Does anyone else think there's more than meets the eye regarding a certain cold handed man?
>shows up at just the right time to rescue his nephew and best girl from zombies
>tells Bran he has to get to the wall
>we know from last episode the walkers put a brand on Bran that negates barrier magic, as evidenced by them getting in the cave
>not once did 3ER or the green hippies mention that Benjen is alive (oh by the way we rescued your long lost uncle, thought you'd like to know)
I think Benjen has either joined the walkers (brainwashed or by his own volition). Since the walkers wouldn't want Bran to suspect any foul play, who better to convince him to go to the wall than his dear beloved uncle?
Does anyone else think there's more than meets the eye regarding a certain cold handed man?
he's a daywalker
Yeah, it's a bit too convenient that he shows up and wants Bran to go south. I don't trust him.
Shameless self bump
Wasn't he captured by them and turned into one of them, but somehow he did a I REBEL against them and escape free?
Also there was a moose or he just rides a shitty horse?
No, what happened was a WW killed him and he was going to turn into a zombie, but one of the Children stuck some dragonglass in his heart to stop it from happening. So now he's half human, half zombie, half WW.
Ok I see thanks.
So now he's like superhuman or something?
>half, half, half
It seems like he's a pseudo white walker now, so he's impervious to everything except obsidian
Fascinating, shame the episode was mostly filler.
isn't it obvious that he is working for the WW ? The Night's King never wanted to kill Bran, what would the benefit be ? What he wants it to get him across the wall with his mark to break the magic barrier. So what does he do ? He invades the 3 eyed ravens home and forces Bran to move his ass, then sends in benjen (which is his bitch) to get Bran across the wall. noone will suspect a thing and the NK played everybody.
If the children of the forest stabbed him in the heart, why isn't he dead?
Same reason the Night's King didn't die last episode.
He was already dead and turning into a zombie. Apparently a COTF stabbing a living human with dragonglass turns them into a WW, but it brings them back as a sentient zombie if they stab a corpse.
This show has literally just started taking fan theories and running with them. I feel like most of the research this season was the writers Googling fan theories for various book mysteries.
I'm going for gasps
And yet if GRRM had released the next book and all of this would be in it, you would gobble it up.
Stop acting like anyone actually believes any of GRRM's work is perfect
Bran is for sure going to end up a villain. If Benjen is already on the WW side then this is just another step towards that
It depends on how it's done. Right now, the show basically seems to just be running with whatever fans give them because otherwise they don't really know where to go from here.
I mean, Benjen is an amazing example. They left absolutely no mystery to the character where in the books, Coldhands is still an unknown. They blew their load immediately.
It seems pretty clear to me that they're going to rush the Others coming down from the North so next season they can have the whole thing focused on everyone fighting them because that's an easier conflict than the political intrigue George has set up.
If hes pseudk WW shouldnt he be imprevius only to obsidian and vulnarable to everything else?
But isn't Bran supposed to know all of this then? And didn't this already happen because time loopz and sheeeeit?
Not really much of a special power is it?
>literally everything can kill you
>oh except this little black rock
If you can simply make a white walker by stabbing someone if the heart with dragon glass shouldn't there be more accidental whitewalkers made?
Dragonglass isn't really that common, and it probably only works if a COTF does it.
are ever going to see what happened next?
was that really the end of the Dorne story arc?
hey im here to help you
yea you have to drink blood now
>GoT comes to an end sandsneks suddenly jump out of nowhere stab whoever got on the thrown in the back and the show ends with a musical number
Why did they save him in particular though? It's not like the Children go around saving every one turning into a wight that they find. I'm guessing they treat him special cause he's a Stark
It's harder to keep character identities a secret in a TV show where there's actors who play these characters. It's why they didn't keep Barristan's identity a secret either. The audience would know just by looking at them
That's just it most likely. Starks are one of the oldest families in Westeros and have connections to the Others (the legendary Night's King in the books was a Stark) so they probably revived him to serve some greater purpose. Don't ask me how they knew he was a Stark, they're magic tree people.
>isn't it obvious that he is working for the WW ? The Night's King never wanted to kill Bran, what would the benefit be ? What he wants it to get him across the wall with his mark to break the magic barrier. So what does he do ? He invades the 3 eyed ravens home and forces Bran to move his ass, then sends in benjen (which is his bitch) to get Bran across the wall. noone will suspect a thing and the NK played everybody.
That makes no sense. He could've just marked Benjen and have him return to the wall.
The others are stark?
>CL = BS
0/10 autistic bait, go back to r3ddit.
No, the Night King in the show is a character they invented. He takes the name from a legendary Stark in the books who supposedly married a White Walker.
How to fuck did Benjen survive the Walkers' hit? Oh right, it was another Deus ex Machina. Thank you, DABID!
The Children saved him. Did you not pay attention?
No, just the one.
>According to legend, The Night's King lived during the Age of Heroes, not long after the Wall was complete. He was a fearless warrior named the thirteenth Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. Later, he fell in love with a woman "with skin as white as the moon and eyes like blue stars". He chased her and loved her though "her skin was cold as ice", and when he gave his seed to her he gave his soul as well. Night's King brought her back to the Nightfort and after the unholy union, he declared himself king and her his queen, and ruled the Nightfort as his own castle for thirteen years.
>During the dark years of his reign, horrific atrocities were committed, of which tales are still told in the north. It was not until Brandon the Breaker, the King of Winter, and Joramun, the King-Beyond-the-Wall, joined forces that Night's King was brought down and the Night's Watch freed. After his fall, when it was discovered that Night's King had been making sacrifices to the Others, all records of him were destroyed and his very name was forbidden and forgotten.
>While on his way north, Bran Stark recalls stories told to the Stark children of Night's King and the Nightfort by Old Nan, servant in Winterfell. She said some people believe Night's King was a Bolton, a Magnar of Skagos, an Umber, a Flint, a Norrey, or a Woodfoot. However, she identifies Night's King as a Stark of Winterfell and brother to the King of Winter and suggests his name was Brandon.
Holy fuck they ruined Coldhands harder than I could ever imagine. What a fucking boring adapatation. I just know, after all of Season 6 fumbling around, Lady Stoneheart is going to be laughably ruined.
If you want in that baby boy's hole, you gotta pay the toll.
he has 3 balls
DeM, basically. Thank you.
No, because 1) it has to be done in the spoopy warg-realm, and/or 2) because Benjen might not return to the other side of the wall if he was touched. If the NK killed and marked benjen, benjen would just be a normal wight and couldn't pass through the wall.
No, I think it's just shit writing.
So bran is the nites king