Box Office: Did Johnny Depp's Legal Woes Help Sink 'Alice Through the Looking Glass?'

>As it stands now, Through the Looking Glass is bombing with a four-day opening of $34.2 million, according to Monday estimates (that's less than the $35 million estimated on Sunday).
>"These allegations, if true, pose a serious threat to the box-office longevity of Johnny Depp. Obviously time heals all wounds, but this is certainly having a toll on Depp and Alice," says analyst Jeff Bock. "'Alice in Blunderland' is more like it."
>According to exit poll service CinemaScore, 35 percent of ticket buyers cited Depp as a reason for showing up, compared to 50 percent in 2010.
>"If I'm Disney and Alice Through the Looking Glass is a flop," says one analyst, "I'm probably a little nervous about Pirates 5."

Is his career over?

>phone somehow leaves a square on your face
>yet leaves a mark like the corner hit you in the cheek in other photos

fucking lying bitch

The Mouse will never forgive her for this. She should've done this a moth later after the movie's release.

It effected the movie more than some think. Go to a normal shite site and you'll see people believing Amber, saying Johnny is scum, when she has fuck all for evidence.

At best the matter provides an excuse for its failure. Disney knew it was a bomb and didn't push it half as much as Jungle Book or Civil War.

She has a job on Justice League, maybe that's beyond the Mouse's reach

>"legal woes"
Her name was Amber Paulson

Probably but Mickey will find a way.

>Alice in Blunderland is more like it

I bet he thought that was really clever, huh?

Johnny's JUST aside, we shouldn't fucking stand for huckster humor. Fuck that guy.

If I were a conspiratorial person, I'd suggest they arranged it.

Disney and Time Warner are two hands on the same body

Alice in Blunderland starring Johnny Debt

Daily reminder that Stanhope said he was there and that Heard is a lying cunt.

Depp will land some other sexy piece of ass, and he's too based for this to kill his career.


>I'm probably a little nervous about Pirates 5."
Wasn't the last one the biggest box office bomb of all time?

Really can't see the next PotC bombing especially overseas where no one gives a shit about this bitch

You might be thinking of The Lone Ranger

>worldwide gross of one billion, fourty five million
>on a budget of 250 million
>box office bomb

Post pictures of Amber Heard. I know she's a massive cunt but that only fuels my erection selection.

No, that was The Lone Ranger. However, the last Pirates movie was kind of a weak entry.

Pirates is really kind of yesterday's news as a franchise, they might want to deep six it.

No it's the one of the most expensive movies of all time not a bomb

Doug? Really?

That was lone ranger

>I swear if Depp havent raped and killed his mother Alice would have made more money than X-men!

Yeah, no.

Rights status: NEVER EVER

It probably will make more money in China

>a girl tries to bleed ONE GUY dry
>publicly slander him
>stages false evidence
>attempts to ruin his career and reputation
>basically throws his life into the gutter
>all so she can get extra money she doesn't need
>and suddenly she's a "massive cunt"
sure is misogyny

>Depp looses half his net worth
>Disney funds a full on investigation
>Depp and Mickey tag team fuck her in court for slander
>All of her DCCU money has to go towards court payments

There is hope

I've honestly never heard of Amber Heard.

What's she been in? Does she get naked in anything?

I'm not taking time out of my day to google this shit, so either tell me why she wears the mask or fuck off.

>Is his career over?
It has been for years.

His past few movies have just been the voiding of the bowels and the gas escaping from the internal organs


Yea, yea, like that, but I meant sluttier pictures. I'm trying to jerk off here.

What if it failed because
I know this might be hard to understand at first, but follow me on this:

Because it's a bad movie? And a sequel to also a bad movie?

I just realized she looks like Nicole Aniston.

To be fair both movies might lose money, not sure whos genius idea was it to put up Alice vs. Xmen, when Alice has literally no hardcore fans. Alice could have done just as well say, mid August but probably better as a "goodbye to summer break" movie.

>Amber gets role as DC (WB) superhero
>starts sinking Disney projects

Absolutely based


Is Johnny Depp going to be the next Brendan Fraser?

Jonny Depp is right-handed fyi. I'm not a misogynist, so I believe her 100% however.


>Did Johnny Depp's Legal Woes Help Sink 'Alice Through the Looking Glass?

No, they are shit movies.

>"Haha I'll show that drunken fool what'll happen if he messes with me! I'm going to TMZ on the week his new movie opens, and my publicist has everything in place for it all to 'leak' out! I'll show up to court looking like virgin mormon daughter and put my papparazzi in place with a zoom lens to see me crying in the car! Johnny is finished!!!"

*6 months later*
>"Hey did you get me that Disney movie audition?....WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY WONT TAKE MY CALLS! WHAT DID I DO!?"

Trust me, no one will cast this dramatic bitch ever again. When you involve opening weekends into your personal vendettas....well let me just say that was a mistake.

Not even just Disney, every producer on this Alice flick will tell all their producer friends and their producer friends how Amber Heard tactically sunk a billion dollar movie.

Dont fuck with Hollywoods money you dumb cunt.

How the hell did the first movie even made 1 billion? I thought the movie was forgettable at best. Sounds like the sequel is even worse.

Am I the only one who's glad his career is dying?

please be true
please be true
please be true

no, i can't stand that faggot, he's literally box office poison

I've never understood his appeal. What was the last decent movie he was in? He spent to much of his life being Tim Burton's fuckboy

>What was the last decent movie he was in?


sup leddit?

>try to stump the trump
>get JUSTed

Let me tell you something, it's a cycle that's gonna repeat over and over again until we make America great again. You don't even need to check em to know that.

It's just a really bad movie. The first was also terrible. I literally don't give a shit about whether Amber Heard lives or dies, but I love Alice in Wonderland, and I would watch it if it was any good.

Trump is commanding a historically unprecedented amount of meme magic.

It is he not Depp who is through the looking glass.

The movie you're referring to is Pirates 5, I hope.

Are we reaching the point where few actors/actresses will be able to demand huge salaries or carry a film on their name alone?


He didnt really try to stump the trump in this movie guys

if you watched it he did a pretty good job i think


It's not like Disney execs will take the blame for greenligthing an Alice sequel nobody wanted so it's easier to blame Depp's legal problems. Depp already made them lost billions with The Lone Ranger and his career has been on decline for years so it's easy to use him as a scapegoat.

where's the mousefags that thought the muties had no chance in hell now ?

>she's been waiting for Warner Bros. to give her the go ahead
>that's why it happened the week of Alice's release
>even though Depp's mom just died, she went ahead and did it

guys don't worry about johnny. if this thing continues to follow the gone girl narrative, amber will brutally murder her lesbian lover, claim it was the lesbian lover who really hit her, and then she and johnny will live happily ever after.

>Amber gets role as DC (WB) superhero
>starts sinking Disney projects

Holy shit, Amber Heard BASED GOD

Do people around here like Johnny Depp now or something? The dude is a mega-rich hack who hasn't had a movie worth seeing in a decade.

A moneygrubbing cunt stealing his money and reputation is karma for all the garbage he's produced.

>Amber why are you bringing that box cutter to bed?

I think you could be onto something here, nigga


Dude you don't understand she's a fucking woman