A jury in L.A. found him guilty of shooting and killing April Jace in 2014. During the trial, the jury heard a transcript of Michael's interview with police ... where he said he only intended to shoot her in the leg while they were arguing about a divorce.
A jury in L.A. found him guilty of shooting and killing April Jace in 2014. During the trial...
>he a good boi
>he turnin' his life around
>he only funnin' around and dindu nuffin he only accidently in her leg
>/pol9k/ has to side with a black or a woman
It was dutch. Cats aren't enough anymore.
>he only intended to shoot her in the leg while they were arguing about a divorce.
That's the funniest thing I've read since that waterboarding thread a few minutes ago.
>learned "shoot in the leg" disarming tactic from working on a cop show
>it backfires and kills your wife
is this television's fault?
>it's a Dutch watches his coworker have sex episode
So you all have to either side with a woman or a negro.
Good luck.
How does this affect the new season???
Fucking racists,clearly innocent
Black guy.
Black woman = definitely provoked it
White woman = provoked it + dead coalburner
>you all have to either side with
And here's where you're wrong.
Netherlands yes!
At least it wasn't Vick Mackey.
Too bad his wife didn't have a Shield.
They had basically phased him out after season three due to the actor refusing to play gay and forcing Ryan to having Julian pray the gay away.
In retrospect, they should have called his bluff and let him walk, then retrofitted his gay cop backstory onto Ronnie/promoted Danny earlier in the series. Granted you'd lose the patrol officer angle of the series, but by season two, it was pretty much padding for each episode.
Juries gonna jury
The patrol officer stuff actually was a vital part of the show: it let them world build Farmington and show how utterly thankless being a cop there was, in terms of tilting at windmills and generally speaking, dealing with a general public which saw the cops as bad guys.
Shit like that is why I'm glad The Shield was pre-Web 2.0; stuff like Julian's plot line and "Make X Gay" shit never really took over the show and tainted it or the fanbase.
...shield thread?
currently on season 5
i bet she found out he was gay
To be fair, didn't the writers eventually toss him a bone by way of having it established that he could have fucked Vic's wife at any time he wanted to and even turned down a chance to fuck her, because he didn't want to give Vic the satisfaction of being assblasted that even the office dweeb could cuck him?
He killed her so he could finally be around all the gay men he wants in prison
>shooting your uppity wife is illegal in America
Fucking murricans you guys are so cucked
To be fair, that's actually based on real life. Jay Karnes and Shawn Ryan are BFFs in real life and in the DVD commentaries, they routinely joke about how Ryan mined Karnes' sordid romantic exploits for storyline fodder for his character.
>when the toll is paid
old joke and delivered terribly
I'm embarrassed for the person who made this
Since we are talking Shield actors and their dead wives, anyone know the story about Walt Goggins' dead wife? Something about how she threw herself off a building to her death around season three?
who /hungrylikethewolf/ here?
Does that mean that Jay fucked Shawn Ryan's wife, hence why they did the storyline where they almost fuck but he decides not to at the last minute, even though Corrine was more than willing to fuck him and then brag about it to her ex?
reminds me of
He threw her off but got away with it
Evil white man at it again. Another innocent youth in jail now.
Hes 50
He had his whole career ahead of him ;_;
By all accounts, Goggins met and started dating a legit mentally ill woman who had delusions that people were out to kill her.
Goggins took pity on her and convinced her to marry him, so he could play white knight and make her get on meds and see a shrink.
However, even though he married her, his crazy ass wife refused any and all attempt to get her professional help. But before he could have her committed to an insane asylum or even divorce her, she jumped to her death to escape the imaginary voices trying to harm her.
Given how his two main roles were blatant closet homosexuals, someone needs to photoshop that Nazi Flag into a rainbow flag.
Racist. Stop contributing to white supremacy, bigot.
seeing as this is kind of a shield thread, where the fuck can i get a full torrent of all seasons ?
i've been trying to find one because i've never seen it before and none of them have seeders
That reminds me, what's the Vegas odds for how many episodes into his new show with Danny McBride, will it be before they make a joke about Walt's character being a closet Nazi, a closet racist, or saying the n-word or other ethnic slur in anger?
>tfw god damn niggers
Is that ZUN's artwork?
Is he finally getting better?
depsite it being a tragedy the OC that came from those events were hilarious
Dunno, I watched all of the shield on DVD
Vice principles looks awesome. HBO has sucked since Eastbound and down ended
who else got the $10 memorial day sale special?
the only tragedy was all the business that got robbed and destroyed
>he only intended to shoot her in the leg while they were arguing about a divorce
Fucking golden.
Knowing Boogie, the exertion from those 3 seconds of activiity would have probably almost killed him
>april jace
>he could play white knight
You may not be using it the same way but I don't think Goggins is the faggy online white knight but someone who'd actually want to help someone.