If you paid to watch this, you're everything wrong with today's film industry and don't deserve to call yourself a Star Wars fan.
If you paid to watch this...
sperg more retard
7 > the rest
Going to the movies alone is hard huh? Don't worry user, one day you'll find a gf or at least a friend to accompany you to the movies
jk, not really you fucking loser
So Star Wars belongs to "real" fans like you then?
I paid three times. It was a good Star Wars film.
>Friend's Dad is a high up at a local TV station
>Got us tickets for free
>Jews didn't get any of my money
I saw this kino 12 times in the cinéma with my gf
I got a bj everytime
This movie entertained me, which is more than I can say about BvS.
It's a good movie.
Does anyone have any Daisy Ridley imagesets/collections they can share? Mine is lacking.
only this one
stay mad
My friends mom invited me and paid.
I didnt know it was a piece of trash until after i watched it.
>calling yourself a Star Wars fan
>le reddit tomadoes score XD
Here, have this one.
What if my ma paid? She didn't go with me, but did provide the funds.
4/5 film bretty gud XDD
I'm a star wars aficionado. Step your game up kid
She's fucking disgusting
>jew tassle sideburns
It wasn't that bad actually despite our initial reaction to it. To see really bad you will need to see Rogue One and all the side shit Disney is making.
It really unironically is better than 5/6 of those.
Objective, non-meme, non contrarian ranking
V > IV > VII > VI >>>>>>> III > I >>>> II
>Sup Forums contrarians and Sup Forums prequel kiddies try so hard to put down TFA
>they fail time and time again
Patrician ranking
This gets 92% yet Batman V Superman gets 27%
To be fair, they tend to defend IV and V, and TFA doesn't hold a candle to either of those two movies. It's not difficult to be a better Star Wars film than I and II, so it's not much of an accomplishment in that regard for VII.
why does she look like a 12 year old boy?
Because TFA is just a rehash.
You know why.
Star Wars is trash, even the originals.
I paid i'm not a star wars fan it was better than most of the others.
why is she so ugly
>why is she so hot
there I fixed it for you desu
Maybe, get this, BvS was pretentious garbage and TFA was actually good
TFA has some of the worst editing I have ever seen in a film storywise.
>doesn't explain how Rey got all her super powers
>doesn't explain how the empire was able to rebuild in only 30 years
>doesn't explain how snoke came on board
Episode 7 feels like Episode 8
Do you guys get mad at star wars every day?
Sup Forums is always wrong
>saw it two times
>didn't pay either time
I would have only seen it once if two different cousins hadn't ask me
I really do, Disney ruined star wars
>Can't appreciate the pottery
your loss
How in the everlasting fuck it got an Oscar nomination for Editing is one of life's greatest mysteries.
It's clear she's the balancing factor to what the Sith were doing for 1,000 years and crippling the light side with the Sith shrine. She's jacked up because the Sith were weakening the light side, now the light side has a jacked up agent of its own to kick ass and shit on the dark side.
Balance, look it up.
>doesn't explain how the empire was able to rebuild in only 30 years
Did you sleep through history class...you shouldn't need this explained to you.
Oh woe is me I won't be labeled as a star wars fan by some loser... WHAT WILL I DO
That's not what editing is you fucking retard.
Everyone knows that it's a universal law that men and women are on aggregate equal in every way. Since she's the first major female force user it's only logical that she be as talented as all previous males combined.
get some taste
because you have no knowledge of film editing
But seriously, TFA was bad. It felt like nothing but a tribute to the originals and not a real movie on its own.
Agreed desu
>mfw Disney hears all the complaints about Rey and cut down her screen time by 50%
>mfw she gets rekt and needs to be saved by Luke
>mfw she's the one who ends up dying
V > IV > VII > VI > III > I > II
I hope she kills Luke.
I hope you kill yourself.
This desu
The main issue is the new characters.
Has no character arc at all. She wants to leave Jakku to see the universe, but then wants to go back to meet her parents, but then that's interrupted by a Force vision, but then THAT'S interrupted by Kylo Ren kidnapping her, and then she suddenly develops Force powers for no reason and saves the day. All of this is not helped by Daisy Ridley's flat, uncharismatic performance.
Onscreen for about 15 minutes, never develops a personality beyond "Cocky hotshot."
Well-acted and likeable, but the character is too milquetoast to be heroic.
>Kylo Ren
We have no idea why he turned to the Dark Side, but he sure whines a fucking lot about it. His violent rages are meant to make him seem frightening and unstable, but since he's such a wuss otherwise, he just comes across as a fucking baby. He'd also better keep that mask on if he wants to be taken seriously as a villain.
Instead of designing an original villain, they just go with a slightly nicer Sheev.
Sure, the reused plot points (Desert planet, cantina, Death Star 3.0) are pretty lame, but it's the shitty characters that really sink Episode VII.
>VII better than VI
The Luke vs. Vader vs. Emperor scene is better than the entirety of Episode VII.
I agree with this, but i'll probably put I instead of III
Poetry was the prequels. Sequels is blatant rehashing.
>mfw Rey will only be remembered as failed feminist bait and the worst female character in Star Wars
>mfw Luke will always be more iconic than her
The parts that were amazing in VI outshine anything in VII. Nothing in TFA came close to the Sheev/Vader/Luke confrontation, and I say this as someone who actually likes VII.
Well. I ain't gonna pay to watch the second, the third or that "spin-off" movie.
They fooled me once, they won't get to fool me again. They are unforgiven to me now.
Nice memes
>Luke vs. Vader. Vs. Emperor
Too bad it's only about 5-10 minutes of the entire movie
paid 5 times bobo.
TFA was a cool movie.
I'm not a SW fan but this one felt like a good movie, where the others felt like trash.
This movie has different things, different ideas compared to the other SW movies, it happens really fast while the others take their time (even Episode IV)
And I think this is why most of you people hated it : it's different and does not feel like a classic Star Wars.
It's something else.
It's something different.
It's something better.
Every bad thing about the other SW's is erased and cooked into a new formula.
So 7 IS the best SW movie, or one of the best.
I never have fun when i rewatch SW movies, but i had with this one.
Is it perfect?
Aw hell no !
Is it bad ?
No !
It's an okay good movie.
>In b4 le plebbit meme lolilol xD
it's trash for moronic Americans
If you enjoyed this film, go watch some of Adam Sandlers new stuff
V > IV > VI = III >> I > II >>>>>>>>>>>VII
people find this attractive?
nah, both BvS and TFA are awful, awful movies
If you can't see the qualities of TFA, then you're an idiot.
You SW fans are pathetic, liking trash movies instead of good ones.
As a DC fan, i gotta admit that TFA was the best movie.
BvS was utter fucking trash
Did you finish in her mouth?
But I didin't.
Objectively true
>objectively true
>TFA worse than the prequels
come on, nigger, you can't actually believe this
>Be me
>See this with ARMY of friends
>Paid like 7 bucks each
>We all loved it
nah m8 im gooood.
that was literally his point
that 5 minutes of one film was better than the entire other film.
Why would anybody over 13 years old want to call himself a Star Wars fan?
I had a free ticket
The lightsaber battle still makes me wet.
Seriously, the swings right before Ben burns Finn's shoulder. Holy shit.
That movie was so shitty that shills can say whatever they want but can't change the result.
It was an ABORTION for the saga.