Am I the only one who thinks her style of acting is weird?
It's like she's on some sort of drugs or maybe she has a speech impediment.
Am I the only one who thinks her style of acting is weird?
It's like she's on some sort of drugs or maybe she has a speech impediment.
Nah you're just an idiot.
Thank you for that.
I thought the same thing. Why does she get 7 extra seconds for a dramatic pause with a stupid look on her face?
I just think she's kinda hot
I masturbate to rosamunfd pike once a week, dreaming that I swallow her vaginal discharges.
Just imagine rimming the butthole of rosamund pike here
Yeah, she is, but watch Gone Girl and look at her mannerisms and listen to her inflections of her voice.
She's a succubus.
The fuck?
she's British
she has a big acting style
Well, that's something.
it's her big toothy smile that she regularly flashes while often her eyes aren't smiling. her eyes can also show a kind of frenzy, neuroticism, anxiety, etc. that's very striking and feels totally real, she's a pro at playing shit like fear and contempt and disgust. her dulcet, stuffily deep, yet often nervous sounding voice, straight blonde hair, and boney but not quite masculine face all contribute to her eeriness.
the overall effect is frequently a kind of stepford wife feeling of artificial, cloying, studied perfectness. it feels like an alien doing a too good job of playing a human. obviously this was all perfect for amazing amy.
Literally the perfect mix of beauty/sexiness/attainability.
She's perfect.
When I think of my wife, I always think of the back of her head. I picture cracking her lovely skull, unspooling her brain, trying to get answers. The primal questions of a marriage: What are you thinking? How are you feeling? What have we done to each other? What will we do?
She's Scottish you dolt. She's lucky she doesn't sound fully brain-damaged. There's a reason non-scots are cast to play scots. You can barely understand the real deal.
fuck, that score was goat
Trent Reznor is based.
I'm Scottish and can't even understand what most Scottish people are saying, sounds like someone who had a bad stroke also huffed helium tbqh.
Its surreal bro. Cast her in a Lynch film and she'll blow your mind.
Without a doubt, the entire soundtrack is so eerie and beautiful. Feel like I'm in another life.
Glasgow and the outlying areas are the worst for this. I swear I spend half my time saying 'what?' because I can't catch the region's gobbledegook speech patterns first time.
Some of the locals make Rab C Nesbitt sound like Shakespeare.
I don't have enough sweating man images for this.
mature women>>>>>young whores
>tfw you loved her since Die Another Day
>no controlling overbearing wife
Amazing Amy, I'm City financier
She cant act, and as a result shes always with the same blank expression on her face which makes her look very autistic
>my husbando fucked my waifu
What movie
god i love how retarded women are
>muh artistic expreshun
yes, and now i can jerk off to your pantyhose ass, and holy fuck pantyhosed feet which is such a rare find
cia is based af
Who cares? She's cute as fuck.
>pantyhosed feet
patrician detected
shes got a big dick
Nah... She is either too smart or just picky. It shows in "Gone Girl" & "Jack Reacher". By the way, what do think of her being a Bond girl ?
>By the way, what do think of her being a Bond girl ?
She should have got the spinoff tbqhwyf
>By the way, what do think of her being a Bond girl ?
She didn't deserve to die desu
>Truly in the end I had to Die Another Day™
Literally walked out of the cinema at that point fampais
>her style of acting is weird
Didn't knew who she was before Jack Reacher and her smiling in some scenes were completely unnecessary. Its like she was laughing at Tom Cruise for the whole time
If I go off script would you die?
I know exactly what you mean fám, but I can't explain it any better either.
is this kinography?
who doesn't
who doesn't?
imagine if she had brown hair. that would be a beard
>its a janny spergs out over pictures of actresses episode
>In "Voodoo in My Blood," recorded with Scottish rap-pop group Young Fathers, Gone Girl actress Rosamind Pike cautiously walks down toward London's Joe Strummer Subway until she's confronted by a floating orb that sticks a needle in her eye. After scanning her retina, the orb takes control of Pike's character, forcing her to smash her head into the wall and convulse with the music.
>"Am I involved? ... Someone said the girl in the video looks like me. I have been to the Joe Strummer subway. I did have a strange encounter there once," Pike said in a statement.
What a trooper
am I banend
didn't know there were so many faggots on tv/.
she's gonna be blacked
a cat would do that
She already did in Die Another Day
She has big tits.
she's one of the only women i don't find disgusting
Was it crepe?
post them wobbies from Jack Reacher
fuck that cat
muh dick hnnng
>ywn vake up to this
>ywn wake up threatened and scared by her
why even bother ;_;
She's a narcissistic sociopath, that's how these women act, from what I've seen of her in other roles she's basically Gone Girl IRL.
was it anal?
> you now realise this set is on a plane
cheers dude
do you have her running down the stairs in that movie?