ITT: Bad movies Sup Forums tricked you into watching

ITT: Bad movies Sup Forums tricked you into watching.

OP is supposed to go first

Amazingly Sup Forums has never let me down.
Thanks guys

district 9
mad max

A serious man

Is that goslings dingus?

ITT: Good movies except gravity

>bad movies
You first.

Shane Black, pls.

Nice Guys is the best wide release movie in a long long time.

Sup Forums tricks people the other way user.

Knight Of Cups
Horrible, horrible movie

Yup. Went to see it today. Good acting, and some funny little moments from time to time, but overall quite an aimless mess. Got done caring about the plot halfway through.

It wasn't bad but it was certainly insignificant. Also, Margaret Qualley's ditsy slut character was disappointing.

I thought it was called Big Guys


I rewatched this for the first time in years after I saw it (and loved it) in high school. Horrible, horrible movie. The dialogue is so unnaturally "conversational" and every character always says something a dumb kid would think is witty. Whenever the script got all self-referential I stopped myself from groaning audibly. Not to mention the ending that is just toally edgy and bleak for no real reason. Brendan Gleeson's death is 100 types of retarded. Ralph Fiennes was pretty funny but that's all I can really say positive about this crap.



thanks a lot you shitmemers, i will never get those 8 bucks back


new baneposting OC doesnt get as much love as it should


Only for you hot head

Keep up lad

>Baaaw characters I like died!
>Where's my happy ending?!

I didn't give a shit about the characters. I think that was why the ending was so fucking retarded, because McDonough expected you to care about their redemption despite the shitty characterization.

>Mad Max
Jesus what a pile of utter shit.

No Country For Old Men
There Will Be Blood

Three of the most boring movies I have ever seen.

what a fucking pleb you are m8

>It's a good movie because of numbers



Nice meme

>Veteran hitman who has to deal with his oldest friend becoming mad with power and feeling helpess to stop it

>Rookie hitman who gets over zealous on his first hit, and has an unfortunate consequence. He's now suicidal and addicted to drugs, all while acting like an asshole to cover his shame and guilt.

>Shitty characterization

Also forgot to add Blue Ruin. Such a pointless movie. I thought it was a dark comedy but the bad acting wasn't intentional.

Not appreciating the electric whip dudes screaming.


The only time the audience laughed is when Crowe said "Marriage is buying a house for someone you hate."

After that it was silent the entire way. It blew.

Those aren't good characters. Both of them are stock types and have been done many times before since before the Godfather. Why do you think the script is self-referential every third sentence? Because that's the only reason why people remember that shitty movie.


ghost dog. what a shit movie.

What a pile of shit. Ugh!

that guy who liked Flava Flav was fucking hilarious.

This absolute piece of shit

God damn what a pile of plebs

My theater was laughing so that means it was good.

Knight of Cups was garbage though.

the rest are their total fucking plebs.

I won't write someone off as a pleb for not liking KoC but it was phenomenal, and to call it garbage is retarded

I have no idea how someone can love KoC. Malick is one of my favourite directors and I love every one of his movies, even To the Wonder, but I just don't understand the love for KoC. It is so corny and feels almost self-parodic. The fragmentation as a representation of memory is interesting but I just don't think it works. I feel none of the emotional investment nor the rapturous enthusiasm of any of Malick's other movies. It just feels like a parade of pretty images that serve almost no purpose.

I've seen it twice but I'll probably give it another shot somewhere down the line if I can convince myself to even get through it. It felt laborious and silly to me.

Do people geniunely like Ryan Gosling's """"""""""acting"""""""""""? Or is it another one of those Sup Forums memes?

hello reddít!

You start OP

damn son it may be that movies just aren't for you

Nothing but laughter in my sitting, which obviously attests to its extreme quality.


what even is the last good movie russell crowe has been in?

feels like a long time

Body of Lies.

The Nice Guys

Plebs laugh at a lot of things.


explain the universal critical acclaim

Honestly The Nice Guys is in my top ten favorite films, right besides Inherent Vice and The Big Lebowski.

then you and your dubs are patrician.

It's almost like the amount of laughter isn't the best gauge for quality.






>muh simbolism
>muh 2smart6u
It was boring, and disjointed,and somehow felt rushed and at stretched out and dry simultaneously, and borrowed imagery from the dark knight and others just for the sake of it. Just a very lazy movie all and all.I expected nothing and still ended up infuriated for haing wasted nearly 3 hours on that shit People who say they like this movie must be just trolling or just being contrarian. FUCK.

No they remember it because Peter Dinklage gets really high.