and people on every board have always bitched about the mods, and i have always thought they were being dramatic faggots. But this board, what the fucking hell. I can't even count how many times i see threads get deleted for no good reason, on topic, actually decent threads while garbage off topic bullshit stays up for hours after.
Is that the guy that plays one Bones?
As I tried to say at the end of the last thread, while Wesley wasn't immediately a total badass, when he joined the show he wasn't a coward.
When he first joined the show he's certainly ineffective and not exactly full of confidence in himself, but he was a rogue demon hunter chasing down a demon of his own accord when he runs into Angel
. Is just a few episodes after he joins the show in series one and even before that there's the episode where he has to exorcise the child.
Fred deserved her fate
Also, Doyle Cordie and Wesley were GOAT
>Do we need to say kino and cuck more or something
Yes. Sup Forums is not for discussion, it is for memes and ponderous pseudo-intellectual posturing.
Buffy and Angel share the same pattern, third season is the best, fourth season is underrated, fifth season is overrated
Based Doyle, always being forgotten about.
His reappearance in s5 was nice.
christ this show is great
>burn the coal, pay the toll
Why is Buffy on Netflix but not Angel? It's ruined my viewing experience.
>timid nerdy gurl who becomes a strong independent inter dimensional former God entity
>British closet homo stereotype
>the original Edward Cullen
>a plastic whore
>a ghetto wog
Great cast and characters. Great show.
Ironically Angel would be the ultimate cuck meme given Fred, Gunn, and Wesleys love triangle thing if it was airing now
it is, tho. last time i checked at least. not only that, season one is wide-screen, you see cameramen and set ends and everything...
Because it changed networks between season 4 and 5 so the rights are owned by a different company than Buffy
Not in the UK. It used to be for last year but it doesn't seem to be anymore.
Haha, no. Fox owns both shows on all seasons. The channel where they've aired has no meaning (and even if it did, the WB and UPN have merged to make the CW anyway)
>I'll take away your bucket
What a great fucking line.
Interesting, as good a reason as any to rewatch season 1
oh right. i hear that they're planning on taking Buffy off as well in the next few weeks. better hustle to season 7, m8.
it's becoming very clear that Acker just wanted to slut it up whenever possible and when they ran out of options they just turned her into Illirya so she can just be in a tight suit for the entire show.
Illyria > Fred
Fuck I love this show so much. Season 5 in particular gave me so much feels. Why did they have to cancel it, man, it had gotten GOAT.
I can't rewatch Buffy because the effects are eye-bleeding and the dialogue is really cloying second time around, but Angel's a different matter.
Who /Smile Time/ here?
Does anyone have the webm of Fred talking about being probed and Wesley's blade pops out?
Mfw I found out he died for real too
I read the reason they turned Fred into Illirya was because they thought it would be ridiculous having Fred in the finale since she'd be slaughtered instantly, so they had to power her up. Although they could of dressed he in anything, so yeah that was definitely a decision by someone to make her as sexy as possible
>and Wesley's blade pops out?
I think my 'blade' popped out as well
If I recall the idea came from the Shakespeare sessions they'd do at Whedon's house. He wanted to show off her range and have her play something very different from Fred. When they created Illyria they had no idea the show was going to be cancelled.
I can't recall which episode it's in, but there's a scene where she's wearing a crazy short skirt or dress and you get a very brief upskirt shot where can make out that she isn't wearing panties.
Ah fuck, I'd stopped watching it and started watching iZombie since I'd hoped they'd put Angel back on eventually.
this is why buffy is better.
>ywn make out with your hot sister
why even live?
They didn't know it was going to be cancelled but they did know that it would be the big fight
If you can find the episode I'll make the webm
It was only cancelled because Whedon got overconfident and tried to push the network for an early renewal decision as well. Ratings for season 5 were fucking up from s4.
I don't see how they could of been worse
>tfw you lost your virginity to your hot sister
feels good man
i googled amy acker upskirt i got this. maybe that's what op was talking about?
Can you make a webm of the bit where Wesley just pops a cap in the guy who arranged for Ilyria to be brought forths head?
Not him but they might be talking about That Old Gang of Mine, there's a scene where she's sitting on a stool and slides off. Just watched it the other day so that came to mind.
This show had so much amazing shit
>when Angel locks Darla in with all the Wolfram and Hart lawyers
>the entire other-dimension arc at the end of season 2
>Gina Torres' bit
>>the entire other-dimension arc at the end of season 2
That shit was fantastic.
God damn I hated Knox
Did Joss just hate letting Wesley be happy?
is that Shells?
there's not a single happy couple in the entire buffyverse.
Every year the studio waited a long time before deciding to renewing the show. The rest of the cast and crew would have to reject offers for other projects while waiting to find out. Since their ratings were up (and considering how the show was cheaper to make now since the budget for Season 5 had already been slashed in half) he said he wanted a decision when the rest of the shows got theirs and that it wasn't fair to the cast and crew to make them wait. Chances are if he hadn't asked they would have been renewed but you can't fault him for asking.
Yes should be near the end of the episode as well
he didn't just ask, he insisted on an answer right then and there. And was given one.
greentext or bullshit fuck face. but seriously tell the story
do the dance of shame!
Not my biological sister, my mom was a middle school teacher and she was her student. They became close and my parents ended up adopting her out of pity, she came from a poor family of drug addicts and her brother abused her
Turned out she was a big slut and we fucked like rabbits, she also introduced me to various drugs. Not super-hot but a solid 7/10. A few years later my parents found out and kicked her to the curb, but they were good times while they lasted
why the hell would they kick her out for giving you some fuk, seems like a win win for everyone.
alright, just give me a bit
it was mostly the drugs, and the fact that my parents are Southern Baptists
Angel was more consistent, Buffy had like 4 good seasons (1,2,3,5) the rest is either mediocre or irredeamable shit. I basically had to force myself to finish the last season of Buffy. It's dissapointing that the 5th season went back to the monster of the week formula but the finale was excellent, it also made me cry like a bitch.
>good season
I thought 6 and 7 were terrific.
The tone was a little off but it still blows the later Seasons out of the water.
Also season 2 was the best.
86 replies, 20 posters..
The Buffy thread this morning when I last saw it had about 60 posters. Where are all the Angel fans?
I don't now about terrific, but I think they're pretty good. I don't like the directions the characters went starting in season 5 but I never thought the show went to shit or anything like that, stayed entertaining throughout.
Seasons 2-4 are definitely the best though, IMO
season 2 was like 80% MOTW. it only had like handful of good episodes and a few amazing episodes. it was defintly the breakout season, but just looking at it as a whole it didn't really get good until Angel turned, and even after that there were still clunkers like 'go fish' and 'killed by death'
>Buffy finale
>Let's have Spike sacrifice Himself no fucking reason
>let's kill Anya off and barely mention it
>now every wymyn iz stronk
Will we ever get, if not necesserily another season, but a decent 90 minute special to give both shows a good final send off?
I know there are comics, but they started off a bit strange and are now in batshit insane territory.
Doubtful, most likely some kind of reboot if anything.
Do the Buffy comics actually fit with things from Angel season 5? like i remember Andrew showing up and saying that Buffy is in Europe or Willow and Kennedy are somewhere.
In the buffy comic they're in scotland but they mention that they have fake buffys in other places to fool people and that one is in rome with andrew
Euro Buffy is a robot decoy.
Angel had his own series explaining the events of Post Apocalypse LA, but I think despite actually being pretty good, it's been disregarded as Canon.
well technically wouldn't the Angel comics take place the same time as Buffy season 9 comics?
How did they make fake Buffys?