You stole my story

you stole my story

>eats dead whore

The only Johnny Depp movie I liked.

Fuck, what a good movie. Turturro can play a fucking menacing Amish guy, who'd have thought? Ending was ten times better than the short story, too.

I only read the story. Movie any good?

this movie is like the Good End for johnny depp's current real life problems

Shoot Her

I once described this movies ending as "Fight club with corn"
>I know I can do it, Todd Downey said, helping himself to another eat from the steaming bowl. Im sure that in time her death will be a mystery even to me.

"Bad movie, good actor" general?

>I once described this movies ending as "Fight club with corn"
wow you must be a real groovy dude.

I stole your story

Pleb-tier thriller in the vain of all the '90s movies in which the le big twist ending is that the killer was the protag's split personality.


Hey buddy, I think you've got a wrong door. The Cody Banks club two block down >>

The movie is very similar to the book, but the ending was changed to something less ambiguous which helped it translate from page to screen. The ending of the story is sort of fucked and a lot of it takes place in his head, the movie ending is more straightforward.

you stole my goat


Any similar thrillers set in country/forest cabin settings? Very comfy


Surviving the Game

in time her death will be a mystery even to me

hothead/10 post

>Of course it's pete, look at him

Le mad post meme

You stole my story

Oh god damnit

I liked it at the time, does it hold up well?

It's a very good movie for background noise if you're doing something at your desk like a puzzle or putting something together

>I still don't think that's Pete.

Wait a minute.

Who made YOU leader of dis outfit!?

Well, Pete, I thought it would have been the one of us with the capacity for abstract thought.

>I invented this language because the character was turning back in an infantile state

True actor right here

A story about this dude !?

such a comfy movie