Hugh Jackman's The Wolverine Initially Had A Much Larger Role In X-Men: Apocalypse

>"There was a version when he was going to come in at the midpoint of the film and be like the drill sergeant for the kids and take over as their leader," said Kinberg.

>However, that plan was scrapped as it

>>>interfered with the story arc for Jennifer Lawrence's character Mystique

>who has become a central figure in the X-Men movie franchise over the last three movies. "We felt like that stepped on [Lawrence's] role in the movie and becoming their leader," Kinberg said.

This triggers my nerdrage.

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I'm actually ok with this, I prefer Wolverine the mercenary or the reluctant anti-hero far more than a version in which he functions as a leader for the youthful X-Men.

In the best X-Men movie so far, in my opinion, X-2 although he genuinely cares about the kids and the group--specifically Jean--he spends most of the film doing his own thing. He works best that way desu

yeah, he's not really the leader type. But Jlaw sure as hell isn't either, and losing screentime to make room for her is never a good thing.

This, it's a stupid reason to reduce him to a cameo, but I prefer himself as a cameo to a role like that.

>implying Based Jackman should be in such shitty movies

No doubt, I also preferred Mystique having a much smaller role rather than being the glue that binds Charles Xavier and Magneto together. But I understand it, Jennifer Lawrence is an A lister and top Hollywood earner, you can't reduce her role at this point. I imagine if Marvel had kept Terrence Howard as War Machine he'd be getting a lot of unnecessary screen time as well due to Empire's popularity.

But her acting in this was so terrible
>I'm not a hero, don't call me a hero
>I'm not an inspiration, don't call me that
>I'm going to be deadpan the entire time to show how jaded I am even though my role in this movie is to make an appeal to someone's emotions so that he doesn't kill basically everyone

The worst part is that Charles barely put up a fight against apocalypse
I'm just waiting for the

>Mystique main stage
>fucking Jlaws Mystique main stage

Mystique was always in it for herself. Making her the good guy was such a dumb decision

Could there be any worse time to be an x-men fan? The comics have been shit for quite some time, the new movies are very hit or miss, and no good cartoon since evolution, andf even that took some time to get good.

Jennifer Lawrence ruins everything

>the best X-Men movie so far, in my opinion