What did Sup Forums think of sandlers new movie?
What did Sup Forums think of sandlers new movie?
so fucking bad.
lol. look at that pose. you can tell he's not just playing a goofy guy out of his element, but that he legitimately feels bad ass there.
let's see if he tries to become an action hero next. looks like he's testing the waters playing it off as comedy for now.
DAmn Aadam Sandeler looks like THAT
>shaved sides back long top
>tank top to show off "muscle"
>squared sideburns
>magazine strap
He looks washed up
Actually kind of funny.
>lol look at that actor acting they think what they're acting is real!
Really terrible.
One of his worst and that's really saying something.
15 minutes too long but it was decent fun.
sandler looks good dude
put him in the expendables
Dont have to see it to know it's absolute garbage. Man is overpaid, does the bare minimum and only aims for the lowest common denominator.
Thought it was pretty funny compared to some of the trash being passed off as comedy these days.
Pic related was legit funny at times. Not great, but worth a watch.
As somebody who owns a limited edition of that gun, those are the wrong magazines. Even thought he later dumps it for a Glock, which I also own, those are still the wrong magazines.
Quints don't lie.
Thought that was Jack from Lost from the thumbnail
I thought that paula patton should be in more movies.
also, was her role in this the role that rose mcgowan threw a feminist shitfit over? because the entire point of the part was a satire of the dumb and useless hot female third wheel in buddy action movies, it was as in line with petty modern feminism ideals as a side part in an adam sandler netflix movie possibly could be and she tried to publicly torpedo it because they dared to be honest about casting
It's the tattoo and haircut and jungle background and ridiculous face and sleeveless top
I actually liked it, desu kawaii fampai.
Also, at various points, I wanted to lick Paula Patton's feet.
Luis Guzman's balls sweating in David Spade's face and Adam Sandler's mother's old saggy titties. Those two parts sum up my experience with this movie
what in the fuck was netflix thinking giving him a dumptruck full of money to make movies
They are not. Those are hk usp magazines. Faggot
>have social security number and medical information stolen in Sony's data breach
>Shit they got my wife and daughters too
>Worry NK is going to blow up my office
>Worry about my companies financial future
>Worry about the jobs of people I really like, mentors, etc
But Sandler was forced into Netflix, so I'm pretty sure it was worth it.
Pretty shitty. And that's coming from someone who usually enjoys turn your brain off tier flicks
throwing obscene amounts of money at any known talent or dead franchise and hoping for the best is the entire philosophy behind their original content.
the dramatic cutbacks in acquisition of quality licensed content in the last two years combined with their failure to develop any worthwhile new content along the same timeline should indicate to anyone paying attention that netflix is going to destroy it's brand in the next few years.
It's different than the ones he has been doing recently. Like it's supposed to be a little more serious, but the plot is very bad and has few humorous moments. My favorite moment was when the guy trying to kill them front flips over the car and then bows when sandler looked in the rear view mirror. He needs to either do a serious movie with a real story or a comedy movie because it doesn't seem like he can do both anymore.
he said fuck and there was tits in the movie
better than watching a deer piss in his open mouth in the opening scene
give him time, he will rise again
all praise based jew has been
Torsten Voges stole it for me
Is he going to shit in that?
He could start by aiming down the sights and resting his thumbs on top of each other.
That movie he did with Don Cheadle where he played the guy who's family died on 9/11 showed his potential. He tried a little too hard and was kinda rough around the edges but the fact that no one has given him another serious role is unfortunate
Every comedy he gets now is dogshit, he needs to fully take serious roles. No one is writing big budget comedy with Sandler in the cast list, the only way he can keep up comedy is if he gets a sitcom.
Honeslty wasn't that bad for a Sandler movie, better than the last few years. If it keeps improving keep it up.
Would actually watch again in a year or 2.
Why does someone always shill their shows here?
How much do you get paid to post these?
It's a step above his previous movies.
It even had a decent plot.
Reign over me? Pretty good movie but I never hear about it when Sandler is brought up. In fact, I had forgotten about it until you mentioned it.
>adam sandler being able to play a so PTSD damaged that he's almost legally retarded
Go figure.
[spolier]Sarcasm aside... I do think that movie was actually pretty good and adams acting was good as well[/spolier]
I thought it was okay.