Can we have a lost media thread?
Pic related, the uncut X rated version was never released publicly.
Can we have a lost media thread?
Pic related, the uncut X rated version was never released publicly.
We still don't have an Unaltered home video version of The Good The Bad and The Ugly.
I want my 20 minutes of "Hell" from Event Horizon, damn it
I love Shocker. Severrely underrated in Wes Craven's filmography. Truly bonkers stuff.
Event Horizon was originally 130 minutes long, but the studio wasn't happy with it apparently due to how gruesome and grim it was (test audiences apparently concurred with that) so they made them cut it down to 96 minutes for release. There hasn't ever been any plans to release the original version.
The Rogue One un-Disney version we will never see
Star Wars master tapes. Great job, George you sack of shit.
That kind of attitude is exactly why you don't deserve it.
who the fuck are you, you preachy cunt.
george fucked up good.
One Hour Photo - The alternative extended cut.
IMDB people were chatting about this
>re editing the film by using the original negatives
How much more stupid can someone get?
This movie is amazing in a Holy shit how much cocaine was Wes on when he made this kind of way. I once made a list of at least a dozen things that make abso fucking lutely no sense in this film and spent a good five minutes laughing at the fact that this kid's high school apparently issues trench coats with their school's name on it.
The shootout in the park is also amazing.
>all that friday the 13 lost footage
Isn't the original DVD release the unaltered version? (albeit not with restored picture)
Original cut of this would be fantastic. It's so much better than that piece of shit Ant-Man by the way.
Josh pls go
This guy! Ha ha, good show!
Fuck, don't remind me user, I alway get depressed about this and remain adamant that Event Horizon would have been GOAT Lovecraftian horror before all the recuts ruined it
It would be literally the same flick scriptwise + some gore.
Pretty sure a fair bit of script got lost when they cut over 30 minutes of footage user
Especially since the thx remaster was specifically done to preserve the masters for posterity.
most of it was gore though