Look at this doode
Other urls found in this thread:
>Taking RT seriously while both Thor movies are positive
>before ratings
>after low ratings
Not that this was needed to know the flick was going to be garbage.
I actually haven't seen the movie, but RT is pretty retarded some times. Thor and Star Wars VII, for an example. Both turds, Thor got good scores, and Star Wars was just blown through the roof.
>It's shit because I say so
>I didn't like it therefore its impossible for the score to be accurate
... behavior like this is why they're never going to let you leave the care facility.
RT only works when my favourite movie is praised.
Sometimes bad movies get good scores but good movies don't really get bad scores.
And this does look like shit.
>score over 70%
>consensus in hours
>score never gets up 40%
>consensus almost never
It was a bad movie. Rey's a boring Mary Sue character, her bond with Finn was developed way too quickly and didn't make sense. Kylo Ren's cool when he has his mask on, but the moment he removes it, he becomes an annoying edgelord. Abbrams recreated the New Hope (Death Star, ending, plot twist...), nothing creative on his part and nothing special in the movie's execution (which is way important than originality, but in this movie it was meh), Finn's illogical behaviour, at the beginning when another stormtrooper dies he is sad for him and is holding him during his final breath, but later in the film when he has to fight againts them he doesn't give a flying fuck about them. Han's death was one of the better moments this movie had, because of the envitoment's change which showed Kylo Ren's transition to the dark side. FA is almost on the same lever as prequel trilogy, and it's below original trilogy (which wasn't anything that great to start with, only a well executed Hero's Journey).
As I've said, I can't judge it because I haven't watch it, but RT does have retarded scores from time to time. Even Age Of Ultron got 75%, what the fuck?
>g-g-guys there is no Blizzshills
Just wait til everyone sees the extended version. It will be a cult classic at least.
Now compare it to the prequels.
If you don't honestly feel its a massive improvement, you're brain damaged.
Then explain this
It's shit.
Bought reviews are real.
>implying I can't take criticism for my favorite movie
I can enjoy a bad one, everyone can, and I can admit it too. I love Steven Seagal movies from 80's, because I had so much fun watching them with my dad when I was younger, but they're not anything good.
People didn't understand this masterpiece. It will be re-evaluated in a couple of decades and be ranked among the top 10 movies of all time.
Movies such as Citizen Kane, Vertigo, Rules of the Game or 2001 had poor reception at first, but now they are said to be among the best ever.
The shill threads are getting too obvious now.
Don't know why they targeted this place.
Just like Alone in the Dark movie then.
Because Thor and Star Wars are generally well made classic story arcs delivered competently.
Lmao who did they piss off to get panned this bad?
This movie was unironically 9.5/10 and it's a shame that the bad reviews mean that Blizzard will never make any sequels. The stories of Arthas, Sylvanas and Thrall are 100% made for the big screen.
marketers post everything they can, everywhere they can, as much as they can.
As they're getting paid for it.
It's almost like films are a subjective art and one's own opinion on said film as well as the opinions of other individuals, no matter how "qualified" they are to review something, should be treated as merely a summary of an individual's experience with said film and not as a definitive and objective take on something that is as subjective as film.
It is not. It's only slightly better, and I mean really slightly. It does nothing new to push the trilogy, and it's just a rehash of A New Hope. FA is pure nostalgia pandering for SW fans, and if you like it, then your standards are terrible and your taste is utter shit. Prequels at least tried to be different, FA takes the easy route of nostalgia pandering to it's audience, and steals from A New Hope. Fuck Abbrams, fuck SW shills, and fuck you, user.
Stop putting words into my mouth, faggot. It could be that the critics are paid, but I still don't have enough proof to claim that they are, ergo, I'm not saying they're paid. Their taste is just shit, if they think AoU was good.
You get paid to market online on popular websites.
Where you do it is up to you. You just have to whip out some stats about 4chans popularity and show you advertised that shit on a community with such and such clicks per day.
The shills like to pick Sup Forums because you don't have to register and it's easy to use. If you spam that shit on lebbit or other places and have no posts otherwise it's more obvious.
>implying episode VII is well made
Shit taste confirmed. Thor is still the weakest movie (along with Thor 2, if your gonna defend T2 as well, then you should end your plebian life) in the MCU.
Thor was complete and utter shit. The story was weak and tacky as hell and the parts in the desert looked like a Power Rangers episode.
>TFA does nothing new to push the trilogy
neither did the prequels
Hence why they're both shit
I can almost feel the steam coming off this post.
Relax man. Just because your hobby (addiction) doesn't translate well into a film doesn't mean you should enjoy it any less.
Back to your Farmville dailies my man.
weakest in the MCU is still pretty high praise
People blessed with sight and hearing.
kek, nailed it
They did not, but they at least tried too. Yes, it didn't work out, and they're garbage, but that's still better than to go safe route and do literally nothing other than to rehash episode 4 and to pander to nostalgiafags. If you think FA is good, give your arguments or fuck off. You haven't really explained your view point.
What the fuck is this movie about? All i know is that he gives a horse a handjob
Because people tend to rank in extremes. Some people love it while others hate it. Non-professional critics never give luke-warm reviews. It's either 1 star or 5 stars.
The thing is, they aren't even paid shills.
They are just lonely, addicted WoW players who desperately want their favourite video game to make a great and popular film so that they can have some joy in their life and feel semi-proud of their childish hobby for a little while.
This is literally where they come from:
I'm sorry, but you have to be 18 years old to post here. And also, being the weakest in the MCU isn't a good thing at all. If you think that it is, then you're a pleb. Feels good to be a brainless retard, huh?
Not only are they not getting paid, but THEY are paying BLIZZARD $15 a month to play a game that has turned to garbage, because they can't break their addiction.
It's like trying to argue that heroine is bad with heroine addicts.
Red vs Blue sure has changed
Just typical stoner trash, makes no sense and is aimed at the intellectually challenged.
I'm talking about all these rottentomato threads and all the shitposting it's creating. I couldn't give two fucks about Warcraft.
What made this movie bad? I enjoyed it but I was drunk
world of warcrap
>I couldn't give two fucks about Warcraft.
Good, because it's garbage. That's all you need to know.
This time, the ratings are accurate.
I didn't watch it, but can you please give some points to prove that it's garbage?
I liked it.
It was fun.
Yea, you clearly have only seen high budget blockbusters and whats on lists made on reddit.
There is a lot to be said for competency that you can only know had you ever ventured off the well-worn mainstream path and seen movies that aren't just outside of "entry level," but devoid of any sort of redeeming value.
Preach brother!
>Citizen Kane
That's not the best example since people were literally paid to boo that movie.
Noice argument, pal. Now fuck off, untill you have actual arguments to back up what you've said.
>well made classic stories
My argument is you clearly lack the experience to speak on the subject at hand.
Its nice to see one graciously concede that point.
you all do know all them sites are run by normal (usually by subnormal)people, not omnipotent gods who cant make mistake, they are just fucking average fuckers who try to say something different in times so they look like they know what the fuck are they are talking about.
I didnt watch Warcraft, but from the looks of it, i honestly think i would have better time watching WC than SW7 or any new superhero movie.
Generally(i migrated to TV as an platform for mature audience) i try to avoid movies like this, but WC at least has some really
first Jurrasic Park(back in a day)-tier special effect and even if movie turns out to be totally retarded, ill at least see some huge fucking Orkz boiz wrecking havoc among Human tinmens..
That alone is worth 18$.
Rushed, obviously cut down heavily to keep it well under 2 hours. Story jumps all over the place and does a VERY bad job of explaining, whether it's through framing shots or exposition. This is amusing given the fact it's not a particularly inspired or complex story in the first place, yet they still manage to fuck it up.
Too much fan service. Throwing shit like murlocs in for basically no reason other than "I REMEMBER DAT FROM WOW!!! XDDD", when the above-mentioned problem of stuff being cut exists, is pretty fucking criminal.
CGI is terrible. Especially when orcs are on screen at the same time as humans. Every character stands out from the background way too much and most of the armour (humans in particular) looks like it's made of plastic.
Acting is woeful all-round.
Camera work, especially in exposition scenes is very bad, using wide shots when there should be close-ups and vice versa. This also emphasises the terrible plasticy sets in some cases, particularly indoors.
There's more, but I can't be fucked explaining in-depth why the Warcraft film is shit to someone who is pretending not to be an addicted Warcraft fan.
That's so sad.
Why do they think this place of all would be a place to shill this anyway?
Man what a piece of shit movie
>I can't defend my points so I'm going to say bullshit to change the subject.
Most of them posted here already.
Being WoW addicts, they spend a lot of time on the internet as it is.
>i have never seen any incompetently made movies, therefore I am not equipped for this subject
Now now, the first gracious concession was enough.
>Warcraft has a lower rating than Big Momma's House
I never played WoW, and I wasn't hyped about the movie. Thanks for explaining why it sucked, I'll wait for torrent. You just saved me 10$.
Why the fuck is this ahppening the film was fucking amazing, i really enjoyed it ffs
Critics try to compare it to LOTR
You play/played WoW and you liked the fact they through in references/places/people you could recognize from your favourite video game.
That is why you liked it. That does not make it a good film.
I've seen a lot of shit movies, and I can tell the difference between a good movie and a bad one. Thor sucked ass.
Sites like RT will sometimes give bad movies good reviews, but genuinely good movies dont get bad reviews. This movie is a turd
Not everyone is a low-taste neckbeard who wasted his time playing some shitty online videogame.
Oh fuck, now I KNOW it's shit
I can guarantee you haven't. I can guarantee you've never ventured below an objective 8/10, but you think you have due to deflation.
RT doesn't give any review.
RT is just a place where they compile reviews from other websites to get a consensus.
>Big Momma, are there two flashlights?
Haven't even seen the movie, line seared into brain forever from constant commercials. Fuck that movie.
If you're talking about WoW, I really can't say if it is good or bad, because I haven't see it.
You're wrong, I saw a lot of objectively bad movies and Thor is one of them, the first one is 4/10, the second one is 2/10, maybe a 3/10.
People here still think that RT is not only an entity given scores themselves as well but also don't know what the tomatometer percentage means?
Psst, RT is a review aggregator like Metacritic. Also the tomatometer is just the percentage of critics that don't think that the movie is unwatchable. Meaning that even a movie with 100% score could have been a 6/10 in the eyes of all its reviewers.
>please see the warcraft movie user
>I need to eat and have shelter too
Warcraft already made $32 million after opening weekend in only 1/3rd of their markets.
It's pretty much over. Warcraft is a raving success and people don't care about critic reviews.
is 21 reviews a lot?
i feel like its nothing at all, also the people who write reviews on the internet aren't people worth listening to
who dat?
I spent half my childhood playing WC2 and WC3. I love those games, and the cinematics in the latter were years ahead of their time. I was uneasy when I saw that there was going to be a Warcraft movie, and I could tell from the trailer that it would be garbage.
>and thor is one of them
Okay, son, in order to stop embarrassing yourself, go watch all the MST3K episodes. Then realize those aren't the bottom 10%. They're the bottom 70%. Where I am asserting you've never left the comforting embrace of the top 20th percentile.
But hey, you're a teenager, its summer, you think you've got a good bead on the world. But you don't. At all.
I know what tomatometer percentage means, and I know that a 100% movie doesn't equal a 10/10 grade. AoU got 75% and the average score is 6.7/10, which is pretty high for that bad of a movie. It was more like a 3 or 4/10.
>critics are bandwagoning this hard in fear to admit that a video game movie might be decent
Its not the age of Vydiakino but there is no way this movie is being treated fairly
not that Sup Forums will admit that because its always memes when something gets shit on
fucking kek this lol
Some bitch that works for Blizzard, when someone commented on Blizzard charging $10 for a skin she said
>Unfortunately we have to do mundane things like eat and have shelter
Not everyone is a low-taste neckbeard who wasted his time shitposting on some shitty American imitation of a Japanese Anime board
It's projected to make 20 million or even less in USA, and after that word of mouth it's going to make it drop like a rock.
>Warcraft is a raving success
NFS and Prince of Persia were much more succesful, and Assassins Creed will probably be too.
This. Shitty filter ruined it.
That's a dumb argument but then again, the game is free to play so that's just part of the business model. Nobody is forcing people to buy that crap.
>le rottentomatoes meem
>when someone commented on Blizzard charging $10 for a skin
Bit off topic but I hope that fuckwit wasn't complaining about it.
Isn't Hearthstone free to play anyway? A new hero is cosmetic and gives no power whatsoever.
Pretty much but I would take it a step further and say that a lot of them are not even wow players. They are just bored faggots with absolutely nothing to do all day then to try to force the next epic meme.
I don't see the problem the animated jpeg is cosmetic so why does he need it so badly?
Hearthstone is pay to have and advantage but for those hero skins? nope.
It doesnt change the fact that compared to other Blizzard games its ridiculously more expensive for what you are getting
Compare a Hearthstone Skin vs a HOTS skin, one is a 2D jpeg, the other is a 3d model
>I don't see the problem
The problem is the utter lack of contempt Blizzard employees have towards their customers. Trying to guilt trip them is not proper business practice
Because it's far more popular. That's still fair.
If it's so expensive and is only a 2D jpeg, then don't fucking buy it. It doesn't give you an advantage in any way.
Would you pay $10 for 200kb of data?
No, you wouldn't.