why are they still trying to paint him as some grey morally conflicted character?
he literally just killed millions of people in the last movie. he's evil.
why are they still trying to paint him as some grey morally conflicted character?
he literally just killed millions of people in the last movie. he's evil.
Other urls found in this thread:
did apocalypse die at the end?
just a prank bro
this movie was EPIC 10/10
That doesn't mean he's evil, he was just incredibly distraught. At this point, Magneto is practically a Job-like figure - constantly tested and tormented, losing everything that he cares about time and again.
The false god encountered a true god and was snuffed out.
I haven't watched the new movie. Why does he kill a bunch of people?
he's a fictional character, he represents instances of an ideology and cannot be held accountable for past actions, because he does not actually exist
hope this helps
>killing millions of people makes you evil
reddit plz go
Watch the movie fag
his wife and kid die by a bow an arrow
apocalypse made him super powerful and he was basically genociding the human race before jennifer lawrence came in to save the day
...The same arrow
Because he is cool. Deal with it.
because bad writing
Wolverine, Magneto, Xavier - these are the only X-Men characters Bryan Singer 'understands', and even then it is fairly surface level.
When the new trailer for this Apocalypse flick showed repeat of the "Great swell of pity.." line, then that should have been the warning sign. That was not some epic callback, it was Singer and Kinberg reusing that dialogue because they legitimately could not think of another facet of that relationship.
Xavier has always been the emotional core of this series, Magneto the dramatic core, and Wolverine the protagonist. First Class had the new blood and fresh eyes to change things up (which lead to the magnified importance of Mystique - face it people - Singer is horrible with female characters for perhaps obvious reasons). Watch X-Men Apocalypse and see Xavier with moist crying eyes in every scene, Magneto going through his villain "'''""arc""""" once again (bafflingly, instead of giving Apocalypse or the Horsemen any sort of development), and the movie wandering around aimlessly without Wolverine to tell Singer what to do.
And of course in the end Magneto gets hints of redemption, because that's all Singer and Kinberg know. The juxtaposition of the ramping up of scale and cgi action with their tired regurgitated writing leads to so many unintentionally hilarious schlock scenes in this movie.
Whatever shit this movie may have been, you have to admit the Phoenix sequence was epic.
When Jean walked in, I knew it was gonna happen. I kept telling myself, oh God please please please give us Phoenix...
Apocalypse got pwned
Pretty impressive for an accidental shot.
I think you've got a point here, most of the side characters are interesting in how they related to the core trio. Trying to put Mystique in Wolverine's place really damaged the movie, along with not properly exploring Apocalypse and reusing the same Xavier/Magneto Arc from 5 previous films.
It was visually cool I guess, but it doesn't make any sense considering that the X-Men film universe has established that if the phoenix comes out it'll basically destroy the universe, and the only thing stopping it from doing so once Jean started to realise her power was Xavier's constant control of it.
It's an allegory for Israel.
Because some jews experienced the holocaust it excuses today's jews to mass murder.
Director is either making a comparison, or trying to justify it. Can't tell.
were normies such as myself supposed to know who/what the pheonix was? cause i have literally no idea what you faggots are talking about. all i saw was sophie turner light on fire and shoot her power at the bad guy or something.
a cosmic godess will kidnap her, hide her under a lake, take her place and destroy everything.
Was it actually confirmed he killed a bunch of people? I know there was pretty much total destruction, but that doesn't necessarily mean people died. Just those Polish cops.
After what he did to Wolverine in DoFP he can't be a grey morally conflicted character. It was fucking brutal.
It was also the best scene in the movie. When Magneto goes bad he's the coolest always.
did you watch X2/X3? If so, then yes, you should have known
Yeah all those Egyptians went into hiding in their nuclear bunkers
>the only thing stopping it from doing so once Jean started to realise her power was Xavier's constant control of it.
Maybe Charles is handling her differently in this timeline. Instead of restraining her powers perhaps he's teaching her to properly control them.
>haha looks at this epin meme i made, i'm going to force it in every fucking thread.
And your next line is screenshot my post and photoshop the scooby doo cartoon character here.
Interesting that Charles didn't say anything about it at all in the film. Nor was the word 'phoenix' used. It's significantly more likely that Singer hopes that you've forgotten X3 so he can do his own thing without any explanation.
Was anyone else surprised by how neat this helmet looked?
The rest of the suit was just whatever for me but this thing was dank as hell.
Whenever he took it off, I just wanted to pick it up and use it as a paper weight.
This is seriously how I wish Batman's mask was designed.
That's like, your headcanon man.
No, but seriously, it was darn awesome.
>inb4 bullshit she can't just be the Phoenix out of nowhere
She tapped into her full strength in a moment of great stress, where the world was in danger. She fully knew the horrible destruction that awaited.
Also, Charles never put the mental blocks in her mind, instead, he expected her to learn how to control herself little by little.
That's why Xmen 1/2 Jean was so mellow and chill, in contrast to tormented nightmareish Sansa.
>people actually defending this
seriously? is this shilling or are you all retarded?
Magneto is a mutant of peace, you filthy anti-semitic goy.
Phoenix was the result of her developing multiple personalities based on Xavier restraining her powers. If he never did that there would be no reason for the Phoenix persona to ever exist.
I fucking hate that actress.
I thought Phoenix was a space alien who occupied Jean's mind because she was the only person strong enough for it.
pheonix is a being, retard. seperate from jean.
>your horsewoman waifu will never protect you with her life
>why live
Magneto is a dick though.
Cap would be on his side though.
That's pretty dumb desu.
That's not true, I just watched all 9 X-Men films in order and definitely found Magneto to be the hero.
So, the fact that Charles clearly states during the movie that Jean is one of the most extraordinary and powerful mutants just flew you by?
Also, the Phoenix origin story changes with each interpretation, it's not like it's set in stone.
But this isn't a different interpretation, this is the same interpretation as it's the same universe. A change in her powers requires an explanation. Imagine if Cyclops' eye-beams now burned through his eyelids so closing them doesn't help, or if Mystique could now transform into inanimate objects as well as people. We would expect an explanation. The same thing goes here, if you change someone's powers within the same universe you have to say why it's changed.
magneto isn't depicted as a villain because he's against registration.
I'm with you. If it were actually clever, I wouldn't mind it so much.
Is it true that Apocalypse walks by a TV and absorbs human knowledge from it while he groans "Learniiiiiing"?
Yes. And it's literally the only thing he does. The rest of the time he just sits there in a bubble. His 'apocalypse' is actually just spectating as Magneto implodes. Fucking terrible villain.
i hate oscar isaac now. why did he ever agree to this stupid shit?
Ehm... Dude...
>As originally written, the Jean Grey incarnation of the Phoenix was Jean herself, having attained her ultimate potential as a psi, becoming a being of pure energy and reforming herself as Phoenix,[10] only to become slowly corrupted by the manipulation of such foes as Mastermind and Emma Frost; unable to adapt to her enormous power, Jean was driven mad.
In the movieverse Phoenix is Jean's dual personality, which manifested from Xavier restraining her powers. In Apocalypse she taps into Phoenix level powers without the Phoenix personality, likely because Xavier didn't restrain her this time.
I have no idea what you're quoting and what it pertains to. But if you watch X3 they clearly describe the relevant film lore relating to Jean and the Phoenix, and it is inconsistent with what happens in Apocalypse.
Jesus Christ, I thought the review I read was taking the piss when it described that part. I think it's safe to assume anyone defending this movie is memeing at incomprehensible levels. I refuse to believe anyone can watch that scene and not instantly leave the theater.
kek, does he also make trite observations on culture? Apocalypse ranting about selfies being stupid deleted scene when
>literally killed millions of people
>That doesn't mean he's evil
It's from one of many origin stories about it.
And X3 clearly didn't explain that, they did the sequence with kid Jean explicitly to imply her uncontrollable inner power.
They never said "aliens dude".
i noticed more quips in this movie more than all the other x-men movies combined? what gives?
what quicksilver scene was LITERALLY manifested by reddit.
>All is revealed
what did he mean by this?
This is some new form of edge. It's come full circle - people must be so tolerant, that a superpowered death machine can wipe out an entire city, but it doesn't mean he's evil, since he was pretty sad.
I didn't say there was aliens. I'm just saying that Sansa Jean is inconsistent with Xenia Onatopp Jean even though they're the same person in the same universe.
But Job never turned to evil. In the book, he trusted God would always bring good to him and those he loved.
Magneto decided to start killing humans and mutants indiscriminately the moment his child and wife died in a freak accident.
Oh, I thought you were defending or referring to the space-entity origin... My bad.
Anyway, it's called artistic license, they can't possibly make it as complex or deep as comic books, so they have to let some things go, and just take what fits into the movie universe.
This was definitely a reference to something in the future, but I don't know what.
i literally posted about this on IMDB earlier today. this movie/series is fucking retarded.
but muh corrupted mind
I think millions is an enourmously low estimate. You could see that he destroyed or disabled at best almost the entire globe's transportation system and we can estimate he probably knocked out most power stations on the planet if what he did was a global phenomenon, which it was. Most of the planet's cities have a few day's food reserve. With no way for people to be able to transport food to the big cities apocalypse would have gotten his wish. There is really no way humanity can survive such a catastrophic destruction with just a few million dead.
Does this make him evil? No. He probably made room for humanity to reinvent itself and evolve, like apocalypse intended in the first place. Remove all the shit tier humans, make place for improvement.
>Magneto is a Jew who survives the genocide of his people
>Magneto then goes on to attempt to cleanse the Earth of humans
It was the only reason the film was enjoyable.
But that was just a slight personality disorder aggravated by Xavier's actions.
So did this one fuck up the Phoenix storyline more that X3?
Apocalypse can see the future
Yeah, he walks by the tv and says a line, but at the last word touches a TV that's depicting a history documentary. He taps into it somehow and the camera shifts outside to show satellites and stuff.
>next movie set in the 90's.
>Heeey,... Macarena! Aaay!
captain picard is the real evil person, just happens he's better at chess than magneto
he saw sansa's nudes
That movie sucked. Enough with the Charles/Magneto bromance. Focus on some actual X-Men next time.
Magneto is a jew so he will never be considered as evil as he used to be
I think Apocalypse had some supernatural influence over the mutants he made his Horsemen, it's the only way to explain their sudden will to destroy the world. They can't be held accountable to their actions, because they were mind controlled.
Then how were they able to turn on him so easily?
what's the point? there's no sense of danger anymore because all they have to do is tell jean to do her phoenix thing and BAM problem solved
prof X is also against registration though
Because the presence of other willful mutants threw this off.
They weren't entirely mind controlled, just had a very strong compulsion that was undone by the fighting and the destruction around them, as well as Apocalypse's surgery and Xavier's telepathy.
because he is jewish
can't have one of the chosen race be the actual villain, that would go against everythin we know about the jews
...Aside from general issues with Sophie, I don't see the problem here. Jean's always been fucking broken tier.
What people often forget is that Magneto is a mad old terrorist twat. No matter how he justifies his stupid, brutal behaviour, or how anyone else tries to justify it, in the end he's just an old bastard with daft, old ideas based on violence and coercion.
Except he is a villain in many other X-Men movies and comics issues, including the first and second one by Singer. He just has a good side to him sometimes.
No wonder he died.
>hates nazis
>join a mutant Hitler with the same views as the nazis
>kill over 6 million people
>the world of Magneto
shit made no sense
Apocalypse has compulsion powers, it was obvious in the TV series where he created his Horsemen out of mutants who wanted to be cure of their mutation and were rused by him.
Go shill your meme videos somewhere else, faggot.
I really don't think that's anything but coincidence. Because there is nothing to suggest there is a relationship to Israel at all except that he's Jewish.
Felt like Deus ex Machina and left a bad taste in my mouth to be honest.
Wish Jean had been actually fighting Apocalypse and the Horsemen before then and got pushed into using it and properly building up to it, but that didn't happen.
More clever than you. That's for sure