>nerd culture absolutely has a misogyny problem and if you are going to deny that then your either not paying attention, your lying, or you're a dumbass.
What did he mean by this?
>nerd culture absolutely has a misogyny problem and if you are going to deny that then your either not paying attention, your lying, or you're a dumbass.
What did he mean by this?
We won't watch this, blob
Holy shit he looks bad. I'd be stunned if he lives past the next 5 years.
get your numale fatass shit out of here
>you're a dumbass
No you're a fucking dumbass, motherfucker.
Pls Respond: The Video
This is a good representation of a male feminist.
>The first 15 episodes of Game Overthinker had promise
>mfw he's sunk this low
He's so fucking blind. This movie is one of the most blatant cashgrabs and you can hear the writhing of the executives hands when they know idiots like him will throw out the misogyny card to wipe clean any criticisms toward them.
It's telling how in all these dumb nu-male defenders, they can't name a single positive thing about the film and just go on and on about how everyone is some sexist monster.
>the overweight, bloated SJW blob thinks there's an invisible conspiracy of people that hate on shitty Sony movies just because they just hate vaginas that much
What a shock.
It's more of Liberals creating McCarthysm 2.0. Just like with Gamergate.
Based on OP's quote, he's right.
That said, the movie still looks awful. You can cry about inequity as much as you want,, Ghostbusters 2016 is nothing but a cynical cashgrab
>rewriting history to imagine away all the hate this flick got before any cast members were announced or terrible trailers dropped and it was just 'female ghostbusters reboot idea headded to production' news stories
i can literally go on the archive right now bro
Just so you absolutely know, MovieBob is irrelevant. He tried to gain popularity during gamergate. And this fat shit of a man all he does is try to garner attention from women by being a nu-male white knight.
He is irrelevant to Sup Forums. If you've posted one of his videos on Sup Forums then you probably don't come to this website that often. So plz do everyone a favor and just stay on whatever website you reside.
No, nerd culture has a beta mangina problem.
Fuck women and fuck the fat balding losers who defend them.
>I'm not like those bad geeks you normies and girls bullied, I'm with you!
He'd support absolutely anything and denounce anyone if he thought it'd get his sorry ass a gf.
>science and having a business is hard for women
why are feminists such misogynists?
You know, I can respect his opinion that maybe some of the female comediennes are funny except when he mentioned the large black one, she's not funny at all.
nerd culture has a feminism problem, it was no where near as 'toxic' before the cunt brigade came marching in screaming misogyny
no one wanted a remake female or not
What are you even saying? What are you trying to prove?
I once heard that by delaying maturity in fruit flies, their life span increased by like 200%. So by that logic moviebob should outlast most of us.
that's what happen when you alienate your audience to appeal to SJWs only to realize they don't really give a fuck about what you're doing unless your content can generate a clickbait article/hashtag
Is it just me or does Moviebob have a slight Boston accent, I'm not from the US so maybe that's why it took me so long to hear it.
Someone start posting some excerpts from his book.
Sup Forums hates him
Sup Forums loves him
Sup Forums _____ him?
People were pissed then too. They didn't want a female ghsotbusters movie, they didn't want an all male ghostbusters movie, they wanted the ORIGINAL Cast (minus one), and when that didn't happen the movie automatically fell into. It's a reboot / remake of a classic which 99% are absolute shit.
Funny how "geek culture" was just fine until SJW shit-wizards started poking their nose into everything and bitching about it.
Then it suddenly became "misogynist".
It's especially funny when you go back and watch some of his earlier stuff. He would casually joke about rape and spend portions of his movie reviews talking about how hot the actresses were. It's only around 2012 when he jumped on the internet progressive train. His transparent desire for acceptance is beyond pathetic. He's not even that big among the internet progressive crowd.
Yes he is Bostonian. When he was starting out and before he went full SJW he did videos where he lapsed back into it.
damn, how can someone be so right all the time?
Fruit Flies typically don't have arteries entirely coated in decades of mac & cheese.
>He's not even that big among the internet progressive crowd.
Too bad he's so fucking big in general, by which I mean the physical sense.
Yeah because before his accent was to me quite neutral, now he sounds like he's from Boston.
I blame the LotR movies
it's been downhill since then
>something something I went to buy an AC instead of going to my grandmother's funeral
>something something I used to play gameboy in my car after coming home from work not to deal with my parents
>something something I was bullied as a kid for being fat and my former boss is the reason I'm diabetic
>something something some Super Mario game was the 9/11 of my generation.
>Sup Forums loves him
fuck you, we don't
>That intro
Is he trying to take a potshot at James?
From about 6 minutes onwards he almost immediately starts poisoning the well saying "if you don't like the film with legitimate complaints then you're almost as bad as people who will hate it cause it has women in it"
In fairness he's kind of right about other reboots, there's been a lot of other shit reboots and nobody really paid as much attention to hating them, they just sort of went and gone, does anybody talk about the Total Recall remake at all?
>Then it suddenly became "misogynist".
It was always misogynist and racist and homophobic.
People just didn't give a fuck, and it was okay. Heck, 2007 Sup Forums was full of niggers and fags and cumdumpsters everywhere, and now it doesn't even show up.
>Super Mario game was the 9/11 of my generation
I actually need to know what he meant by this
>giving a fuck about Movie Blob's opinions on ANYTHING
The dude is a BLATANTLY biased, dishonest, hypocritical shill.
Please link me to one, this would be brilliant.
If that's true it's lovely because it's such blatant pandering.
Yeah but those were used entirely in jest as a giant joke, but really only in Sup Forums.
>muh comedy can only punch up
funny how people still don't care about hillbilly jokes
Coming from a guy who has spent 25+ years of his life doing nothing but reviewing movies and writing an autistic book on super mario brothers
>But the climactic reveal of SMB3 is burned – no, seared – into my memory the way JFK’s assassination was for my parents’ generation… or the way 9/11 would be for mine a scant 12 years from then…
I was gonna post em all, but there's too many to sift through.
Fun read.
>In fairness he's kind of right about other reboots, there's been a lot of other shit reboots and nobody really paid as much attention to hating them, they just sort of went and gone, does anybody talk about the Total Recall remake at all?
The makers of the Total Recall remake didn't start calling anyone who talked shit about their movie a "misogynist".
Shit like that BREEDS additional consternation and hatred, which SJW's are either to stupid to realize, or fully realize and do on purpose for propaganda-purposes.
that was just the 'culture' fag
I'm jealous I didn't think of it earlier. My wife watched the video, and now she says she wants his cock :( FML
made me lol
I used to actually enjoy some of his movie stuff which is why I can recall this. He calls Transformers 3 "eyeball rape" at one point and spends almost the entire other review talking about Megan Fox. There are tons of other examples of him being a massive hypocrite, I'm sure. He also made a rape joke in his Pixels review.
Did the makers of Ghostbusters say that though?
No, right, that's what I mean. You can't even joke now, people will bitch at you for anything.
>Literally "It's OK when Muslims do it, but a hate-crime when Christians do the same thing"
Wow. Liberals aren't even TRYING to hide their double-standards any more.
I bet he loves those fatass cows in those baggy overalls
He's not lying though, I don't know why nerds always have to make excuses for being racist, mysogynist or homophobic.
didn't the director say almost literally that?
Said the guy that thought it was a good idea to write a biography about himself wherein he elects to stay home to play Mario instead of attending his Grandmothers funeral.
Chanology ruined everything when it made it acceptable for political fringes to infest this place with their ideology.
>you're racist, mysogynist or homophobic if I say so, or until you prove to me otherwise
Hi, Tumblr. How's your witch-hunt going?
lmao senpai
What is it with Nintendo fans, a big majority of them are turbo SJW?
christ I actually used to kind of like 'nerd culture' and the idea of having a vidya collection
then I started noticing over-enthusiastic abominations like this guy and was put right fucking off that shit for good. I can still enjoy a good setup/collection thread, but they serve as much as a warning as something to admire
>dem mario/8-bit game character models
seriously why? you're probably in or approaching your late 30s FFS
I would honestly love to read his autobiography.
When did I say that my illeterate friend?
>In fairness he's kind of right about other reboots, there's been a lot of other shit reboots and nobody really paid as much attention to hating them, they just sort of went and gone, does anybody talk about the Total Recall remake at all?
The other reboots got their negative press and were forgotten. They did their walk of shame through critics and box offices hoping to quietly die in a corner. This reboot almost right out of the gate has been nothing but constantly shitting on everyone that gives even the most neutral of criticisms.
Look at the fallout from the James video about not seeing it. If it were any other film, it would get a chunk of views and be left alone but the SJW brigade had to attack him that doesn't make me want to see the film, it just breeds contempt around everyone.
Hey Shitlords
My name is Movie Bob, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are misogynistic, subhuman, dudebros who spend every second of their day harassing women in gaming. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever checked your privilege? I mean, I guess it’s fun harassing people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than ISIS.
Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I wrote a book about Super Mario Bros. 3, and I've played through Gone Home over 100 times. What games do you play, other than “misogynist terrorism simulator” FPS games? I also review movies online, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just re-tweeted me; Shit was SO cash). You are all sexist shitlords who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It’s me and m'lady
what the fuck
This was the last part of his video. I legitimately feel sorry for him. He could have made it big but the possibility of him being dominated by Anita was too tempting I suppose.
I love that everything he does has the production value of my powerpoint animations when I was like 12.
Dude has zero attention to detail and sense of aesthetic.
How come the people who are most vocal about "geek culture" seem to be completely clueless to it? Sure, Bob has a shit ton of video game in his living room, but that doesn't mean he knows anything about them. Anyone can just buy plastic shit and decorate their caves with it.
Who the fuck is Glenn Greenwald?
There was no some "moral obligation" to watch the Total Recall remake, and nobody got called misogynerd sexist terrorapist for criticizing it.
They seem to miss that this is a problem of their own creation
>Total recall is hated; its because its bad
>Point Break remake is hated; its because its bad
>Ghostbusters remake is hated; NO ITS SEXISM
The response to ghostbusters is only different in that their perspective frames it as different. Maximum confirmation bias
Someone productive in life, unlike MovieBlob.
>>The first 15 episodes of Game Overthinker had promise
What the hell kind of drugs were you on at the time?
>nerds always have to make excuses for being racist, mysogynist or homophobic.
Right there.
Are you too stupid to remember shit you said 30 seconds ago?
>Not trying to make a living.
Fat fuck is full of shit.
>Select all images with salad.
And how, at all, does that imply nerds are at all any of those things as a result of me having said so? Do you not remember the backlash Star Wars fans had over Finn's casting and the mountain of excuses used to exonerate themselves of any racial bias.
You don't have to pretend to like black people, homosexuals or women for arguments sake.
I think its safe to say he doesn't think of them as just bits of random 'plastic shit' to decorate his room with. he has a troubling attachment to them and the memories they hold for him
its a bit more than just wanting your place to look cool. we all have great memories of different things from our childhood, but we don't all adorn our entire existence with wall to wall reminders of them like Bob and his ilk feel the need to in an obvious attempt to escape their modern reality and failures
>thats what alcohol is for
this has to stop. men are fragile, they can't take this kind of shit.(sorry). it's just dividing men and women even further from each other.
Yeah but not as soon as the movie was announced. I mean, he said that after sony deleted every constructive comments and left only the misogynist ones under the trailer
>Nobody watches the video
>Everyone just thinks he's being an apologist for the movie
>Nobody actually watched the video where he says yes, the movie IS going to suck, and yes, SONY's gender-centric decision making regarding that movie is part of the equation, BUT that doesn't give you the right to be all "WOMEN RUIN EVERYTHING BAW" like the internet has been, and yes, the internet has been that way.
When will this fat ball of lard die already
>to be all "WOMEN RUIN EVERYTHING BAW" like the internet has been, and yes, the internet has been that way.
no it hasnt movieblob. fuck off
>Ghostbusters 2 was shit-awful and you know this
Yeah GB2 was no where near as good as the original but why do people say it's some crime against the series? I thought it was decent.
At least the new movie will give GB2 some newfound respect.
Literally ten seconds in the archive man, come on.
I don't give a flying about the new ghostbusters movie or how it fares out ... I just enjoy all the OTT drama and shitposting attached to it
>flying fuck
>giving a damn about the intended morals of a story
What a pleb.
When did people not even bother to wait for someone else to present an argument to resort to ad hominem? They just open with it now as if it makes any argument anyone presents in the future null and void.
>And how, at all, does that imply nerds are at all any of those things as a result of me having said so?
Because that's what that statement implies, dipshit.
Holy shit, and then SJW's like you wonder why you are hated and shit on.
"When did people start to not" I mean.
SJW culture is mainstream so if you're arguing ad populum you've already kind of lost that battle user. It's cool to be an SJW
People didn't want a remake and it being a "feminist" remake made everyone think it would be absolutely shit. On top of that there were the Sony leaks which did not paint a good picture to say the least.
The trailers (eventually) start to drop and it confirms everybody's fears and the film justifiably gets the hate it deserves.
Along come faggots like yourself defending it because it has women in it while wou couldn't give a shit of how much hate an Adam Sandler version of the film would get at the same point.
This coming from someone who actually enjoys Bridesmaids because it's not the piece of shot this film looks to be.
>sjw culture
Ah yes, that explains Trump's rising popularity, backlash against tranny bathrooms, anti-immigration stances being more commonplace, and Ghostbusters being the most disliked video on youtube.
He lost me as soon as he started implying that if Ghostbusters does poorly, that's it for women in films. The misogynists have somehow won. Fucking stupid as shit.