Will you be attending, Sup Forums?
Will you be attending, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
me new book arr me a pirate
me peg leg
>mocking based Karl
Get out, ricky.
OP literally has Karl the Cuck as a file name.
Who's this little monkey fella?
Only because the jews got to him in the end.
Maybe but id have to make an account and I'm not sure if it's worth the hassel
he's just trying to milk some book sale money out of the poor shitters. pls do not bully him
you know you can make your account nigerseatcheesecake and your password 12345678 and start shitposting right away. It takes 2 seconds.
Takes a quarter of a second. Use a temporary email, act like a belligerent autist for about 20 minutes, get gilded for being a faggot and promptly delete everything.
Weird innit
Probably. Sad that this is the last we'll see of Karl in the public eye for the forseeble future
It will never beat the steven seagal AMA
>I need some clarification. In the 2015 smash hit "Good Man" there's a certain line of dialog me and my friends have been discussing. It goes as follows
>"What happened?"
>"They took her"
>"Well, I'm sorry to hear that, cause now I will snatch every motherfucker punani."
>What did you mean by this?
>Have a great day!
>stevenseagalOFFICIAL[S] 216 points 26 days ago
>I am a cop and have been for a very long time. It's a street term that means to kill someone.
what book?
>Do you do your own stunts???....I'm only joking no one gives a shit.
>Hey there Sensei Seagal! Big fan of your work! Just wanted to ask you about your musical abilities. When, where and how did you start playing the guitar? Also what musician was the most fun to play/collaborate with?
>stevenseagalOFFICIAL[S] 377 points 26 days ago
>I started playing the guitar in Detroit in the '50s and I was in an all-black band.
>it's a Karl pitches a movie episode