Serious thread. Who wins?
Kingslayer vs Strider
Aragorn, obviously. He's been handling weapons for like 5 decades and has numenorean blood. Jaime is just a young amateur, pleb-tier andal who never fought anything else than humans, and who's missing a hand.
Jaime would just have him killed with a bucket of gold.
I think Aragorn too. He is faster and takes down Uruk Hais, Nazguls and Trolls by himself. Jaime could barely subdue Brienne.
daily reminder that aragorn was just below demigod tier
Wasnt Aragorn like 7 feet tall
Aragorn, of course.
It would be over in seconds.
I think Jaime vs Boromir would be a fairer fight..which I think ironically would go more or less like Jaime vs Eddard Stark.
Jaime was fighting a giant muscle woman in plate armor while he was in rags, half-starved as a prisoner of war, and had his hands chained together.
Aragorn would still win, but don't misrepresent the Kingslayer
ser jaime would merk that little fucking hoe without both hands
> fuck lotr
Show Jaime could barely handle a sword WITH two hands. Aragorn would destroy him.
Apparently he's some kind of legendary swordsman in the written format though.
so he would have lost
Book Jaime is very impressive hand to hand combatant and swordsman, much more than the Hbo version of him. Still would get wrecked by Aragorn.
Pro-tip: Aragon was never wounded in the books or movies.
Aragorn without breaking a sweat
>Show Jaime could barely handle a sword WITH two hands.
That was really jarring in the Ned vs Jaime fight. Sean Bean is a waaaaay better stage fencer than Nickolaj Coster-Waldau, even though Ned is supposed to be kind of mediocre, so the scene didn't really match up with the subtext.
>Boromir vs Eddard Stark
>Both die
Ned is a pretty darn good swordsman in the books
he and his boys beat Arty Dayne and the Kingsguard at the Tower of Joy
Aragorn is literally a superhuman who can fight dozens of orcs at once. Nobody in GoT universe could beat him in a sword fight.
He only won because of Frogmen magic.
>Sean Bean is a waaaaay better stage fencer than Nickolaj Coster-Waldau,
Well Bean would have had a lot of training for LotR
Boromir would wreck Jaime as well.
The way Jamie is described in the books leads me to believe that he would defeat Aragorn.
Aragorn is physically on the level of low level super heroes like captain america. Jaime is just an incredibly skilled swordsman
in the books, jaime is the best in westeros for a while. aragorn's pretty hopeless, a vagabond with royal blood and a broken sword who makes a fair few bad decisions. Movie aragorn v tv jaime, who cares.
You didn't see it in the movies, but in the books Aragorn was fighting wars against orcs all over Middle Earth for like 40 years. He was famous in Gondor already as a Captain under a different name, same for Rohan.
He was beaten bloody and tossed around by the leader Uruk-Hai in Fellowship.
Dunk or Jaime?
Boromir would absolutely wreck the fuck out of the Kingslayer, even worse than Aragorn could.
In the books he took 20+ arrows and still hacked down Uruks. it took, Legolas, Gimli, and Aragorn 3 trips to fill his funerary boat with the weapons of his fallen enemies.
Jamie would die like a little bitch.
Superman Wunder King vs well trained normal human
Kingsguard Dunk or thick as a castle wall spaghetti Dunk?
Well he's 87, with the health of a 26 years old guy, and he has actual heigthened capacities over your average human like jaime. Numenoreans have a short foresight like Jedi, dunno if its happens in combat, but they perceive reality more than we do.
Jaime is fucked, especially without his hand.
this chinese cartoon character would take on everything and everyone in both universe and still win
he had to be held back in the plot line because he was too strong
Except he isnt the best in Westeros.
Barristan wouldve absolutely rekt his pooper 6 ways to sunday, and though the mountain was slower than him, a greatsword wielded by a giant penetrates plate way easier than a longsword by Joe Q. Average.
Either if you prefer.
>Everyone saying Aragorn would win
>Forgetting Jaime's +20 bonus against True Kings
A +20 bonus to damage or Att. doesnt really matter if your target is 19 levels higher than you.
It only activates when the True King has been afflicted with Fear status and has his back turned.
Jaime can't fight for shit anymore though, he lost his right hand.
strider any fucking day
jamie is good but not that good
>also one fucking hand
kingslayer sounds dishonorable, so i'll go with strider
Don't forget Sharpe too.
This is comparing different types of fighters.
i.e. Drizzt Do'urden would crush Aragorn.
The king was a paranoid fuck who butchered his own people.