ITT: Most overrated movies of all time

ITT: Most overrated movies of all time

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You start OP

It's pretty good. No one calls it GOAT

It's not overrated to the people that died in the car crash.

>Millennial teen can't understand movie about Gen X teens

No shocker there.

I do.


It's 8/10

it's fucking crap

makes no sense. I don't understand it

it's fucking crap

It's still massively popular with younger audiences.

Also pic very much related.

>Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you might commit vehicular manslaughter in 1987

omg this

Breakfast Club 100x


I honestly would call Breakfast Club one of the most culturally destructive films ever made.

Ferris Bueller by contrast is culturally toxic. I legitimately feel sorry for any (white) person that grew up watching either of these films.



fight club



Pan's Labyrinth
Inside Out

This was a masterpiece
Get the fuck out of this board

>I don't understand it

> I'm way too hip to appreciate a good movie that happened to become popular

but that movie was great

its 80s dribble

>I honestly would call Breakfast Club one of the most culturally destructive films ever made.

That's interesting, how come?


lol that's wrong op. sorry you don't enjoy a fun film. i'd fucking hate to have your taste. loser

>Pan's Labyrinth
lel that shit is gud

You know, I never got how people liked this movie. Never could stand that faggot of a character.

If I could erase it from existence I would, due to it being the father or lolsorandum humor, but it's not a bad movie in itself. They had no way of knowing what they were unleashing


>a decent sci-fi
>everyone and their mother acts like it's the greatest thing since sliced bread to signal how much of a film nerd they are when in fact it's one of the most pleb tier movies

user, pls

Avatar is obviously the most overrated of any film, but I would say these are up there:
A New Hope
Saving Private Ryan
Any marvel film (except maybe Spiderman)
Dark Knight
Fault in Our Stars
Toy Story 3
Monsters Inc
Spirited Away

The Art museum scene is my favorite

>Blade Runner is pleb tier
This board has really gone downhill in the last 3 years.

Yeah, it is. Everyone knows about it, and most people have seen it.

Blade Runner isn't some indie underground film that is inaccessible to the average person.

The original Star Wars trilogy

I genuinely wish Star Wars didn't exist. The cultural space it takes up is mind-boggling.

Thank god people like you don't make films

not an argument

You're the worst


Came to this thread to post most of these movies

I agree 100% with you

This is the absolute truth that plebs will never acknowledge

I always knew Sup Forums was inundated with cinematography=great plebs, but I had no idea how many SJWs commented here until you cucks recommended this film.

book was better



sorry for bursting your bubble, faggot

watch some real films

>8/10 for you
I think the average rating would probably be about that.

i hate you and your opinion

>father of lolsorandum humor
That would've happened anyways though
Humor like that has been around just not in many movies I think, it was inevitable

Fuck you m8

Donnie Fucking Darko.

Piece of shit film

Well this explains why they fucking sucked (the Gen X'ers I mean

He doesn't want to argue, he's just saying that he's glad your opinion holds no weight.

I lost my virginity to this movie so it'll always have a special place in my heart. And my dick.

>tfw I get a boner every time the art museum scene comes on

I don't need to argue with people on the internet because I have good self-esteem. I don't need to bicker childishly in order to prove something to some anonymous poster on an image board who thinks he knows anything about film or criticism for that matter. The definition of overrated the poster believe's in is flawed in the sense he believes a film that is "mainstream" is overrated and "pleb tier". A films popularity doesn't mean it has any less value. He provided zero real criticism of the film in question, so why should I argue with someone who has provided no thoughts?

I am 190% in agreement with this statement.

It pains me every time a new one comes seems like every corporation has a marketing tie in, every website is flooded with its garbage....I know a guy who saw the latest one seven fucking times I mean the people that care that much about Star Wars....I just wonder why they haven't found more interesting sci-fi yet. Especially the older folks clinging to the franchise just to argue about which movie is worse...

>tfw I get a boner every time the art museum scene comes on

dude, that's awesome

Can't believe that people still think this is good.

>to the average person

You have no idea how stupid an average person is

As someone who loves back to the future and has since he was a child, I can't imagine life without the joy of those movies in your heart. It really is like someone who hasn't ever listened to music to me.

I'm not saying you're wrong, I just hold those movies in such esteem that I would never want to be you.


The Empire Strikes back is a legit very good movie. The rest are only okay though.

As a die-hard animefag I want to disagree, but yeah spirited away is kinda shit.

>writes a paragraph saying how he won't enact the labor of arguing on the internet
What I said is that it's pleb tier, that plebs like it, that's it's popular. That comment wasn't about the film itself. I even said it was a good movie.

But you're so triggered by the fact that I don't think Blade Runner is GOAT that you can't comprehend this

It's not shit, it's just that kiki's and howl are much better movies

Fuck those movies

High fantasy is the most derivative genre that it destroyed the entire film for me, and Tolkein is arguably the one who popularized its current version. It wouldn't be what it is today without him. But still, I'm so fucking sick of elves with pointy ears and redhead dwarves and wizards and orcs.

>>writes a paragraph saying how he won't enact the labor of arguing stupid inane bullshit no one cares about except you on the internet
Fixed that for you.

Pulp Fiction. Movie is fucking awful, as are all Tarantino movies, and its on everyone and their mothers top 10 list.

>I have good self-esteem
hahaha oh wait, you're serious...

and delusional by the looks of things

Waaaaay too focused on style and visuals, though I did like Kiki's and Howl's. Miyazaki is kind of overrated in general tho. Kon is (was) where it's at.

That old, classic movie you wanna watch but just haven't gotten around to it is most definitely overrated and will disappoint you.

iktf, fantasy is so fucking goofy especially shit like Wheel of Cucks. I prefer Supernatural fiction, which still has fantastical elements in it, but is much less formulaic.

Yeah, when the star wars merch for the new movie, I ate for an entire week only food with Star Wars ads on it.
It was real bad.

Star Wars isn't even sci-fi at this point, just science fantasy.

Alot of people hold it in HIGH regard. I just don't get it, its a wired movie. Best friends with a crazy old man and almost fucks his mom, wat.


>Eating only Kraft macaroni, Star Wars shaped Cambells soup and kids cereals

You had it coming

>haha nobody cares
You obviously care enough to keep responding, faggot.

come on, keep telling me how much you don't care

What didn't you like about it?

>That old, classic movie you wanna watch but just haven't gotten around to it is most definitely overrated and will disappoint you.

What's her name, Sup Forums?

Mine is The Shining

overrated as fuck

>Napoleon Dynamite was released 12 years ago

You seem like the most annoying fucking person.

Not him, bu it has the most idiotic forced humor I've ever seen while still not being funny.

>that cover of The Smiths "Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want" by Tangerine Dream

Holy shit I hope you're memeing Goebbels.

At least inform yourself before you try to sound smart, asshole.

In terms of cultural damage try Jaws.
You're probably too dumb to even get why though, right?

Just fucking kill yourself.

Holy shit, you must be fun to hang around.

>i don't understand it

well, you should watch bvs then, you're going to enjoy that

>tfw modern millennials will never, EVER understand what it was like to be a teen in the 80s

The only thing that pissed me off about the Breakfast Club was the weirdo goth girl turning boring generic "normie cute". That annoyed me even back in the old pre-SJW/tumblerism days, she was cute and awesome just being herself.
Everything else about that movie was rock fucking solid, though.

ur a faggit

It's shit, i didnt even finish that fucking movie, whimscial creatures and some kid being thrown around them doesnt make a fucking best anime film of all time. Overrated shit people pretend the "asthestic" carries to greathood so them seem more artsy.

This shit right here. Holy hell where is the appeal and how could anyone sit through this movie a second time? A gay dude prances around in the desert making a big deal out of everything while the supporting cast is completely stiff and made out of cardboard.

You want a real ground breaking "epic" movie? How about Spartacus by Stanley Kubrick made two years earlier?


This board is beyond saving

I give this piece of crap 5/10 just for the cgi at the end

Citizen Kane was so fucking boring. I fell asleep in 20 minutes and it was not a good nap...

Butthurt film hipster detected

Quick, let's post some obscure Russian filmmaker to make him feel at home here.