Thoughts on The Sopranos' ending?
Thoughts on The Sopranos' ending?
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Tony dies like a bitch
The end
worst finale ever?
Phil death plays like a WSHH video for no reason
Everyone seems cool with AJ fucking an underage girl
Tony gets AJ a job at a porno company, carmela is ok with it
Sil has no dialogue and left in limbo
Furio sitting in the back of the diner, but the camera never focuses on him implying that he may have killed Tony unresolved
>worst finale ever?
what would Sup Forums have thought if it showed tony being blasted by an off camera thug / old enemy and then it cut to black with the family screaming ?
Edgy shit
Lost is worse, but this was pretty fucking depressing
furio was in the background?
how edgy ? he would hve had that coming for years.
is it not more edgy to do a "lets cut to black in the middle of a shot to leave it open for people to argue over or so that HBO can give me a movie deal down the line" well too late now david, james is dead for real.
Yeah where was he
Journey was playing, so it can't be that depressing. Also why was Meadow do inept in parking her car?
Maybe they can extend the story of a different character. Like Silvio, he wakes up from his coma takes the rings of family and tries to figure out who killed Tony (which is the route they'd have to go if they do extend the story)
It's not like they've done it before
For a show with practically no cliff hangers they end the show with a cliff hanger. In the context of the show's historical endings alone this has to be one of the worst endings of all time.
Disliking/hating The Sopranos finale and the diner scene shows me where you and I stand when it comes to common sense and good taste.
>being this much of a spoon fed pleb
All of season 6 I wanted AJ to off himself. And then when it showed him sitting on the diving board with the plastic bag and cement block I felt awful. I regretted all my previous feelings about AJ. Then later in the episode I was back to my old belief of AJ offing himself. And I hated him for the rest of the show. But just seeing him sitting there about to kill himself and actually attempting to kill himself really hit me hard. Despite not being suicidal or knowing anyone suicidal, that scene was tough to watch.
Please never post again
I never said my position on the ending. I just wanted to see what everyone else thought about it. I've already made my decision on where I stand. I enjoyed it.
I'm asking a fucking question. I already have my own opinion on the ending
Mixed opinions about the events throughout the series. It got boring a lot of times. Not saying they had to keep killings and violence running to keep it exciting, but a show can be non violent and still interesting to watch. Look at a show like House MD, almost never has violence, and keeps you engaged. So there's no reason for it.
However, the final scene, it truly is brilliant. It is not about what happens to Tony, the objective of that scene is to make YOU the viewer finally feel how Tony does. That constant paranoid and being on edge. All this time throughout the series, you watched it thinking maybe being a mafia member could be cool and exciting. But at that last moment, you feel the constant tension they feel, and it finally clicks for you... that entire lifestyle that you thought could be cool... it would make you feel constant fear and paranoia actually living it.
I meant generally. Usually when I see people shitting on The Sopranos ending I ask them what are their favorite shows and the answers are "Game of Thrones, Dexter, House, Breaking Bad" and shit like that.
>It got boring a lot of times
Faggot detected.
Thinking the show is boring but getting the ending correct... yeah that's not your own opinion on the ending faggot
Now that I've finished Sopranos, what show should I watch now?
I never even wathced The Sorpanos. Should I do thme? i hate tv actually
He's dead, Jim.
Great ending. The ultimate pleb filter.
It's not TV. It's HBO
I cried when Hearst cut off Al's finger.
I don't believe it
Mad Men
The Shield
The Wire
He dies and it's a good ending.
Why does everyone keep saying this shit
Never heard of the shield or damages. All dramas?
As someone who has never seen this show it looks boring as shit.
Why did he kill Chrisy? They're worse people...
Are you fucking kidding me? You think Tony killed Chrissy because he was bad? Because of the tree trunk through the car seat? That was just Tony's justification to himself. He did it because he wanted to. Because he was depressed and ashamed with what Chrissy had become. The child was grown the dream was gone, and now all Chrissy was to Tony was a liability and a big one, a relapsed junkie with a bad habit of fucking up and saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. Not to mention all of Tony's secrets that Chrissy had.
If Tony supported Chrissy and put his foot down on all the shit Paulie and others were giving Chrissy then Chrissy could of been the Tony's boss in training. Chrissy had everything Tony needed, only problem was his drug and drinking problem, and they problem only persisted after Chrissy got help, and that was because of his environment. An environment Tony had the capability to changing in order to more suit Chrissy.
But Tony had already tried the whole "making Chrissy his successor" and it didn't work. Tony did him a favor by not whacking him on 2 or 3 different occasions already. How many reprieves does Chrissy get? Not that Tony's perfect or anything, but Tony's supposed to change and be supportive of Chrissy? Tony is supposed to coddle Chrissy and baby him every step of the way? As it was he was over protective of Chrissy and it hurt his development as the heir apparent.
that's no story. i could't bring myself to watch that.
No. Sopranos is finished.
Because Chrissy is family. Imagine if Chrissy was his son? Tony would do all of that. And the show led us to believe that Tony took Chrissy as his son. So it's not a far stretch to think Tony would bend to Chrissy's needs.
Will there ever be another show like the Sopranos?
Boardwalk Empire. Ignore all the fags saying to stop watching after season 2.
>a relapsed junkie with a bad habit of fucking up and saying the wrong thing at the wrong time
>could of
>Chrissy Chrissy Chrissy
What are you doing on the internet, on a Korean image board, Paulie? Did you forget Pearl Harbor?
Looks interesting
No, user.
There are close ones, like Mad Men. But The Sopranos was a comet in our lifetime.
Be thankful you saw it rip through the sky.
I was looking at that. I'm debating between starting that or The Wire
Biggest wet blanket of an ending
Tony bent to Chrissy's needs by letting him go to rehab and not clipping him out right. He bent again when he listened to Tony B out there on that access road when he had Chrissy on his knees and a .38 to his head. He bent yet again when he not only spared Chrissy's life when he came forward with the Adrianna revelation, but by also not making him pull the trigger on her to prove his loyalty.
One of the final straws for Tony was the episode when Chris has the cookout, where he totally destroys the built up heroic image of his father Dickie. Chris forces Tony to realize that his hero was the same junkie his son became. He also realized that on some level Johnny Boy let Dickie get hit because, as a junkie, he was extremely unreliable.
Watch it
Word to the wise kid, don't get cunty on me. Heheh
The Wire is a lot better.
We truly live in the best era of television.
Hardly a wet blanket. I almost had a heart attack.
I knew it was coming and STILL had a heart attack.
Hell, I just saw the embedded video someone posted in here and I almost had a heart attack again. Fucking slaps you
Madone! Look at all those fawkin quads!
You got to make sacrifices, no one is perfect. But Chrissy was the best fit for next boss, with the right support. Tony broke because he falsely interpreted Chrissy's movie. Tony took Cleaver as a foreshadowing of Chrissy clipping him.
You don't say?
And Chrissy hated Tony at that point and wanted to kill him, just look at his eyes in that scene at the end of the episode. Tony already made sacrifices for Chrissy, tons of them, and Chrissy always found a way to shit on Tony's head as a thank you. Tony didn't have to give him the OK to make that movie, and he did. Frankly the guy just wasn't boss material because he was always distracted by one thing or another, Tony was just blinded by his love for Dickie and Chrissy to see it. He was seeing what he wanted to see. And that's what he finally realized before he killed him.
>Know few girls who watched Sopranos
>Ask them whose their favourite character
Chrissy never showed his full potential to be boss because he never had the support to become the boss. Tony thought his semi support would be enough for Chrissy but it wasn't. Chrissy needed the support of the family.
Shit wrong person
heh heh
GOAT ending. We the viewers experience death through Tony's pov, all while knowing that Tony's family witness a point blank headshot and get some extra ketchup on their food
It was rather .... Dark.
>Chrissy needed the support of the family.
Chrissy would have been killed hadnt Tony been protecting the little piece of shit.
The guy got an inteligence in league with Paulie along with insecurities that would make Junior proud
Well this is the Sopranos... it's a pretty dark drama
I have absolutely no problem with the finale. I liked it. And i think it's vagueness to some extent only helped cement it's legacy as an ATG show. No matter how many years from now when people watch it, there will still be questions posed about it, and strong opinions.
The show in general was superb, although i did think there were a few missteps along the way, towards the later seasons there was some writing that could've been better. there were a lot of situations that felt too on the nose, or situations that seemed too contrived. But in the end the characters and their portrayals by the actors are what shined the most. After going through the whole series with them, you feel like you know them and like you're part of the situations they find themselves stuck in.
Much like Mad Men, the show revolves around the deep seeded issues of a man, and the people that orbit around him. That depend on him, that leech of him, and those that empower him. Just like Mad men there was times where the action seemed to stagnate somewhat, but the results in the end were always different, we always got something new from the same old missteps. Every retread was just another chip of the faced that concealed the real Tony, or the real Don.
furio was not in the back.
Chrissy had smarts. I won't argue the insecurities, but Chrissy had the smarts. Don't you ever compare him to Paulie!
Old fashioned religions mommas boy(until he hates her), who was funny enough to not seem threatening.
also what said.
Altho lets be honest, Sil was the most based of Tonys friends.
Watch it Chrissy
Which was better at portraying the human man's struggles? I believe mad men focused on the concept more so than the Sopranos.
It was a massive cop out. Worse finale, second only to the Dexter ending.
Word to the wise
Remembah Pearl Harba
You obviously didn't understand it, you mindless faggot. Get off /tv
The ladies love a good chink hating Italian American with silver wings
>mfw there are plebs who think Ralphie killed Pie-O-My
How would you ended the show?
Um...he did.
No he didn't-
Tony made up his mind and accused Ralphie.
Ok, who then?
He denied it and then said "So what if I did"? (not to mention his constant griping about the horse's bills)
Get a grip son.
This kek
I rented the first season and th first disc zig the second, I'm a little das appointed by where its going, but GEEWHIZ what a good first season this show has. I was hoping it was gonna be a little like weeds where the kids get involved in the buisness but whatever
Yes, mad men delved into it deeper, i mean he litterally took someone elses identity as a way to be someone new. The advertising served as a way to explain the concept of manipulating peoples thoughts and desires to the point that they do and want things unwittingly, or do they?
Is Don this tragically broken man, or does he just keep making bad choices when he has every chance to be good. I mean the pilot touched on it very openly with the whole "change the conversation thing" , his discussions with rachel menken about how people like him invented the concept of love to sell nylons. The psychology report that tells him about the "death drive" when selling cigarettes. It's all about human kinds faults and follies, dressed up in classy attire at a point in time where all social norms were about to challenged.
Tony's issue was more or less about hiding who he really was from his friends and "family" in both senses of that word. which i think is in part why he hated AJ's whiny depressed phase. He saw himself in AJ and wanted so badly to get rid of it, because he knew that AJ would grow up to be a mess just like him. It was about identity. Who you are, and where you belong. Carmela was a house wife who wanted to be her own woman. Meadow was a rebellious rich mobsters daugther who went on to want to become a lawyer for immigrants and those less fortunate. AJ a weak emotially fragile kid who wanted to be tough like the men he'd grown up idolizing. All italian americans fed up with the depiction of their culture in popular media, while literally contributing to every single stereotype about them by being part of the mafia.
people say this is > the wire why? On s2
>I was hoping it was gonna be a little like weeds where the kids get involved in the buisness but whatever
dude, that made weeds so much worse. I'm glad they didn't go that route. It would not at all have fit the whole point of the show. And it completely subverted that cliche by not making AJ follow in his fathers footsteps into the mob. But since you didn't watch the whole thing, i can see why that would seem appealing to you after only 2 seasons. Weeds jumped the shark so fast it's ridiculous, which is sad because the first season was pretty aight, and the concept itself had so much potential.
Wait til you get to season 6 and then make you're mind up faggot
I can't talk with full knowledge as im only halfway thru s3 of the wire, but i think they're pretty different shows desu, and i think the main reason why they are talked about in tandem so often is because they both aired at the same time, both on HBO, and both were critically acclaimed dramas. But when it comes to what they're about they're so different.
Sopranos is about one man, and everything that surrounds him as a father to a family, both his actual family, and his mob family.
the wire is less about mcnulty(again so far into s3) and more about a city. A diseased city where crime and corruption is rampant, and there is an eternal tug of war between good and evil. Mcnulty isn't nearly as important to the story as Tony is to the sopranos.
Both amazing shows with great writing 90% of the time. Both doomed to be compared to one another for the rest of time.
When are you going to stop going in circles? You keep trying to make it seem like Christopher dindu muffin and I've showed you point by point how Tony gave him every chance in the world not to fuck up, and all he does is fuck up. That is not boss material there. Chrissy should have been whacked long before he eventually was. He got support, he got everything he needed. He was a habitual fuck up.