Eternal /got/ general

Valyrian Steel Armor Edition.

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Post actors that definitely have had some gay experience

fuck you he would be a shitty euron


Can someone tell me what the fuck Benjen was doing in the North for 5 seasons?

9th for GAGs

As somebody who shat on every episode so far, this last one was pretty decent.

nth for budget cuts

>The Targaryens have always been as unstable as they were great, but this one seems a beast in human skin.

>Viserys Targaryen was bitter and entitled, aye, but a man could deal with Viserys. We've all known worse. But this younger sister of his ... they say she's mad and cruel, a monster.

>The evil is in her blood, she is an inbred born of rape. An usurper, no matter what Barristan Turncloak says.

>She should have been content to grind corn in Essos. Does she truly think that she can ever rule Westeros?

> And Books, the clever Volantene swordsman who always seemed to have his nose poked in some crumbly scroll, thought the dragon queen both murderous and mad. “Her khal killed her brother to make her queen. Then she killed her khal to make herself khaleesi. She practices blood sacrifice, lies as easily as she breathes, turns against her own on a whim. She’s broken truces, tortured envoys … her father was mad too. It runs in the blood.”

>Her blood is bad. She needs to be leeched. The leeches suck away the bad blood, all the rage and pain. No girl can think so full of anger. Daenarys, though her tainted blood would poison even leeches, I fear.

>With her bowed legs, flabby arms, and prominent eyebrows, she presented a comical appearance, but Jon knew better than to laugh at her. She was a wife to Khal Drogo and had been among the first to follow him in accepting the Dothraki's stallion god. If she is not a kinslayer, she is the next best thing. Daenerys Targaryen's brother had been burned by Drogo, Ser Jorah had informed him, yet Daenerys had done little and less to stop it. What sort of woman can stand by idly and watch her own brother being burned alive?


my mom seems sure of it

what makes you say that?

fucking some Children otf

The budget has only increased season after season though.



Why do so many people care about the stupid fucking wolves? What do they do? They're stupid animals who cares if they die.

>The dumb wolf that hasn't done anything except kill a few people now and then died

Good riddance.

xth for baelish

What's everyone's favorite example of the Emmy Award Winning Writing this season?

A couple of mine:

>You greedy bitch!
>Let's go murder them
>You'd need 1000 ships.

so edgy will you please fuck my mom

20th for Dickon

They keep spending more on le epic CGI Dany scenes.

>Being this edgy


You're the sort of monster that thinks it was right to shoot Harambe


when is Rickon gonna marry Dickson and become the gay emperors of Essos?

>your face when you must chase and outpace Based Mace the Ace in a race




>“No” said Martin, “I continue to be opposed to fan fiction because it’s copyright infringement. HBO, of course, gets around this by paying me large dump trucks full of money. So, if you would like to arrive in front of my house with a large dump truck full of money, I may consider allowing you to do some fan fiction. But I won’t consider it fan fiction then. I would consider it a sub-license. I make many sub-licenses to people who do games and card games and coins, etcetera. But Harlan Ellison always had this rule that he has been very vocal about over the years. You can find his diatribe about it on YouTube: ‘PAY THE WRITER’. And I think John also feels (one must) pay the artist, because this is how we make our living.”

Child > A Gorilla

Americans have stupid priorities to see it the other way around.

The actor was one of the main characters in the tv series Queer as Folk.


probably figured the night's watch and normal people in general wouldn't accept someone whos an undead half icezombie

Is 9GAG down or something? What the fuck is going on tonight?

where did this meme theory come from?

Smeone needs to turn this into an image now Dickon has been cast.

That's the real reason why he's our guy

He looked kinda like a chad but not as much as an asshole as I expected

There is a fresh batch of boipussy on Sup Forums you better scoot.

Fuck off Reddit.


most of them

actors are just higher paid theaterfags

Why did Sam act like he knew nothing about hunting when him being forced to learn how to hunt by Randyll was a plot point in Season 1?

Also since when do women not hunt? They may not go boar hunting, but hawking is a respected tradition for ladies.

In the books they're badass, in the show all they do is die.

Will the Winds of Winter EVER BE RELEASED?

this dude looks like he has seen some shit.

>dick on face dot jaypeg
>no dick on his face



I have never been on reddit, I was genuinely curious as to why retards think two characters who have never met will be emperors of a place they have never been to.

Yes, one chapter at a time.

>dope as shit fishscale armour scares enemies who are afraid of fish

I don't even understand this. Why wouldn't they just keep the original set of armor for further use later?

did Blackfish just teleport behind Jaime's back?

jesus his fat fuck is insufferable


bb, it's back up. best scoot

>Now it ends
>I feel the Winds of Winter lick across the lands
>Hello mother, this is my wive's son
>Finally, I know what it feels like to be the Song of Ice and Fire

>tfw you will never watch frogfu get stuffed with feminine dicks

what embarrassing whores I hope there parents killed themselves.

What will Stannis' plot arc be in season 7?

>Ramsay in open rebellion in the North
>Euron in open rebellion in the Iron Islands
>Blackfish in open rebellion in the Riverlands
>Sand Snecks in open rebellion in Dorne
>Random Stannis extras in open rebellion in Storm's End and Dragonstone
>High Sparrow STILL has the heir to House Tyrell locked up
>Dany could show up with her dragons at any time
>Nah, let's just leave the only good soldier at home to go on hunting trips and have family drama

Is everyone on this show blind and stupid?

Who the hell cares what the fat old prick thinks? He's got an ego the size of the moon, wants all of his manuscripts burnt when he dies because god forbid someone finish the story, and is butthurt about something as dumb as not being paid for fanfiction. Fuck him, how about he finishes what he started in a reasonable amount of time instead of doing everything BUT writing, including this stupid interview excerpt.

Rare cordys where?

Morons have priorities wrong, you arab fucking euro

too bad jaime reks him :(


Something about it being hard to film, lighting and all. Easier to use the cheap sheet metal shit.

This soundtrack is the ultimate comfyness, why teh fuck isn't there a decentversion of it realeased anywhere yet?

Dragonstone has been taken if I remember rightly.

Cut from the show

>Why did Sam act like he knew nothing about hunting when him being forced to learn how to hunt by Randyll was a plot point in Season 1?

Awkwardly trying to fit it and mumbling crap?

Fresh off the presses

Frogfu is almost certainly a dyke. Not an insult, just factual.

Not on the show.

did you just find the internet yesterday?

They probably just have not shown it because nobody important is there.

it's a /got/ meme, you dip

I knew if I memed about Randyll Tarly enough people would catch on.

>literally the greatest military commander still living in all of westeros
>one of the tyrell's most powerful bannermen
>sitting at home instead of leading an army or sitting on the small council LIKE HE SHOULD BE DOING BY NOW

lel at pic

I'm pretty sure the next next book (ADoS) wont see the light of day (nor GRRM)

He's not a good soldier, he's an excellent military commander. There are no battles for him to lead in.

these fucking hacks can't even follow the 180 rule

>d&d will butcher jaime's riverland arc
>Jaime will kill blackfish in coldblood in the show
>off screen

Jaime is the most disappointing character this season after urine

chillin Howland Reed is also hunting frogs at home

i think every season's soundtrack is on Spotify

>psssh.... nothing personalll.....kid

>there will never be a dream world where you go to a GoT party and watch them experimenting on each other just for fun


Haha have an uboat lads!

i honestly don't care, i just want book 6 so i can know what happens to jaime, davos, theon and JonCon. maybe jon and sansa. everyone else can fuck off.

>young lena
my cock

so there isn't actually any theory or evidence to support this idiocy?

This guy is a stupid fucking asshole just waiting to be killed.

>Wars going down
>lol I'm gonna stay at home and hunt

I personally like the fact that the more dazzling, heroic parts designs are taken out of the armor when the Lannisters are in charge.

No, this soundtrack si unreleased, I looked for it everywhere in every season's ost video, it appears during the red wedding, the purople wedding, and briefly during Tyrion's wedding with Sansa, but it's never been released.


Didnt they just send Jamie off to battle?

seriously, how new are you?

They don't have control of half the kingdom, including the capital.